The Man Without a Face (Interview with p[H]ant0m - [H]ard|DCer for October)


[H]F Junkie
Sep 26, 2001
Tdg: Congratulations on being chosen the [H]ard DC'er for the month for October. How does it feel to be chosen by your peers for such a prestigious award?

p[H]ant0m: It's good, it feels good to be recognized by the team for the contributions I've made. I never imagined back when we started this a year ago, that someday I'd be here too.

Tdg: Well your here now, and it's well deserved judging by the landslide of a victory in the voting pole. Why do you think you were chosen?

p[H]ant0m: I'm trying not to question why, I can only guess that my contributions paved the way. That and everyone felt sorry for me maybe. :p

Tdg: Contributions, pity votes, either way well deserved.

p[H]ant0m: Many thanks.

Tdg: Tell us what you do DC wise, which projects do you participate in?

p[H]ant0m: Well, right now, I've got most of my boxen running F@H, 3 at home, and 1 at work, and then there is a lonely boxen at home that I find a little slow for F@H, so its my lone UD presence.

Tdg: What kind of production point wise do you get out of the boxen?

p[H]ant0m: Not as much as I'd like, thats for sure. Between gaming on the home machines, and the beating my work one takes, I am sitting around 800ppd right now. I like running big WU, and -advmethods, even though that isn't the highest PPD config out there.

Tdg: Gaming, you know gaming is is a forbidden thing to do when being a DC'er!

p[H]ant0m: I blame our wonderful news guy, Mr. Tate for that.... he forced me to start playing WoW. More often than not though, its consoling, so I don't lose too many cycles.

Tdg: Tate is involved as well, I do believe I've stumbled onto a conspiracy.

p[H]ant0m: Yeah, I think rofty is one of us too, so it goes pretty deep.

Tdg: Who knows with that guy?
Anyway, we'll let the readers decide this gaming conspiracy theory of mine, what DC projects (if any) have you been involved with before F@H & UD?

p[H]ant0m: I did SETI for a little while, but that was it. I was a sucker for a screen saver with wavelengths and bars... I'm so ashamed.

Tdg: At this point in time, I've concluded that just about all the cool kids did SETI at one time, it's OK.

p[H]ant0m: It was geek crack back in the day. You just had to have it.

Tdg: Yep, even I ran SETI for like a few days.

p[H]ant0m: I don't think I ran it for much longer, but I was pretty much out of the DC loop until I stumbled onto the [H]. Amazing how this place sucks you in.

Tdg: It sure does, the [H] has really changed my view of DC'ing in general.

p[H]ant0m: Well, I had absolutely no clue on how communities sprung up around it like this. The competition, the camaraderie. It's far more than anything I've ever participated in. The sense of team that we have here, its really an amazing thing that I enjoy being a part of.

Tdg: I agree completely.
Being one of the higher-ups in the [H]'s DC team, any insider info on upcoming attractions?

p[H]ant0m: Eh, I don't like to think of myself as a higher up, I just watch the Moose. ;) As for stuff coming up, thats up to all the guys on the team. I think once the Bowl and 1950 runoff are done, we're looking at a pretty blank slate, so that means ideas are welcome and anyone can step up to the plate!

Tdg: Well hopefully someone can think of something.
Speaking of someone, Moose wouldn't feel right without the interviewee plugging him, so please take this opportunity to do so.

p[H]ant0m: Well I draw inspiration from strange places, so I think I'll steal a line for Marty, "Moose smells”.
But on a serious note, Moose is a good friend, and has been really helpful, as he thought it was a good idea to drag me along with him. Not sure why, but he did.

Tdg: Indeed he is a good fellow, and now that we got that out of the way lets forge ahead. If F@H/UD could find a cure for just one disease tomorrow, which one would it be and why?

p[H]ant0m: I'm going to stick with the cliche answer and go with Cancer. So far, two of my grandparents have had it, and one of them passed on, so thats where my loyalties lie in the fight. Really though, anything that these projects can help work toward a cure for is good enough for me, because any of us can be caught with anything, at any time.

Tdg: Very true.
I think that's all the questions I have for you, is there anything else you'd like to add?

p[H]ant0m: Um... [H]ardOCP's [H]orde Rules! :D
On the serious side though, I'd just like to take a second and thank everyone for the contributions they are putting forth, because without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. Let's keep it up and Fold On!

Tdg: We all thank you as well for your contributions to this team and I thank you for your time to talk about it. Keep on foldin'!

p[H]ant0m: Thanks! :)
YAY...the interview :D

And i know your pain with WoW....bye week means i can play semi-guilt free ;)

ps...where's the pic?
AtomicMoose said:
PIC? Why do you think I named it this? ;)
i know that....but i want him to have a face....cuz it must suck not having one ;)