There's no way the next Xbox will be called the 720

It's still just a codename for right now. I can't think of too many names from this stage of development that have stuck over the years.
Wasn't this already posted elsewhere? Why does it need a specific thread?
Don't worry. I guarantee you a lot of nextgen games will be running 720p. As the graphics engines become more advanced it's more likely they will sacrifice resolution first as most people sit far from there hdtvs and can't tell the difference anyways. Many leading titles of this generation don't even make it to 720p.
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Yeah I've been trying to think of better names but it's tough, just wonder what they'll come up with. NextBox? X4?... pretty bad I know.
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It won't be 720, and its code named 2 things, the Loop and Durango.. both rumored to be their own version of the next 360 (2 platforms). Lastly, the "Xbox" brand is Microsoft's biggest and most successful consumer device brand besides Windows.

They will never ditch the Xbox branding, in fact they are going as far as to bring it into Windows and other devices. "Xbox" is here to stay, so the next Xbox will carry that name.

Xbox <insert something>, will be what it is.
In all seriousness, they'll probably try to work the always connected to the internet angle into the name somehow. Unfortunately they've already used Live and Connect, and XBox Online isn't that catchy.
Considering the success of call of duty why not aim in at that fanbase?

it's going to be called XBox Zero (or XBox 0) because the Sin(360) = 0!
Are you guys sure it won't be the 720? I remember watching Real Steel and seeing ads the Xbox 720.

Link to youtube and check second 46. Maybe the movie is trolling us all ;)

I really liked that movie.

At least 360 was appropriate, as all of them were returned to Microsoft, at least once.
LOL ^ about the return thing..

xbox perfecta? they took a bet, and its paying off.
Yeah, I saw the "8" thing on Yahoo this morning. I'd say that's pretty clearly going to be infinity instead of the number 8, and I don't mind that name.
I don't mind that name.
Me neither.... and it kinda looks like an 8 which means some people will think it's twice as good as PS4...

Just think if XBOX 360 was simply called XBOX 2 and this one is XBOX 3... lol, I wonder if PlayStation will try and out-fancy MS this time...
360 was a stupid name to begin with; does anyone really care at this point what the console is called?

Just call it the Xbox. Even Apple's decided to drop the # after all their crap from now on.
I prefer the numbers, who cares what apple does? Good luck finding your product in a google search when they are all named the same thing like apples macbooks.
I prefer the numbers, who cares what apple does? Good luck finding your product in a google search when they are all named the same thing like apples macbooks.

Yeah so let's take an Xbox circle and name the successor the Xbox double circle. :rolleyes: Really?
360 is one of the dumbest names I've ever seen; the only reason it's not arguably the worst is because of the Wii and lesser so because of the 3DO which are more retarded.
But they won't name the next one Xbox 3 because 'oh noes, it's only 3 which is less than 360, and now the Playstation is up to 4 therefore the Xbox must really be weaker'. Lame. :rolleyes:
At this point, Xbox is a brand; they can't drop it, just like Sony can't drop Playstation. So let's name every console Xbox # or Playstation # even though that's a stupid idea.
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Except they are still using numbers. And numbers make it simple for people who are not keeping up which item is newer. The main reason for not using numbers is to try to take advantage of ignorant customers, IE some percent will buy the old one.

MS already tryined the name thing with windows and now they are going back to numbers. In the end everything has a number and by using a name you only make it that much harder to search for the product and confuse more customers.
What's the point of ditching numbers if you're going to append a number to the name?

They don't?
Are Macbooks sold as Macbook 2012? No.
However they're listed (to the ignorant crowd that's dumb enough to not realize the specs have changed) under searches by year of release.

Happens all the time. Look up other forms of media...books, CD's, movies etc. Listed by year of release when more than 1 shares the same name.

Microsoft screwed themselves on the 360. Couldn't just be Xbox 2, because 2 < [Playstation] 3, but 360 > 3.
Now they're screwed. What's next. 460? 460 > 4, yes, but 460 makes no sense. (even less sense than 360)
So...what. 720? Ugh. [banghead]

I think it'll be Xbox [something]. No #.
There's probably a reason people still call the "new iPad" the iPad 3, though. Tablets and phones are more disposable than a laptop, especially when your product cycle is 1 year and all of your previous models had numbers.
There's probably a reason people still call the "new iPad" the iPad 3, though. Tablets and phones are more disposable than a laptop, especially when your product cycle is 1 year and all of your previous models had numbers.

Technically that's more of an Apple product thing though....they always announce new crap at WWDC. (one more reason I'm anti-Apple)

I would figure Sony will name the next Playstation the 4. Again though I just don't see where Microsoft goes; they have to keep Xbox, but then what? Xbox Next maybe? I'd go for that. Odds are they're going to pick something that COULD get numbers added to it; ie it won't be Xbox 720 because then the successor would have to be the 900 or 1080. They could do Xbox^3 though (since technically it's more like "cubed" instead of 3).

I still think numbers are stupid on video game consoles. :) Just MHO. ;)
Yeah so let's take an Xbox circle and name the successor the Xbox double circle. :rolleyes: Really?
360 is one of the dumbest names I've ever seen; the only reason it's not arguably the worst is because of the Wii and lesser so because of the 3DO which are more retarded.
But they won't name the next one Xbox 3 because 'oh noes, it's only 3 which is less than 360, and now the Playstation is up to 4 therefore the Xbox must really be weaker'. Lame. :rolleyes:
At this point, Xbox is a brand; they can't drop it, just like Sony can't drop Playstation. So let's name every console Xbox # or Playstation # even though that's a stupid idea.

So you are saying they do number them they just have 4 numbers instead of 1.

Also MS went off on the windows xp / vista thing and went back to numbers.

Unless you build something like a car and will only make 1 per year and will always make 1 per year, the year convention doesnt work. CPU cycles which are the only thing that matter for models of computers do not sit at 1 year increments.
Xbox 8 or Xbox Infinity seem likely based on rumors and the leaked files. Gonna be interesting and hope it's not "xbox 720".