The game you like that nobody knows of


[H]F Junkie
Jun 12, 2012
In trend with the recent similar threads I thought this could actually be of benefit to others.
Post games that you think not enough people know about, but you like them.

Here are mine:

Screamer 4x4 ______________This game has the most ridiculous name most likely forced by the publisher as Screamer is an arcade racer franchise, but this game is a hard core off-road trial simulator, with very realistic physics, even at today's standards.
Hard Truck : Apocalypse _____A post apocalyptic truck warfare game, where you can trade, and extensively customize your truck. IMO it's a lot of fun, and has great atmosphere.
Loco mania ________________A logic puzzle game, where you direct incoming trains on increasingly complicated maps, by aligning switches and operating signals. Each map has several exit points, and trains randomly appear at each that must be directed to their exit, often by routing them trough stations in a specific order. Can you avoid a jam?
Odyssey by Car ____________A car game with wonky but fun physics where your only goal is to collect all points scattered around each map, before the time runs out. OK this might not be for everyone, but I just love it. Too bad it can be finished very quickly.
EarthSiege II: ______________The be and end all of mech warfare. It's much better than Mechwarrior, with upgrading and buying mechs and salvaging to have money.
Raptor: Call of the Shadows __A vertical scrolling shoot em up, that aged very well. It's the best in it's genre ever created.
Rally Championship 2000 ____Richard Burns rally might be considered the best rally simulation by the masses, but this game captures the essence of rallying much better, with dozens of very challenging and long stages up to 40km in length.
BeamNG.Drive _____________A racing game under development, with state of the art soft body physics. Resulting in extremely realistic crashes and damage simulation. Usually I'm not a fan of early access, but this game is fun even without any goals or purpose, just for the sake of driving around and crashing vehicles into each other.

Sorry that I'm posting so many retro games, but it only shows that I've been a gamer for a very long time. But I'd be glad to hear about modern, unknown, but great games.
EarthSiege II: ______________The be and end all of mech warfare. It's much better than Mechwarrior, with upgrading and buying mechs and salvaging to have money.

I agree!! This game mopped the floor with Mechwarrior back in the day!

Glad somebody else thought so.

I loved the sequel to Rise of Nations, "Rise of Legends". I have yet to see anyone on the forum mention it :(
EarthSiege II: ______________The be and end all of mech warfare. It's much better than Mechwarrior, with upgrading and buying mechs and salvaging to have money.

My favorite Mech game back in the day was this guy right here:

The Curious Expedition. It is alpha Steam game, love it. reminds me of the games I played as a kid.
Rally Championship 2000 ____Richard Burns rally might be considered the best rally simulation by the masses, but this game captures the essence of rallying much better, with dozens of very challenging and long stages up to 40km in length.

I still have the disc. Best racing game ever.
Loved so badly Soul of The Ultimate Nation... sadly it was in Webzen's hand and now it's closed.
GemFire for Snes
DragonForce for Sega Saturn
Wizardry 2&8 SNES/PC
Wizardry: Tale of the Forsaken Land PS2
7th Saga SNES
Giants: Citizen Kabuto isn't totally unknown but it was awesome and not very well publicized.

Revenant was totally kick ass! Too bad it becomes super easy once you assemble the sword.

I was gonna say Otogi Myth of Demons and it's sequel... but it was mentioned in the game name thread, so hard to say it's unknown when clearly, some one knows it. Still awesome games though.
Fury 3! Where did this franchise go? It was such an awesome game!
Rock and Roll Racing (Genesis)
Flashback (Genesis)
tales of phantasia (ROM)
CyberMage: Darklight Awakening from Origin. Much more than another Doom clone at the time,it had RPG elements and an incredible amount of high tech weapontry and magical powers available,really ahead of it's time. I'd love to see a remake of it.
Thunder Force 4

Only cause OP said Raptor is the "best in it's genre ever created."
I still have the 3.5 discs somewhere and while I agree that it is VERY good, it doesn't touch Cave shooters like Dodonpachi, Vasara, etc... Or Thunder Force 4. Thunder Force 4 is on Genesis, graphics are insane, if not the best use a scrolling and parallax ever done on the Genesis. The metal soundtrack for boss battles will get you pumped.
Raptor was one of my favorite games back in the day. That, Jill of the Jungle, and Jetpack ate up a lot of my time.
Not completely obscure, but Mega Man Battle Network. I've played mostly mainstream games in the last several years.
Well, this is a flashback to my childhood.

