Thinking of getting a MBP. Question(s)..


Limp Gawd
May 31, 2003
Anyone know if Apple will be updated the MBPs anytime soon? I'd hate to take the plunge and something comes out 2 months after. (Like an update to Core 2 Duos..)

According to this page, Apple was supposed to announce some sort of update, but I haven't been able to find out any information.
the general assumption right now is that Apple will update the MBPs on Tuesday. Maybe not this tuesday, maybe not next tuesday, but some tuesday.

The point is: no one knows. every tuesday everyone gets all excited and then is let down like a crack addict without money.

That said - most people are fairly convinced that we will see an update by the holiday shopping season.
just buy it when you NEED it.....there is always going to be better tech right around the corner....
hungryduck said:
just buy it when you NEED it.....there is always going to be better tech right around the corner....

but apparently he doesn't absolutely need it for at the very least two months. :rolleyes:

If he can wait, why not wait?
The Macbook will get updated. At that time, no matter how long you have owned your macbook, you will want to upgrade or wish you had waited to buy the upgraded version.

I don't see the "need" to get a macbook, it is a "want." So the question is not when will Apple will be updating the Macbook, but if you want the macbook now or not now.

And you are going to refer me to th OP's original question, then I refer you to my first paragraph.
Well, need is out of the question. I don't need a laptop, I would like to have one.

And it's obvious that better tech is always around the corner, the point is, are we reaching the time for a new cycle, or is the current tech going to be around for a while? If I'm going to spend that kind of money I'd rather get the new tech, and not the one that's about to be replaced.
The C2D update is overdue. Could be heat problems when combined with a GPU update of course. Apples may be quiet compared to Sony/Dell but jeez do they run hot.
i'm in the same boat as you, OP. Been waiting for a C2D MBP for a couple months and still waiting...not something I really need but I'll be buying one when a C2D version is available :p

waiting sucks!
I'm glad I didn't wait because of the rumors that said it was going to come out by september, now its october and they still havent came out. I have used it so much @ uni during the past two months, and pretty much can't live without it.
Mightymouse said:
I'm glad I didn't wait because of the rumors that said it was going to come out by september, now its october and they still havent came out. I have used it so much @ uni during the past two months, and pretty much can't live without it.

Same here, I waited a month until some event and there was no announcement, then I said screw it and ordered, I figured there would be an announcement at Photokina, but still nothing. I'm glad I gave up waiting though, I love this system!
AuroraProject said:
Same here, I waited a month until some event and there was no announcement, then I said screw it and ordered, I figured there would be an announcement at Photokina, but still nothing. I'm glad I gave up waiting though, I love this system!

I feel the same way about getting my macbook (non-pro). I love everything about this thing.
i want to get one for my last year of high school. i just don't know if they're going to release a new one soon after it starts, or wat.

also i can't decide whether to get a MB or MBP. i want the option to do a bit of gaming on the MBP, but i'm thinking that the 15 inch screen might be too big.

any ideas?
The question is, what are you planning on doing with it. If you ABSOLUTELY need a Apple notebook with a Merom then wait. However, the current variation of the MBP works great and is very fast. I don't regret buying this thing at all. Maybe if the performance gain was enormous but my MBP fills all my web/aperture/blah blah needs. If you want a MBP just go buy it. These threads get so old after a while
Another question, if I purchase a MBP, does it come with a CD containing the OS? Not a recovery disc, but the actual OS for a clean install?
datamage said:
Another question, if I purchase a MBP, does it come with a CD containing the OS? Not a recovery disc, but the actual OS for a clean install?

Yes, you can do a fresh, clean install of the OS from the install disc. It's not like a Dell restore CD where it installs all sorts of additional crap, though the Mac OS doesn't really have much of that anyway.
CEpeep said:
Yes, you can do a fresh, clean install of the OS from the install disc. It's not like a Dell restore CD where it installs all sorts of additional crap, though the Mac OS doesn't really have much of that anyway.
yes, cuz all the crap they put on the OS you probably want anyway! :D

I'm almost sure I am going to pick one up this week. After reading on the C2Ds, it doesn't seem like a substantial improvement to make me want to wait. One last question for now, when I install XP on it, does windows detect all the hardware ok? Sound, wireless nic, usb, etc.. and do I have to obtain these drivers somewhere?

Thanks for the info guys.
datamage said:
I'm almost sure I am going to pick one up this week. After reading on the C2Ds, it doesn't seem like a substantial improvement to make me want to wait. One last question for now, when I install XP on it, does windows detect all the hardware ok? Sound, wireless nic, usb, etc.. and do I have to obtain these drivers somewhere?

Thanks for the info guys.

The drivers are on the Boot Camp companion CD. Apple provides you with the disk image when you install Boot Camp.
I use a MBP and it's a pretty big dissappointment in terms of performance. I rely on the Macromedia / Adobe Studio products and they aren't optimized for intel. The next versions, adobe CS3, due 2007 Q2, will be optimized. So, if you rely on programs that aren't intel optimized, you may want to wait.

I'm not exaggerating, my MBP is a real dog.

A friend just bought a MB two days ago and he's pretty underwhelmed also.
syntax_terror said:
I use a MBP and it's a pretty big dissappointment in terms of performance. I rely on the Macromedia / Adobe Studio products and they aren't optimized for intel. The next versions, adobe CS3, due 2007 Q2, will be optimized. So, if you rely on programs that aren't intel optimized, you may want to wait.

I'm not exaggerating, my MBP is a real dog.

A friend just bought a MB two days ago and he's pretty underwhelmed also.

