The official ARMA 2 Thread, Watch these Videos and join the Hype!

I think a lot of people are leaving the game or avoiding buying it are to do with issues with the game rather than how easy it is to play, BIS messed up in some fairly big ways, it effects people and they have less patience to learn things if they've spent hours fighting problems that shouldn't exist.

This. I think i could talk a few of my buddies into getting this game with me but the demo feels like a beta then an a demo that is suppose to want me to buy the game. Maybe in a few patches it will be better and I'll pick it up on a 1/2 off weekend.

Oh and I Love RO. Played it from the early days of the mod and have even been recently enjoying the Darkest Hour mod. Can believe how much i have enjoyed it and i have been looking for other games to take its place but just can't find one. Not bad for a total cost of $15. It may not be a sim like ARMA but is more fun and realistic then any other games.
sims 3 is a bug fest but still sold 1.4million in its first week. i imagine they have sold 2.5million by now
So since my purchase of ArmA2, I was admittedly very frustrated with the textures. After doing some research and adding -winxp, the game is running great. No crashes, no technical weirdness. Many hours logged in the editor, the campaign (coop) and playing online with friends. We're all loving it.

When playing the campaign, it's now known that the host has to activate most dialog, triggers, events etc. During a mission, we are unable to load the periodic saves, the host loads fine, yet the clients are all stuck at receiving, so we must revert to the beginning of the mission. While this was a drag at first, we realized that due to the way the AI works, each revert brings us a different experience than the last. It's all good fun.

I would love to have my finger on the pulse of the people and be able to determine how they feel about the game overall. However my crew and myself are having such a blast with it, I guess it doesn't matter. Enjoy it or not, this is a massive contribution to the sim/gaming community!

i have both games and in terms of bugs, there about equal whilst sims 3 bugs are more leathal as they fuck up my game saves and crashes to the desktop randomly

Ah yes, EA and CTD bugs, it wouldn't be an EA game without 'em.

As for ARMA2, plays great on my notebook and better then expected on my desktop.
I would try it too, but there is not enough room, Steam install of the game requires almost 8GB, don't have that much free space or trust me I would try.

I was surprised with all of you complaining about your video cards and saying how terrible the game performs, my 8800GTX handles the game great. Gonna hold off until the GTX380 (or whatever it will be called) launches in fall, no real need to upgrade right now.
Finally installed the demo today and i was pleasantly surprised. It's running lot better then i anticipated, but E8400 and 8800GT are finally showing their age in this game. Arma is raping them, lol. Editor is great, just like i remember it from OFP and that's pretty much what i spent my time today playing with. The game is not perfect, but i like it a lot, and when i upgrade my system to a Quad Core and 58XX or GT300 GPU i'm going to buy it. Finally a game worth playing for me, great job BIS ;)

Btw, i know this game will benefit greatly from Quad Core CPU, is GPU with 1GB and up helping running it smoother? Is SLI/CF support added yet?
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I couldn't get into the demo.. Played the first mission singleplayer.. The voice acting was terrible. Ran around with the SAW, mowed a bunch of AI down, hid around a busy area that the horrible sounding teammates were telling me., waited till they started running around again, mowed more AI down... ran further into the open field near that car... The car's windows were bulletproof? Some other guy started plinking at me, ran around, layed down, then came out when the AI was stupid enough to show themselves. quit.

felt like the same thing over and over again... I think I'm just tired of shooter FPS's.
Lmao, I love how people are turned off so fast by the bugs and the difficulty-ness (I know it's not a word) and say that FUCK THE DEMO SUCKS while they don't realize that they actually do suck themselves. BF2 and CS has spoiled people these days.


I had a guy go 'this sucks, how do I do anything in this game?' I said 'Play the fucking tutorial?' so he TKs me and quits. Classy - I hope the little dbags quit and prefer playing with people that don't run and gun everything.
To people having trouble with some servers, I run my clans servers and we have been trying to have a pretty tight ship on good teamwork etc etc. =7Cav= Tactical Realism


Any of my clan members would be more than help.

We generally kick out anyone that's screwing around causing havoc.
Guys, please help me with this. I am sooo hyped about that game, but I'm afraid that my system can't handle it with decent graphics quality.

4GB, C2Q @ stock, 4850 could be not enough to enjoy the game in 1280x1024?

