The Evil Within

You are correct. :eek:

Though it still plays a little differently than TEW. TEW feels a bit more like some of the older RE games (as you might expect being from the same creator.) I didn't play those very well either. In fact, I watched my brother beat the first RE game because I got so fed up with the controls. TEW is a LOT better obviously, but it still kinda has that feel to it. Dead Space even though it's a bit slow paced, still allows you to aim very precisely almost like an FPS (especially when using a mouse.) In fact, the whole game mechanic depends on control precision as you're trying to blast limbs off at the joint.

But you're right, I shouldn't have grouped that in. I think I was running down two trains of thought there, and they emerged as a train wreck. :D

I agree with you. Dead Space definitely had tighter aiming mechanics. This game feels like a throw back to the RE days where the controls were always slightly wonky.
How is that a spoiler? lol

:D It's a spoiler because now I'm assuming the whole damn thing either takes place in Castellanos' head or else he's really the evil entity behind everything. Time will tell. Anyway, just giving you a hard time. Still have another 7 chapters to go myself.
Just beat the game on Survivor. Had a lot of fun with this game, but I don't think it's gonna have the same replayability as RE4. I got two bonus weapons after beating the game, one was a machine gun and the other was a rocket launcher. From what I read ammo for the machine gun is extremely rare and you never get ammo for the rocket launcher. Once you use up your initial stock of 20 rockets, you have a dead rocket launcher. You do not get any more rockets when beating the game again either. What's the point of giving us new game+ with these bonus weapons when we can barely even use them, but whatever.

My main complaint of the game is the sheer number of cut-scenes that cannot be skipped. There's also a lot of scripted psychological sequences that honestly I don't feel like they really add anything to the game. Would've been better to just make them cut-scenes that can be skipped. All you're doing is basically pressing the w key on your keyboard for the most part. Don't get me wrong this stuff was cool for on the first playthrough, but it's gonna get real old quick. That's what I like about RE4, virtually ever single cut-scene can be instantly skipped. Even miscellaneous cut scenes like switches opening, camera panning, etc. You're always instantly playing the actual game.

Have some fun.
Activate the console command in steam launch options: +com_allowconsole 1
Start the game............

Hit the insert button.....

then G_infiniteammo "1"..............then enter.............

you'll never have to worry about ammo again.

I played through the first time without any cheats......I thought the game was merciless. I was honestly worn out living by the skin of my teeth.............

so I said fuck it and on game+ I activated unlimited ammo...........hey, if the baddies are going to be empowered, so am I.:D
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I have zero black bars. Config file only, Flawless Widescreen removed from my machine.

I changed it in both the .cfg file in the base folder, and in the saved games folder under the windows user profile. Not sure which one did the trick, but one of them does.

I'm using 1.8 for the value.
That setting zooms the viewport in to get rid of the black bars, which is why Flawless Widescreen is necessary. FWS maintains the visibility to the left of the character.

Watch this video to see the difference.

The game truly looks amazing in its fullscreen splendor. I have no idea why they chose to do letterboxing if it were for design's sake. It is clearly an attempt to get better performance on the consoles, considering the horrible performance console players are experiencing even with fewer pixels to process.
^ Armenius is correct. I didn't recommend FW because a config file is hard to modify, I recommended because config file method still doesn't look right. Based on Bethesda's forum post yesterday it sounds like they're going to patch in the ability to remove black bars *properly* in the future, but for now, FW is the only method that makes the game look right without losing something.

As for whether black bars are there just to get better performance on the consoles, I'm not so sure, since reddit detectives have already unearthed that black bar is added post-render. I would lay money that its the effect the developer intentionally wanted, for better or worse. Chalk it up to quirky japanese developer.
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That setting zooms the viewport in to get rid of the black bars, which is why Flawless Widescreen is necessary. FWS maintains the visibility to the left of the character.

Watch this video to see the difference.

The game truly looks amazing in its fullscreen splendor. I have no idea why they chose to do letterboxing if it were for design's sake. It is clearly an attempt to get better performance on the consoles, considering the horrible performance console players are experiencing even with fewer pixels to process.

