The Reason Facebook Forced Video Ads On You

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
I don't care what this article says, we all know the real reason Facebook forces stuff on you. Because it can. ;)

The News Feed is where Facebook users get updates on what family and friends are up to. The ads will begin playing as soon as they scroll into view, although they will be muted. Clicking the ad will activate sound. Facebook writes that “if you don’t want to watch, you can simply keep scrolling.” A spokesperson tells us, however, that the company will also offer a pause button.
On the drawing boards:

Ads with forced sound.

"If you don't want to watch, you can simply turn off your speakers."

Full-screen ads that don't go away until they stop playing.

"If you don't want to watch, you can simply turn your monitor off."
Facebook and I have a love/hate relationship. While I use it for a means of social networking with my family and friends, there are times I go for months without accessing it. If the video advertisements become too much, I will simply spend more and more time away from their site...
I am waiting for the day their Messenger app starts with ads. Then all of my friends will switch to a better alternative.
I don't care what this article says, we all know the real reason Facebook forces stuff on you. Because it can. ;)

Google+ starts looking like a good alternative... until you realize Google is similarly screwing its users with awful policy changes (i.e. forcing Picasa uploads to go straight in to Google+, requiring Google+ for Youtube comments, etc.
Google+ starts looking like a good alternative... until you realize Google is similarly screwing its users with awful policy changes (i.e. forcing Picasa uploads to go straight in to Google+, requiring Google+ for Youtube comments, etc.

It's because of this crap that I'm almost at the point of closing my YouTube account. I refuse to link a G+ account to it, and I even close the G+ account I had (and didn't use). Stupid Google. :mad:
I couldn't care less of what facebook does as I'm facebook free lol.

People are creating unnecessary problems for themselves.
This is why AdBlock was invented.

Is it so hard to make better quality stuff, instead of marketing crap?
another one for Ad block... websites still look like websites, i know people need to make money but if the site turns into a billboard and i need to search the page for what i wanted or im interested in im just going to end up using another site
Great, more ad-based, parasitic bandwidth sucking on my network. I love when ad banners and videos cause my pages to load slow and cause scrolling issues.
I noticed this awhile back. Videos that friends upload play as well without sound which is kind of cool. I have yet to see an advertisement play though.
On the drawing boards:

Ads with forced sound.

"If you don't want to watch, you can simply turn off your speakers."

Full-screen ads that don't go away until they stop playing.

"If you don't want to watch, you can simply turn your monitor off."

As bad at this is, it is exactly what I do. I understand why websites need adds, for advertising money.

On ESPN it's very annoying if you click one link, and they force an add on you. Then you try and watch another highlight and it's the same damn add. No matter how many videos you watch, you have to watch an add first.

So to keep them from "winning", I always mute, scroll up, change to another tab, etc until the add is over. It is a tiny victory for me, but makes me feel better. Fuck them and their forcing adds down my throat. I never watch any add on any website.
I don't really see a lot of ads on facebook. however, when I do, I always mark them as sexually explicit. Did you know I find M&M's sexually explicit? :D
People will get used to it and move on. Nobody liked ads on the [H] either at first. It was considered too much at the time it was implemented until the furor finally died down.