How about adding second 4850 for crossfire then?
You'll be okay at that res mate. I'm running decently at 1920x1080 with a 275 at mostly high settings.
I played the demo, it's hard, but fun. At least no having to shoot half of mag into enemy to kill him, and it requires at least some thinking, not "rush forward with left mouse button pressed" ;P

It will still take me some time to get used to the game, as I admit right now I die way too fast, so it's too early for me to play MP
To people having trouble with some servers, I run my clans servers and we have been trying to have a pretty tight ship on good teamwork etc etc. =7Cav= Tactical Realism


Any of my clan members would be more than help.

We generally kick out anyone that's screwing around causing havoc.

Was in your server for a bit about 2 days ago, like the set up. I still suck, guess I'm a little to use to arcade games. Shall work hard to get more use to this game.

EDIT: I ended up following a bad guy, not realizing it was a bad guy straight into enemy territory and then realize I was surrounded by bad guys and got wasted. This was the point I realized it was late and I needed practice.
To people having trouble with some servers, I run my clans servers and we have been trying to have a pretty tight ship on good teamwork etc etc. =7Cav= Tactical Realism


Any of my clan members would be more than help.

We generally kick out anyone that's screwing around causing havoc.

I will keep this in mind.. good servers are hard to come by.
Bought this on Steam. So far, I LOVE IT despite how incredibly obtuse the AI seems to be.

Hopefully the multiplayer aspect picks up some more. Coming from BF2 and Insurgency to this is a bit of a wake up. This is like the EVE Online equivalent of a FPS, I've spent more time reading up on this game than playing it.

I'm finding a lot of ex-military like my self, that play this which is great. A lot of real world tactics carry over.

Despite the complaints, I haven't really noticed any bugs, but I don't go looking for them either.

Plays great on my system with all the settings cranked. Only Issue I'm experiencing is whenever I take a screenshot, it shows up black, but I think that ultimately has to do with another component in my system.
My main complaint is the command menu's, having to order your troops to get low/quiet and things is obtuse and takes too long.

I have a logitech G15 and need to make a macro for that shit, anyone know how to? (Never used the maco's before since I never realy needed them).
The command menu in arma 1 was more straight forward i believe, you had one mian menu with the 9 or so sub-menus in it. This seemed a bit easier to use rather than memorizing that once selecting a guy hit 4 for the action menu or 2 for the move menu. In the end it is basically the same and could use some improvement.
My 8800GTX is fine, but my old C2D is getting maxed out and is the source of any of my performance issues, especially in single player with lots of AI's.

I am loving ArmA2 so far though. I need to get a new flight stick so I can fly again (mine broke while flying in DCS).

My only gripe is that sometimes the server browser shows that none of the servers are responding and i can't connect to them. Never had that problem in ArmA1.

I have played on the 7Cav server and will vouch for that being a well ran server.

I will also add that the best enjoyment from this game is when everyone works together. when you get a group of 10-12 guys moving and firing in support of each other it is one heck of an impressive sight. All I know is everytime I fire this game up the next time I look at the clock it is well past when I was planning on going to bed.
anyone with EVGA cards in SLI, might want to try this: (source: Nenu's Post in Vid Card sub-forum)

EVGA has now released the first version of the EVGA SLI Enhancement! This unofficial patch enables temporary SLI support in the latest games. In order to quickly enhance SLI Profile issues that come up with any new demo or game release; EVGA has decided to publicly release this update to patch add any SLI profiles so you can take full advantage of SLI right now!

Version 13 (06.26.09) - Based on NVIDIA 186.18 Driver

New SLI profiles from EVGA SLI Enhancement Patch:

* Enables SLI support for ArmA 2 game and demo

* Enables SLI support for Merchants of Brooklyn

New Profiles from NVIDIA in 186.18 driver:

* Enables SLI support for Dark Sectorr
* Enables SLI support for Trine
* Enables SLI support for Prototype
* Enables SLI support for Wallace and Gromit�s Grand Adventures
* Enables SLI support for Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
* Enables SLI support for Free Realms
* Enables SLI support for Wolfenstein
* Enables SLI support for Order of War
* Enables SLI support for Disciples 3
* Enables SLI support for Bigworld
steam version updates to 1.02?? downloading game now, will join 7cav if I can.
FYI, on my C2D quad 3GHZ, I'm normally sitting at 50% utilization and it will get as high as 80% with a lot of AI around.
My friend, who was very impressed by this game, bought it to play on his 13.3" Mac Book and is regretting it. He has a perfectly good desktop, that his brother and I build for him, but hardly games on it (Athlon 64 5200, 2GB Ram and 8800GTS 640MB).

