The shocker (random mod idea)


Dec 1, 2006
I was working on my PC today and I was thinking of alot of cool mods that I wish I could seen done. I thought of this one paticular mod and decided to attempt it myself.

The shocker.

Make a trick power button for the front of your computer that seems to be a power button, but when pressed gives a small shock to the finger of the person pressing it.It would scare off anyone who tries to use your PC without permission and is a evil little touch to your system.

This mod really should be too hard to attempt, I think. Getting the perfect amount of voltage that gives you the feeling of pricking your finger with a sharp tipped thumbtack really hard but not too much. Just enough to make the person not want to even bother with touching the computer again. The real power button can be relocated to the side of the computer or in a hidden]spot.
I was working on my PC today and I was thinking of alot of cool mods that I wish I could seen done. I thought of this one paticular mod and decided to attempt it myself.

The shocker.

Make a trick power button for the front of your computer that seems to be a power button, but when pressed gives a small shock to the finger of the person pressing it.It would scare off anyone who tries to use your PC without permission and is a evil little touch to your system.

This mod really should be too hard to attempt, I think. Getting the perfect amount of voltage that gives you the feeling of pricking your finger with a sharp tipped thumbtack really hard but not too much. Just enough to make the person not want to even bother with touching the computer again. The real power button can be relocated to the side of the computer or in a hidden]spot.

Just make a new button... Have it 2 pieces of , seperated by a bit of plastic.Hook each of the metal plates up to a 4" CCFL inverter...
Ha ha YES! I love this idea. I think there may be an aftermarket product somewhere in this... I'd also have to setup a video camera to see people's reactions though.
man, where I come from the shocker is much more.. um.. 'shocking'.

sounds like a good idea, though! why not start by finding one of those trick handshake-shocking devices, gutting it, and re-assembling it in a switch?
How about just get a shocking pen and mod it into the front? Not terribly difficult.
I have seen a computer mouse that would shock you if you tried to use it, seen it at the airport in Las vegas I think at a magic shop there. I am sure that it could be done, but personally, I don't want something like that near my computer, what if the person was touching the chassis while hitting the button, there goes your whole system!
I'd just have two momentary switches in serial... so you'd have to depress both to "close" the circuit.

one of them would be hidden in the back or something. The person wouldn't know that, would keep pressing only the visible one while wondering what the hell is wrong, and they wouldn't bother with it.

Of course, that shocker thing is pretty damn awesome too ;)
How about a taser! You hit the button and two spikes shoot into your chest plate with a almost lethal 900,000 volts! :cool: Suprise! That's not the right password! C'mon that was funny...right? ...runs back to his hole...

I like your idea better btw.
I have seen a computer mouse that would shock you if you tried to use it, seen it at the airport in Las vegas I think at a magic shop there. I am sure that it could be done, but personally, I don't want something like that near my computer, what if the person was touching the chassis while hitting the button, there goes your whole system!

A computer case is grounded, it will do nothing to the case.

man, where I come from the shocker is much more.. um.. 'shocking'.

lol thats what I thought he meant by shocker.
I too came into this thread thinking of an amusingly shaped case, with interesting potential.
The shock must be powerful. Like, enough to kill a small rat on contact. And safe.

What amount of voltage can do this?
The shock must be powerful. Like, enough to kill a small rat on contact. And safe.

Enough to kill a small rat? Safe? oxymoron...

Now... Not that I condone this sort of activity... But... (spelling mistakes nonwithstanding)


Just let a small animal (squirrel, cat, mentally challenged second cousin, someone that can't spell "peanut" or "plyboard" correctly) connect the two metal plates (1 and 2) with it's body... for a barrel of laughs. Have a fire extinguisher ready ;)
definitely a half half switch. rig it up to a one time use camera flash :) nice 300volts
Somone should mount 25 mouse traps side by side onto the side of their case and load them all. One will serve as the power button if you supress the trigger.... except by standers would have no clue which is the working one ;)
Or how about a series of buttons? You have to type in the combination correctly, or else you get a shock when you hit the wrong one.
Great idea!

I can also add a super sonic sound device that makes super high sounds that drive away rats and house pets. Keeps them out of room, and keeps rats at bay.

And a idea involving soda and watercooling just came to thought..
Just get an electric fence inverter. Hook it up, bam, your will have your safe shock :p
Just remember that the numbers will be different for AC and DC, and you also need to look at current as well as voltage.