The sound of water?

Jun 30, 2004
Iono if this is normal, but since i started watercooling, i've been hearing the this sound of water. is it normal? I also noticed a lotta air in it. Is it possible i don't have enough water in it, causing the water to run into objects, causing the noise? i'm running a eheim 1250, which i hear is supposed to b dead quiet.
Just open the res/Tline and leave the system off overnight. That'll cause all the bubbles to coalesce. Fil up what you can immediatly, then quickly turn the pump on and off to move the rest of the bubbles in the loop to the res/t-line without emulsifying them.
does the res need to b nearly full so it doesn't make those noises? Also I hear the noise of the water but less now. But i ran outta hydrx liquid..
My T-Line is at the bottom of my loop, and when I first fill it, it's pretty noisy, gotta tilt the case around and jump the pump for a while to get rid of the air.