Gotcha. Yeah, it would appear that I'm just in the zoomed no black-bar state. Which honestly is working out ok for me, but maybe I'll toss FWS back on and see if it's noticeably better for me.
I need to get back to this game. I got Bayonetta 2, and couldn't stop playing it all weekend. I'll likely finish TEW this week. Any news on patches or the like? It's running more than fine for me, so this is mostly out of curiosity.
I disagree, having the lantern was an integral part of the gameplay experience. One of my pet peeves is dark games that have no flash light.

I'm thinking they should've added a lighting system that is not as taxing on the system.
Having a hard time trying to finish this game. It's just not very good or fun. At this point I am only playing it for the sole reason it is Halloween season but honestly the game isn't really scary, say like Outlast.
Having a hard time trying to finish this game. It's just not very good or fun. At this point I am only playing it for the sole reason it is Halloween season but honestly the game isn't really scary, say like Outlast.

I'm in the same boat, trying to find something scary to play for Halloween.
Having a hard time trying to finish this game. It's just not very good or fun. At this point I am only playing it for the sole reason it is Halloween season but honestly the game isn't really scary, say like Outlast.

I'm finding the game is more "difficult" and bloody than it is scary. The game is hard and frustrating, but not really scary. each chapter has it's own unique boss to defeat and none carry the same strategy to beat them.:(

I hear Alien Isolation is scarier.

From what I've seen Alien Isolation is more tension and things jumping out at you rather than scary......sort of Doom 3-like in that regard.
gory and scary are 2 completely separate things...sounds like Evil Within is the 'Saw' or 'Hostel' of video games
gory and scary are 2 completely separate things...sounds like Evil Within is the 'Saw' or 'Hostel' of video games

It’s better than say Saw. It’s by the creator of Resident Evil 4 which wasn’t scary itself but could be edge of your seat intense. That’s all Evil Within is going for mostly. I find Dead Space (first game) this way as well.

If you want truly scare, Outlast, Amnesia, and Condemned are good examples.
To me, to make a game scary, you have to feel vulnerable but capable at all times. Not many games are able to replicate that, especially those with many weapons.
While I consider Resident Evil 4 to be an epic game, I think it was only scary very early in the game when you didn't know what you were in for. The earlier games were scary because you had no supplies and the controls were wonky as hell. I don't actually think any of them were great "scary" games, but they had a nice storyline.
F.E.A.R. did a lot of things right. (the original) It still wasn't completely scary, but it definitely had its moments. (and not just jump scares) It just threw these random weird things at you, like little girl Alma twitching and break-dancing across the floor toward you in one of the most random locations. I just sat there and stared going what the fuck, before I actually tried to move or do anything.

System Shock 2 could get scary at times. Low ammo, running down the hall while a hybrid apologizes for trying to bash your head in with a wrench. Not bad...

I haven't been scared yet in TEW, but it is twisted, and it does make me hide from things once in a while, so it does get fairly intense. Not exceedingly so, but it's pretty good.
gory and scary are 2 completely separate things...sounds like Evil Within is the 'Saw' or 'Hostel' of video games

The gore in this game is fantastic, The Evil Within has some of the most meaty combat and headshots in a shooter I've ever seen.

For me the game was more about psychological horror and not so much about jump scares. Like Dead Space I was having so much fun with the combat and weapons that I didn't spend much time feeling powerless.

Another plus about the game is that there are no bullet sponges, you don't duck behind cover and shoot an enemy for 2 minutes to kill it. Every bullet you fire makes a difference and is valuable.
Another plus about the game is that there are no bullet sponges, you don't duck behind cover and shoot an enemy for 2 minutes to kill it. Every bullet you fire makes a difference and is valuable.

Agreed. The enemies take just the right amount and type of damage to kill, and every bit impacts it in some way.
F.E.A.R. did a lot of things right. (the original) It still wasn't completely scary, but it definitely had its moments. (and not just jump scares) It just threw these random weird things at you, like little girl Alma twitching and break-dancing across the floor toward you in one of the most random locations. I just sat there and stared going what the fuck, before I actually tried to move or do anything.

System Shock 2 could get scary at times. Low ammo, running down the hall while a hybrid apologizes for trying to bash your head in with a wrench. Not bad...