+1 for Raptor

One Must Fall 2097 anyone?
Soldner: Secret Wars :eek:

I remember this game, played for a little bit but it was pretty fun.

My favorite game that nobody knew of was Anarchy Online. It didn't get much marketting in the states and by the time it grew to be popular and had most of it's bugs ironed out WOW was released.
Giants is great! Used to have a lot of fun playing this one at LAN parties.

Love this game. Still have my discs for it somewhere. :cool:

I think pretty much my entire collection of games for the Amiga could go on this list as most people would say "what?!?!" if I mentioned most of them. I know there are a few [H]ers that know them though. I've been pleasantly surprised on many occasions here.

So any games from:

The Bitmap Brothers
Factor 5
So, I remember playing a demo on the PC a LONG time for this game and I absolutely loved it. I played it over and over again.


The game plays and takes a lot of themes from the bible which I think made the story super cool. I mean, read this synopsis of the plot... how fucking cool is this? Would even make a good movie.

Requiem draws heavily upon the Bible and Christianity for its influences, as well as the more usual sci-fi sources as found in other games. The background story to the game is set in Heaven. Looking down upon the Earth, upon his creation, the Lord was not entirely satisfied. The angels could see this, as they could see how his creation was ravaged with greed, corruption and stupidity. And although most angels decided to wait for God's guidance and wisdom, some did not, and took it upon themselves to descend onto Earth and interpret God's presumed desires. These rebellious angels became known as The Fallen.

In the mid 21st century, The Fallen, led by Lilith, have already taken control over humanity's leaders - suppressing the populace with a totalitarian regime, and pushing humanity towards the completion of the Leviathan, humanity's first interstellar craft. With this craft, humanity will be able to reach for the stars, and touch Heaven itself, something which God cannot allow. If The Fallen succeed in creating the Leviathan, God must instigate Armageddon himself, fulfilling the Fallen's desires. The game places the player into the role of Malachi, an angel and servant of God. The player's task is to stop the machinations of the Fallen, to stop the creation of the Leviathan and to avert the apocalypse. And so the player must leave the realm of Heaven, and travel through the realm of Chaos, and onto Earth itself.

I personally loved the possession powers. Being able to take control of another NPC and turn against his buddies was super cool and the guns were so unique. It's a shame that it wasn't well received by critics from what i've read, but the demo was great and maybe if I get around to it i'll see if I can get my hands on an actual copy.
Enclave is a pretty good one. It was probably a little better known than I think, but I haven't met a lot of people who've played it. It was a Starbreeze game that came out a while before Riddick on PC and original XBox. It's mostly action with some role playing elements. As usual from those guys, it had amazing texture work, and actually still looks pretty good even now.
Raptor: Call of the Shadows __A vertical scrolling shoot em up, that aged very well. It's the best in it's genre ever created.

I think that was one of the first shareware games that I actually went out and bought the full version. Excellent game. The others were of course - Doom/Doom 2.

Giants: Citizen Kabuto isn't totally unknown but it was awesome and not very well publicized.

Awesome game. It wasn't hugely popular, but it wasn't a huge hit, either. Still, good game.
Rock and Roll Racing (Genesis)

I had this game for the SNES. Kicked ass with Tarquin.

Stellar 7 (the 1990s DOS remake)
Sopwith and Sopwith 2 (also an old DOS game)
Spacewar (a DOS remake of an early computer game. So. Much. Fun.)