the treating LCDs nicely discussion


Aug 29, 2007
What is better for keeping your new LCD in tip top shape? Leaving it on unless you are going to be afk for more than a 2 - 3 hours OR turning it off whenever not really in use? Also, is it bad to turn the display on for just a few seconds to check something then back off before it has warmed up? Most LCDs I've seen don't look their best until they've been on for some time so they must warm up in some way. Probably dumb questions but I am paranoid about keeping my stuff in good condition for as long as possible. :)
I dont really understand what you want to hear, but if im AFK, my computer and monitors are turned off...:D
Most LCDs I've seen don't look their best until they've been on for some time so they must warm up in some way.
This is true for CRTs but LCDs only take a few seconds to warm up.

It's a good idea to have any LCD or CRT turn off after a period of inactivity. 30 minutes to 1 hour should be good. You can save a bit on your electric bill and help conserve energy. Leaving them on all the time just shortens their lifespan.