Thermaltake SwordM, thoughts?

Uh, first thought: Why does it have a hat???

I like the hydraulics on the lid, but for me to buy that and actually display it, I would have to do SERIOUS modding to it.
I'm the first person to recommend good Tt products to friends, but this is really not one of Tt's finest. It's got all sorts of good IDEAS in it, but damn is it ugly.
Again, Thermaltake fails to impress with yet another supposed "innovative" case design.
If Ali G were into casemodding, he'd buy that and spraypaint it gold.

The only Thermaltake case I've seen that I'd spend money on is the Chieftec Dragon clone type. Every other case they've made has been either fugly as hell, or lined with lead and neutronium.

I keep thinking "Where is the 2L straight 4 engine with quad turbo?" when I see that case.
Truthfully, The little "hat" thing looks like a skateboard. If someone was seriously into Skateboarding they could replace the top "thing" with a skateboard and have a themed case...although the rest of the case would still look weird.
That's about ignorant looking! Do they allow marijuana usage there or what? That baseball cap thingy on the front, wtf? Then I noticed it had the same thing on the bottom? What the hell is that for anyways? Maybe a rain guard for a patio pc? Maybe if you roll it too fast it wont hit the wall as hard?

And ya, I agree, just like my exwife, it looks way better from the back than the front.
I think it's ugly, But if you think it looks good then thats the opinion that really matters.

Other than the ugly it looks to be a pretty good case.