The [H]ard Forum Storage Showoff Discussion Thread

That's 3G for the transformer and 220V UPS, RT series.

$2700 plus shipping and tax And it's every bit of 280 pounds.

Already a thousand bucks cheaper here with free shipping:

I get it still for quite a bit less, but thats besides the point. Occasionally a store will have a sale on these, notably, quite much lower than the MSRP's listed.

Are you going to rackmount these or keep them standing upright?
kuyaglen: Nice setup. What are those other drives in that case? What board is that, and what controllers are you using? It looks like you've got 5 250s and 3 300s not in raid to go with those 4 300s in raid, along with the 4 external drives. Are you doing anything about staggering startup?
kuyaglen: Nice setup. What are those other drives in that case? What board is that, and what controllers are you using? It looks like you've got 5 250s and 3 300s not in raid to go with those 4 300s in raid, along with the 4 external drives. Are you doing anything about staggering startup?

All drives in the case are Maxtor Diamond Max II's. The other controller cards are cheapo Fry's IDE cards for more ide devices. You are correct. No staggering unless its on by default on the Promise card.
That 550W NeoHE is doing pretty well, then! 42A on the 12V rail powering 12 hard drives, an X800, and a Northwood at 3.06 is no small feat. Any idea how much it actually draws at startup?
That 550W NeoHE is doing pretty well, then! 42A on the 12V rail powering 12 hard drives, an X800, and a Northwood at 3.06 is no small feat. Any idea how much it actually draws at startup?

Never used a kill-a-watt before even though I've bought 2 for others. I guess I'll order one later today. :D
And also, for you guys with tons of HD's, how do you get enough power connectors from your PSU?

Power splitters are very helpful, or in Ockie's case, two PSUs. I usually search for PSUs that have enough (or close to it) connections. I try to keep my splitters to the bare minimum.
"Moved" from the actual thread:

Platform is Gentoo Linux x86_64 with a relatively recent kernel sharing out over NFSv4. 1.9GHz AMD64 X2 Brisbane with 2GB DDR2-667, Silverstone OP750 PSU. Filesystem is XFS. Drives are a mixture of Seagate, Western Digital, and Maxtor. 8x500G, 8x1T, 1x80G. 9.6T of usable space after format. Each group of 8 drives are mdadm RAID5, and the two arrays are grouped into a single logical volume.


Basically stole Ockie's old ideas.

That is absolutely gorgeous, and should be nominated for "Rig You Wouldn't Have Any Issues Eating Off The Insides Of The Inside Of The Case" award... and dammit there should be one!!! :D

Truly, a very nice very clean very efficient very... well... it's wicked evil cool that's what it is. Congrats...

Just to ask, what case is that? I see it around and I always forget to actually ask when I see it. I know it's from CoolerMaster but, what's the specific model?
Just posted one of my servers:

My friends think it's weird, but I'm really liking the look of using a Hardigg Rack case as my server rack.

How much did that 16-bay 3U rackmount set you back, croakz?

About ~$500 for it, I got a deal on two of them and some 2U half depth dual quadcore (seen above it) when a local startup when under. I like how it's a SAS expander and I don't need another machine to run it. Although, this was before the Norco 4020, I might have gone with another one of those if I had to do it over again.