Guess a Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz, 2GB and a 9400M GT aren't the best for this game, not even lowest settings.
My friend, who was very impressed by this game, bought it to play on his 13.3" Mac Book and is regretting it. He has a perfectly good desktop, that his brother and I build for him, but hardly games on it (Athlon 64 5200, 2GB Ram and 8800GTS 640MB).

Guess a Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz, 2GB and a 9400M GT aren't the best for this game, not even lowest settings.

Not even close. This game needs a quad CPU at 3.0ghz, 4gram and a top videocard to be playable.
Not even close. This game needs a quad CPU at 3.0ghz, 4gram and a top videocard to be playable.

I know you were trying to say 4GB ram, but I really like that 4gram, works and sounds well as a reference to 4GB of Ram. Should run on the desktop, it runs on my notebook and its no more powerful. Core 2 Duo p8400 2.26Ghz, 4gram and 9800M GTS; besides the ram, should be about the same (my notebooks video card would be a little weaker).

Still haven't figured out how to put a quad into the p78xx :(

Another friend just got the game and a GTX285 2GB and the game, he asked how to bump his quad to 3Ghz+, gonna do that for him on the weekend. Should be nice, I'm holding off till fall for the DX11 cards.
well i have 3gb and it doesnt even use 80% of it. most i have seen whilst having 10 tabs on firefox and windows messanger running on the background i have seen arma 2 plus all of the above programs take up to 78% of my 3gb of ddr 3 memory. the most my cpu has been stressed is 40% on a i7 920 cpu
It's mostly a CPU limit with me, whenever I get anywhere near the shoreline and the water my CPU usage goes above 90% and I get framerate issues. :(

Need moar overclock.
It's mostly a CPU limit with me, whenever I get anywhere near the shoreline and the water my CPU usage goes above 90% and I get framerate issues. :(

Need moar overclock.

i'm limited by my cpu as well. i have a B3 chip and i'm running at 3.2 Ghz on air, so maybe there's a little more headroom in yours seeing as you're on water. what OS are you running?
x64 Vista, I'm already pushing 1.5v so I don't want to go any higher. My chip is a real bastard with voltage, I can't hit 3.25 on 1.5v without BSOD's. :(
x64 Vista, I'm already pushing 1.5v so I don't want to go any higher. My chip is a real bastard with voltage, I can't hit 3.25 on 1.5v without BSOD's. :(

yeah mine's not the best OC'ing Q6600 either, but i'm happy with it for a B3- i'm at 1.375V. you really should try Windows 7, at least if you're already interested in it. i downloaded the Win 7 RC just to see how it would affect gaming, and i got a big bump in performance. a not-so-scientific test showed this at a particular part of an SP mission in ARMA2:
Vista 64: 25-30 fps
Win 7 64: 35-40fps

my framerate is up across the board. also boosted my STALKER:CS framerate by an equal amount. something to think about if you don't mind installing a new OS (i did a clean install) and if you don't mind a potentially glitchy OS (I've had essentially zero problems so far).
Yeah I have the RC on one of my drives somewhere, I just haven't gotten around to burning the ISO and doing it yet.

I'm lazy. :)
I have conflicting performance between single player and multiplayer with no visible difference in quality. Just upgraded to a phenom 2 940 BE and a 4890. In multiplayer I can set everything to very high, view distance to 10k and stay around 30-40 fps.

Single player with same settings it tanks down to about 15. Have to lower everything to high and view distance to 3k to get the frame rate back up. Using 100% fillrate in both modes.

I will say multiplayer is a blast, last night me and 18 other guys all jumped out of an osprey and parachuted down into the woods on our way to take out some su-25's at an airfield. That was definately one of the coolest moments I've had in a multiplayer game.


showing view distance

I have conflicting performance between single player and multiplayer with no visible difference in quality. Just upgraded to a phenom 2 940 BE and a 4890. In multiplayer I can set everything to very high, view distance to 10k and stay around 30-40 fps.

Single player with same settings it tanks down to about 15. Have to lower everything to high and view distance to 3k to get the frame rate back up. Using 100% fillrate in both modes.

I will say multiplayer is a blast, last night me and 18 other guys all jumped out of an osprey and parachuted down into the woods on our way to take out some su-25's at an airfield. That was definately one of the coolest moments I've had in a multiplayer game.

what server were you on?