THQ digital downloads on sale @Amazon.


Fully [H]
Apr 10, 2003
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That $20 Retribution complete pack has no DLC with it - that's the 3 main games in a pack. DLC is $23 on it's own and requires you to spend $10 for the base game to go on it.

Sad really, as I have loved all the DoW games. Haven't bought Retribution because of the DLC Fest they had with it.
Was about to post this, I got Space Marine for 10 bucks. You can use the code from Amazon and activate on Steam.
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Thanks. I had a hard copy of supcom 1 + xpac. Bought forged alliance and now they are in my steam library.

That $20 Retribution complete pack has no DLC with it - that's the 3 main games in a pack. DLC is $23 on it's own and requires you to spend $10 for the base game to go on it.

Sad really, as I have loved all the DoW games. Haven't bought Retribution because of the DLC Fest they had with it.

What does the DLC do for you?
That $20 Retribution complete pack has no DLC with it - that's the 3 main games in a pack. DLC is $23 on it's own and requires you to spend $10 for the base game to go on it.

Sad really, as I have loved all the DoW games. Haven't bought Retribution because of the DLC Fest they had with it.

Thank you for catching that! I was trying to rush so I could finish making my mom's lunch.
It's in a storage locker that I will never bother going to again :D

I heard some people had problems entering the codes. Otherwise Supreme Commander in a box is on Amazon for $4.15. I have Amazon Prime so it's slightly cheaper to get it that way. Personally I think it's worth the $0.84 to get the code and not wait for it to be shipped.
I tried putting in my Forged Alliance code in Steam and it doesn't work :(

From the box or digital download? If from a box I'm sure Steam customer service (email support) will assist. If it's from Amazon as a digital download then Amazon will gladly replace it.
Picked up Sup Com FA and added it to my Steam. Works great! So glad to have it back again.
Just picked up Saint's Row 2 for $4.99. Been waiting for it to drop to this price, since the retail boxed version was also just $4.99. Thanks
From the box or digital download? If from a box I'm sure Steam customer service (email support) will assist. If it's from Amazon as a digital download then Amazon will gladly replace it.

From box.. so where do I contact to get the steam version working?

Edit: I know email support but isn't there phone support?
I've been enjoying the crap out of Dawn of War 2. I'm normally not a huge turn based strategy fan either.
62 Total Downloads.
41 of 62 are DLC

Fuck them and the armored horse they rode in on.
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62 Total Downloads.
41 of 62 are DLC

Fuck them and the armored horse they rode in on.

None of the Retribution DLC is mandatory. The only one that gives a new unit is the Tau Commander. The rest are strictly cosmetic different skins for the preexisting classes. So for $10 the base game is all you need.

The base game is fun as hell btw.
None of the Retribution DLC is mandatory. The only one that gives a new unit is the Tau Commander. The rest are strictly cosmetic different skins for the preexisting classes. So for $10 the base game is all you need.

The base game is fun as hell btw.

At least there is that. I still think it's a sad money grab to charge that much for what is essentially just skins (which you could create and download for free in the original DoW).
At least there is that. I still think it's a sad money grab to charge that much for what is essentially just skins (which you could create and download for free in the original DoW).

No doubt that! They are higher resolution than the base game's skins. Which is kinda weird to make people pay more for high resolution skins. Also why not take the time to redo the base game's skins for free? Things that developer's have been doing since the beginning of time to keep customers.
There is still an in game army painter just like DoW. And modding is also supported like in DoW and there are mods for in game army cosmetics. They have also released free DLC for DoW2. Even the entire Last Stand game play mode was a free DLC add on for Chaos Rising.

The majority of DLC they sell is really to appeal to W40K fans. Keep in mind W40k core miniatures/table top as a business is essentially the equivalent of a cosmetic DLC model. It has no bearing for you if you just want to play the DoW2 as a computer game.
LoL, I just figured it out , all of my old credit cards were expired that I had on file , it just wanted a new one :D Ill assume its just for address verification as it just charged the 9.99 to my remaining balance on my gift cards .
LoL, I just figured it out , all of my old credit cards were expired that I had on file , it just wanted a new one :D Ill assume its just for address verification as it just charged the 9.99 to my remaining balance on my gift cards .

I was about to say! You should be able to use amazon gift cards on PC games... I mean heck, you can use amazon gift cards for 3rd party sellers on amazon's website....glad you got it figured out though
That $20 Retribution complete pack has no DLC with it - that's the 3 main games in a pack. DLC is $23 on it's own and requires you to spend $10 for the base game to go on it.

Sad really, as I have loved all the DoW games. Haven't bought Retribution because of the DLC Fest they had with it.

I also love all the DoW games, Retribution being my favorite, and I haven't bought one bit of DLC. The DLC seems really trivial and irrelevant to the game, just cosmetic stuff or whatever, but Retribution feels 100% the most complete out of any of the games, having every race, campaign, steam play, etc. I don't think the DLC makes one bit of difference in actual online play, and every race is available. Definitely worth $10
Just beat space marine, man that game sucked no wonder THQ is doing poorly, such great potential in a well developed universe and yet there was barely a plot and no charcter developement until the end which we get nothing even close to a resolution on, really lame.
I wish Amazon would extend their digital download service to other countries... There are some interesting deals on this sale that I would have bit on. *sigh*
I wish Amazon would extend their digital download service to other countries... There are some interesting deals on this sale that I would have bit on. *sigh*

You can make an amazon account with a hotel address or something like that. Just use your CC, works for me. I live in Canada.