This guy can wire.....

That does look damn good...but man is that a lot of work. I don't have the patience or effort...or funds to make mine look that good. I'm not real sure how much that plexiglass or the tools he used cost, but I doubt it's too cheap.
I want to have his babies. Er, if I were a chick. That's ridiculously nice work. Makes me sad. . .
That's really nice! Some day I'm gonna put a lot of time and effort into my wiring. Some day...
Originally posted by K2Rage101
wow, he drills THROUGH the mobo to hide wires...that's committed.

No, he's using a few of the stock MB mounting holes to pass the wires thru. I doubt you could drill a hole anywhere in a MB and still have it work, since most MB's now are at least 4 layer, and probably 6 layer.
hmm never thought of that for the radeon power.
Meh, my wires are everywhere and I don't care... The side panel of my case has been off for at least a year, I don't even remember where it is anymore.
That is without a doubt the cleanest wiring jobe I've ever seen.
jesus, hes like a wiring ninja

when I get a case (comp sitting on desk right now :D) i'm following this guy word for word!

one reason ive been hesitant has been it doenst give a lot of airflow around the harddrives...but if I follow his thinking I can probabily pull it off. with ribbon cables, no less.
i hate looking at sites like this. because then i think "man i could do up something like that. and then i try and i screw something up.

i wanna use his idea of a another floor on the bottom though.
Eh but whats he gona do when his buddies pc dies and he needs to hook up his hd? Or how about a new toy, Complete pain to go go from his ati with a floppy power to a newer one with a normal power plug. My system looks like a fire hazzard, but i can swap out or add just about anything in a few min. Now if only i could hid all them dam usb/firewire wires that are 10x longer then they need to be...
Originally posted by nightanole
Eh but whats he gona do when his buddies pc dies and he needs to hook up his hd? Or how about a new toy, Complete pain to go go from his ati with a floppy power to a newer one with a normal power plug. My system looks like a fire hazzard, but i can swap out or add just about anything in a few min. Now if only i could hid all them dam usb/firewire wires that are 10x longer then they need to be...
Thta;s why it's a good reason to have two systems. One for tinkering with, the other for looks.
how does he connect the fans power cables behind the mobo tray? dont tell me he soldered a new one back as its gonna be PITA to remove them. i know because i do the same, except I didnt solder them:D

i wanna see complete inside view
i think his case looks really nice but i its when i hid my wires before it took 30 minutes to unhook them and like 1 hour to reset them up. then i decided it was to much of a pain in the ass to keep doing that after you get a new piece of hardware.
Very nice, i never really thought to use the holes in the mobo to run wires, very creative ;)
Thats pretty good. Just I think a real big challange would be to do an awsome wireing job like that in a clear plexi case :D

Also, what did he do with the monster connection cable to power the motherboard from the psu?!
Originally posted by sugii
Thats pretty good. Just I think a real big challange would be to do an awsome wireing job like that in a clear plexi case :D

Also, what did he do with the monster connection cable to power the motherboard from the psu?!
It's pretty near the top edge so I suspect he just ran it up over the edge of the motherboard tray and around the back.
It's nice. But it's not the cleanest I've seen. I don't remember the exact case, but someone posted a pic of it a long time back. As a tad bit cleaner than that .. if that's even possible! :)

But seriously guys, give it time. I'm sure some case maker will say "hey, that's a great idea .. I shall steal it and profit$$$$$" then all of a sudden your case comes prewired like that :)
Wheres that one guy that takes the wires and makes designs on your window with em? I forget the URL, but he had a star and a butterfly made with the wires and taped to the window... looked damn awesome.