The Periodic Table Of Controllers

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This is easily one of the coolest things you will see all day. Some guy has made a kick ass periodic table of controllers that lists console and portable controllers. Hit the link for a larger size image or if you want to help this guy fill in any missing information.
Epic. I thought the Atari Jaguar controller had waaay more buttons than that, though.
That is damn sweet. I think I owned all but a few from the 1985 on era.

Hm.. Neo-geo CD, Saturn, PC Engine GT, Nomad, Gamecon, Neo Geo Pocket, Wonderswan, and GB Micro are the only ones I didn't own. Were most of those handhelds even released in the US?
Uhh... the periodic table of the elements is more than just a listing of the elements by atomic weight. The arrangement of elements into rows and columns has a very specific importance in terms of element behavior.

All I see here is a list of controller layouts by age, but I don't see any obvious trends to the rows and columns. Am I missing something here?
Uhh... the periodic table of the elements is more than just a listing of the elements by atomic weight. The arrangement of elements into rows and columns has a very specific importance in terms of element behavior.

All I see here is a list of controller layouts by age, but I don't see any obvious trends to the rows and columns. Am I missing something here?

It's version 1.0 :D the periodic table of elements went through hundreds of version until the scientific community finally decided on the one we currently use.
Version 2.0 should correct the serious oversight of the joystick on the Atari 2600. The button goes on the top left, not the top right. (I cut my teeth on those things.) ;)
wait, where is the one from that company that had to sue HardOCP because they badmouth the system with all sorts of lies. Something like Infinity with their ghost system that was going to be so bad ass, we would all own two. They totally need to be on their.

What do you mean they never made a system? But they had ton of venture capitol being thrown at them. They had these sweet offices and promised the best system ever!

AzSyndicate is still waiting for Hard to say sorry for actually doing investigating reporting, instead of fluff PR "articles". How dare they expose the truth.

You Bastards.
Me too. My brothers and I wore those suckers out on our 2600 and then thrashed a bunch of the same controller on my Atari 400.
Me too. My brothers and I wore those suckers out on our 2600 and then thrashed a bunch of the same controller on my Atari 400.
Damn that quick reply. I was referring to theabove post about the Atari 2600 controllers.
wait, where is the one from that company that had to sue HardOCP because they badmouth the system with all sorts of lies. Something like Infinity with their ghost system that was going to be so bad ass, we would all own two. They totally need to be on their.

The Phantom, methinks. Good name for it. With respect to a periodic table, this would be listed with a really high number and an asterisk:

* Only observed under laboratory conditions.
What about the Genesis 6-Button; PC-Engine 6-Button (May not "count" as it was only used for one game [Street Fighter II] and never released outside of Japan.); PSX Dual Analog; Dual Shock 1; the first generation North American Saturn Controller; The Saturn "Nights" Controller; And the X-Box Type S?
OMG! No Intellivision???

Man back in the day, I had the Intellivoice add on box thing, and the B17 game and a tron game that were awesome!!
Uhh... the periodic table of the elements is more than just a listing of the elements by atomic weight. The arrangement of elements into rows and columns has a very specific importance in terms of element behavior.

All I see here is a list of controller layouts by age, but I don't see any obvious trends to the rows and columns. Am I missing something here?

The jackass that always ruins everyone's fun. That's the only thing missing here. Oh.. wait.
That colecovision controller was something else. It rocked for Lady Bug though.
I had forgotten the gamegear had that funny half button. Those babies got real hot after a couple of hours use. Also the UK requirement to buy a seperate tv licence if you had bought the tuner was pretty funny.
Uhh... the periodic table of the elements is more than just a listing of the elements by atomic weight. The arrangement of elements into rows and columns has a very specific importance in terms of element behavior.

All I see here is a list of controller layouts by age, but I don't see any obvious trends to the rows and columns. Am I missing something here?

You're one of those people who went to see Die Hard 4 and then complained about the plot, aren't you?