The Paul Van Dyke Show - Season One for $19.99 Shipped Free

paul > dick. i got a paul van dyk dvd. a pvd documentry would rock
A few of his latest CD's are enhanced with music videos and what not. I heard he's coming to Dallas again to perform. That "Time of Our Lives" single is just killer.
in a bizarre coincidence Paul Van Dyk is playing in cleveland (where I am) tonight

PVD does rock though :)
Very swanky deal for an entire season. I know it's not really comparing oranges to oranges, but I paid ~$40 for Family Guy Season 3 when it first came out, and that was only 22 episodes. This is $20 for 30 episodes.
Actually, this is sorta back on topic. PVD did have a DVD+CD two disc set called Global. Featuring 5.1 DD and plenty of videos.
pvd actually does have a show but its on the radio. very boring compare to armin's radio show. its on on thursday or friday i think.

pvd dvd is on his global cd with bonus dvd

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