I haven't been scared yet in TEW, but it is twisted, and it does make me hide from things once in a while, so it does get fairly intense. Not exceedingly so, but it's pretty good.

FEAR had some of the best damn gunplay/gameplay of a FPS, period. If the level variety had been a little different the game would have been a masterpiece. I still prefer it to Half-Life 2 which also came out around the same time.

FEAR had some of the best damn gunplay/gameplay of a FPS, period. If the level variety had been a little different the game would have been a masterpiece. I still prefer it to Half-Life 2 which also came out around the same time.


It still looks pretty good now too. I've been meaning to give it another play sometime soon. I've only played it once since my original play-through in 2004 or whenever it came out. I'll do it after I finish up The Evil Within and Bayonetta 2.
As I've stated before, FEAR was excellent. It's still the only game I went to a midnight release at Gamestop for. While my computer at the time couldn't necessarily run it that great with the bells/whistles on (X700 Pro), it still looked better than most games. Really a phenomenal game.
Damnit, you're making it move up my queue. :D

Might have to play it after Bayonetta, but before I continue on in TEW.
Seems there's a patch incoming that supposedly fixes some of the issues. Per the forums, it's hard to tell if there are actual fixes or if they just made the console commands selectable via the menu.
Hopefully this is more than that and not their only update.
Seems there's a patch incoming that supposedly fixes some of the issues. Per the forums, it's hard to tell if there are actual fixes or if they just made the console commands selectable via the menu.
Hopefully this is more than that and not their only update.
Changelog from BethSoft forums:

With the update, players with high-end PCs will be able to go in to their settings and toggle between running the game with a 30 FPS cap or a 60 FPS cap. Additionally, players will be able to disable the letterbox "black bars" in the game settings -- allowing you to maximize your screen's real estate.

Full changelog below...

Update Notes
  • Frame lock settings added
    • In settings, you can now toggle between a 30 FPS and 60 FPS cap.
  • Letterbox setting
    • UI toggle to disable the letterbox bars
  • Fixes gameplay issues when running at >30 FPS
  • Fixes for visual issues associated with removing letterbox framing
  • Achievements now work when console is enabled
  • Fix for game starting in windowed mode on first run
  • Minor localization fixes
I wonder if that means the FOV is fixed now when removing the letterboxing.
I've been asking around and people are claiming performance is better or at least the game feels more steady. I think some of the FOV issues were related to zooming in, though.
I'll try it in a few hours and post if it did anything.
Yeesh, 1.5GB download.....

Here's hoping.

And yes... to this day I still go back and play F.E.A.R. at least once a year. This might be a good time for it actually, tis almost Halloween after all. :D
60 fps still feels and looks like crap after patch. It feels no better than 30 fps and actually adds some hitching too. So nothing has improved as for as that goes.
so much for the 'cinematic' reasoning behind the 30 fps cap

Huh? Its like you're glass half empty on everything today. I'm sure the director still preferred the 30FPS look, but due to the screaming and bitching online from people "I dont care I want my 60FPS" they added the option. What's the problem?
sarcasm? This whole 30 fps nonsense was touted as being more cinematic.

Wait, so you also think that because they patched an option in post-launch to appease all the complainers, that it means #THEYLIED - that they didn't actually prefer the look of 30FPS for their title?

You guys are too much.
Wait, so you also think that because they patched an option in post-launch to appease all the complainers, that it means #OMGTHEYLIED - that they didn't ACTUALLY prefer the look of 30FPS in the first place?

You guys are too much.
WTF are you on about? He simply made a joking remark relating to some game developers claiming 30 fps as being cinematic.
Huh? Its like you're glass half empty on everything today. I'm sure the director still preferred the 30FPS look, but due to the screaming and bitching online from people "I dont care I want my 60FPS" they added the option. What's the problem?

glass half empty on everything today?...LOTF is a severely bugged game...major far as TEW...creative intent is not something that should be compromised...if they really felt that 30 fps was the way it was meant to be played then they wouldn't/shouldn't have changed's obvious that they caved to public pressure but they also used the 30 fps as an excuse to cover up performance issues