The Evolution Of Modern Game Controllers


Aug 20, 2006
Take a look at how far we’ve gone from the single button, single joystick Atari 2600 controller. I always thought the Jaguar controller was funny as a kid because I thought you could dial someone on it. Which is your favorite controller ever?

What you'll find in the gallery below is a comprehensive look at gamepads from the past 30-plus years of gaming, including high points and missteps alike.
The 360 controller still remains the gold standard for me, personally. Really felt Microsoft tried to fix what wasn't broke with the new XB1 controllers.
Xbox Duke was the pinnacle of controllers, downhill ever since.
My favorite Controller is a tossup between the original NES controller and the Sega Saturn controller.
What controller I use is decided on what controller the game was designed around. But that consideration removed, the N64 controller is the best ever. I love that thing.
I.... still like my Gravis gampad.... Beyond that, keyboard and mouse
I'm a big fan of the N64 controller. I use one with a USB adapter for all my emulator needs and even in some computer games also.
I loved the Duke Controller...still today this day my favorite. I will take the PS4 Controller in its places as my current favorite controller.
I never liked anything Sega and didn't care for N64 either. I remember all I had was a NES at first and my friend always wanted me to come over and play Genesis. "WTF'ing 3 buttons in a row bullcrap!" lol

The NeoGeo was pretty cool when it came out but the games sucked for the most part. The controller felt pretty good, similar to SNES.

XB 360 is my go-to emulator controller now. Other than that I don't use a gamepad anymore.

I.... still like my Gravis gampad.... Beyond that, keyboard and mouse

Ah yes! :cool: (the flat white one?) I still have mine in a box somewhere. I stopped using it ever since sound cards (that I want) stopped using game ports. Reminds me of when I was blown away by my Sound Blaster AWE32. Especially after I clicked some more RAM in it, I could make some midi files like you wouldn't believe, hehehe.:p
The 360 controller still remains the gold standard for me, personally. Really felt Microsoft tried to fix what wasn't broke with the new XB1 controllers.
I feel the same way with the playstation controllers, they're the perfect size, and going from one machine to the next there wasn't a radical change in design, overall perfect.
Oh yes the flat white one. Still have mine. Loved it back in the day. Still works as far as I know. I have a Logitech dual action controller around for some old school X-wing or Tie fighter gaming, but beyond that, I am not a controller kind of fellow.
I feel the same way with the playstation controllers, they're the perfect size, and going from one machine to the next there wasn't a radical change in design, overall perfect.

I like the PS2 controllers, but after using the 360 controller the PS2 has a cheap feel to the buttons. I suppose the PS3/4 is better in that respect. The N64 controllers were nice for games on that system, but the stick was very weak. After a few years of frequent use they get loose and hang to the side. Sadly when playing recently (with emulators) one broke off while playing Mario Kart. :(
Using a standard 360 style wired controller, but would like to find something newer. The Dpad is on its last legs.

I used to use a Razer 360 controller, which was brilliant. There was, however, an accident with it that may or may not have involved copious amounts of whiskeys. They apparently stopped making that one, and replaced it with a newer model, but I've yet to look into that one. I'd like to see their take on an XB1 controller, but with MS putting out their new $150 one, I doubt I'll see that anytime soon.

That new MS one with the changeable parts looks pretty swank, but I don't think I'll be spending $150 on a controller if it doesn't include something to do with blowing and/or hookers.
I constantly thrashed and had to repair/replace the Atari 2600 Joysticks.
xbox controller S was perhaps the ideal controller for adult male hands.

xbox 360 and xbox one controllers have better technology and refinements, but they've been shrunken down so kids can use them better.
My hands are rather small, so the fit of the 360 controller and the xbone controller are better than the controller S or the Duke obviously. I think that Dualshock 4 actually fit in my hands better than the Xbone controller for that matter.

It's making me think that the Asian market would gravitate to more compact controllers than the American market, although the 3DS is a case where the larger XL is better than the original in all markets.
That's easy, the SNES Controller, can't really explain why, it always just felt 'right', but if I had a 2nd choice it would be almost a tie with the the NES Max Controller.
The SNES controller was great. Was never really an analog stick fan, it was ok for Goldeneye but a PC with a mous eis just so much better.

For racing games the PS2 design did me well. Just recently got an xbox360 controller for my pc, liking it so far. Size is ok, could be a bit bigger, and I don't see an issue with the B button location.
What controller I use is decided on what controller the game was designed around. But that consideration removed, the N64 controller is the best ever. I love that thing.

As weird as the design was for that controller there was something about it that was just plain awesome. I remember Pokemon Stadium (2 I think?) having all those mini-games that actually made you switch around which handles you were holding depending on the game, one even had you use the dpad + analog stick combo.
Everything ever made has been a version of the SNES controller, end of story.
You mean, my pants, that hampster, the clouds, the statue of liberty, black enegry... are all a version of the SNES controller?! cool...
>Link to article from their frontpage
>Leads to just another frontpage for the article
>Each 10 second article is its own page

Holy fuck, talk about desperate for ad revenue. I'm not going again out of spite if they're pulling shit like this.

That would be like a 5-6 hardware review here on HardOCP extended over 90 pages.
Everything ever made has been a version of the SNES controller, end of story.

The button layout and shoulder buttons... That's about it. Very influential controller and I love it, but I wouldn't give it that much credit.

Sega Saturn was a great controller. XBox 360 is about the best, IMO. I bought a PS3 controller and didn't care for it much (I used to love the old PS1 dual shock). I was able to find a PS3 controller with a XBox 360 layout that I love.
Gamecube controller is the best. Its design looked weird aesthetically, but once you held it in your hands and started playing games it felt very intuitive and natural. My circle of university friends all thought the wireless Wavebird was the best controller ever made.
Mad Catz Panther XL. Programmable Joystick & trackball all in one. They even had a prototype of it for the Xbox 360, but it never made it to production which is too bad.
The snes controller is what spawned the modern era of controllers today. Microsoft and Sony basically copied the configurations and added their own version of the idea. Original started with a base controller like the snes. Diamond button. L and R top buttons. Gamecube is one of my favorites when it comes to comfort. 360 is next and then dualshock. The best one controller is like saying what is the best mouse. It's what ever is the most comfortable for you ;).
They did not even mention the Intellivision controller, which tells me they don't have a good grasp of early video game history.

The Intellivision controllers certainly had their flaws, but they also enabled the first (small) steps towards more complex game play and strategy. Also, the Colecovision and Atari 5200 controllers were partly inspired by the Intellivision controller.
My favorite Controller is a tossup between the original NES controller and the Sega Saturn controller.

I had a lot of sore thumbs from those original NES controllers. Although I know that pressing harder made no difference, I still pressed harder on the d pad anyways. :D