The issue isn't in the hardware it contains, it's the software you're using. Adobe and Macromedia make great products but they haven't made any particular effort to add in universal binary support until the next version of their products, which isn't Apple's fault, it's the respective developers fault. Anything that is universal binary runs perfectly well on my macbook and I have had no issues so far. I started off by re-installing OS X Tiger without some of the programs I knew I didn't want and without all the extra languages in order to save space, otherwise I've had no gripes with the OS at all.

Are you having issues aside from Adobe and Macromedia (and other non-U.B.) products with your macbook, I'm curious.
CEpeep said:
Yes, you can do a fresh, clean install of the OS from the install disc. It's not like a Dell restore CD where it installs all sorts of additional crap, though the Mac OS doesn't really have much of that anyway.
My Dell restore CD is clean... :confused:

The only thing I've had any of my Dell WinXP CDs put on a system besides a regular Windows install is a link to Dell support. My most recent may not have even had that, since I can't find such link right now. All the other software is on other disks.
CEpeep said:
Yes, you can do a fresh, clean install of the OS from the install disc. It's not like a Dell restore CD where it installs all sorts of additional crap, though the Mac OS doesn't really have much of that anyway.

I consider a clean installation one where unneccesary programs are installed. As far as I can see, the likes of iTunes, iPhoto, etc., all constitute non-necessary applications, and yet they come on "fresh" OS X installations unless you configure the OS installation to not install them.
Bare with me guys, this is my first time switching over to a Mac and I'm a little excited and cautious at the same time. I have a couple of more questions that I'm sure are already answered elsewhere, but would appreciate some feedback.

1.) When in XP can you read data from the Mac partition? And vice-versa? Would I have to install XP in FAT32 instead of NTFS?

2.) I have a Logitech G7 wireless mouse. Will it work with the MBP? (In OSX not Windows) --I've seen that others have said it should work, but on Logitech's site it doesn't state anything about Mac compatibility.

3.) Stupid question, but when Leopard comes out, it will work fine on the 32bit CPUs right?

My last question is more like asking for opinions. I'm caught in the middle between the MBP w/the 15.4" screen and the 17" screen. I like the 15, because the laptop seems more compact, but the 17 obviously offers more screen space/higher res, and the audio seems louder on the speakers. (Was testing them side by side with the volume @ max.)

Any thoughts on that? I really appreciate the info, I've been a PC user all my life, and the jump to an Apple computer makes me feel like a newb. :D ;)
datamage said:
Bare with me guys, this is my first time switching over to a Mac and I'm a little excited and cautious at the same time. I have a couple of more questions that I'm sure are already answered elsewhere, but would appreciate some feedback.

1) If you install XP on a FAT32 partition, you will be able to read and write it in Mac OS, and you can use a program called MacDrive to mount HFS+ drives in Windows.

2) Should work great. I have an MX510 and the drivers let me configure all sorts of stuff.

3) Yep.

I have the 15". The 17" was too big for me to carry around, and the X1600 isn't really good enough to play games at the native res of the 17" anyway, but it holds its own at 1440x900.
datamage said:
Bare with me guys, this is my first time switching over to a Mac and I'm a little excited and cautious at the same time. I have a couple of more questions that I'm sure are already answered elsewhere, but would appreciate some feedback.

First off, I will not bare with you. I'm not that kind of guy. :D

1. Never tried it.

2. Should be no problem. I understand that you did your checking on the Logitech site. I am using a Logitech VX with my MB, no problems. As far as I can tell, it is the same software for all their new mice.

3. Yes.
Is this a desktop replacement or an actual Laptop? If you're going to be luggint his around everywhere, I strongly recommend the 15" version...
syntax_terror said:
I use a MBP and it's a pretty big dissappointment in terms of performance. I rely on the Macromedia / Adobe Studio products and they aren't optimized for intel. The next versions, adobe CS3, due 2007 Q2, will be optimized. So, if you rely on programs that aren't intel optimized, you may want to wait.

I'm not exaggerating, my MBP is a real dog.

A friend just bought a MB two days ago and he's pretty underwhelmed also.

I'm guessing you're just talking about non-Intel apps, because the MB(P) screams at running everything else. Photoshop CS2 runs about as well on my MBP as it does on my roommate's iBook G4, which isn't too bad, but it will be far better once CS3 arrives. If you're talking about the system in general, you need more RAM. The OS needs at least 1GB to run effectively. I'm running 1.5GB here, and am waiting for my other 1GB stick to come back from RMA.
syntax_terror said:
I use a MBP and it's a pretty big dissappointment in terms of performance. I rely on the Macromedia / Adobe Studio products and they aren't optimized for intel. The next versions, adobe CS3, due 2007 Q2, will be optimized. So, if you rely on programs that aren't intel optimized, you may want to wait.

I'm not exaggerating, my MBP is a real dog.

A friend just bought a MB two days ago and he's pretty underwhelmed also.

Somewhat agree. Hefty Rosseta applications are dogs but with lighter wiehgt ones you won't even notice the difference.

Performance with Intel optimized apps is incredible (espeically when you compare it to the Powerbook G4s). If you're going to be using CS2 or even the Office suite then I'd recommend you stock up on RAM.
We have 2 MBPs in the house, mine, with 1.5GB ram flies. My g/f's with 512mb ram seems sluggish. My suggestion is to throw more ram into the machine - it makes a HUGE difference.
Well, I finally got it. :) I decided to just go with the 15.4" screen. It's still sitting in the box though, haven't had the chance to play around with it yet. Anything I need to do or should do at first? :D

A different world awaits me now. ;)