Time to dump 780 Gtxs for AMD cards?


Feb 21, 2003
We'll I play BF3 and plan on BF4 being about 60 percent of my gaming with the rest split up in EAs driving series of games with a occasional strategy game here or there. Question is I'm running 3 Evga SC 780gtxs core at 1100 24/7 stable, moniter is a LG 29 in Ultrawide 2560x1080p. I'm thinking of selling all 3 and hopefully going with 1 card and save the rest of the money towards Haswell K upgrade next year. CPU now is a 2600k at 4800 MHz.

Near the top of the article the BF4 dev tweets that Nvidia already has it's own low level API called NVAPI that they have been working with in BF3. That's right it's already in BF3 and of course will be featured in BF4. AMD just came out with their version for BF4. So now both video card manufacturers are on the same footing as far as low level API development. Basically Mantle is AMD trying to play catch up to Nvidia.

Keep your 780's. :)
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Near the top of the article the BF4 dev tweets that Nvidia already has it's own low level API called NVAPI that they have been working with in BF3. That's right it's already in BF3 and of course will be featured in BF4. AMD just came out with their version for BF4. So now both video card manufacturers are on the same footing as far as low level API development. Basically Mantle is AMD trying to play catch up to Nvidia.

Keep your 780's. :)

Cease and desist immediately, this is an opinion-only location! :p

Near the top of the article the BF4 dev tweets that Nvidia already has it's own low level API called NVAPI that they have been working with in BF3. That's right it's already in BF3 and of course will be featured in BF4. AMD just came out with their version for BF4. So now both video card manufacturers are on the same footing as far as low level API development. Basically Mantle is AMD trying to play catch up to Nvidia.

Keep your 780's. :)

What, NVAPI is nowhere near the same level as Mantle.
If you can get all the money back out of your 780's sure, but otherwise seems like a waste of money to me. im on the border of buying a 7970 myself for $269 brand new
Ya I guess it might be smarter to just wait until next year and see a What NVidia brings out. I'm getting over 100 Fps in most games and my moniter is Overclocked to 76hz so I'm won't see any benefit. I guess I should put my EPeen away and just play some games. I guess I will see how my system stacks up on Oct 1st Bf4 Beta.
Yeah, I think you should sell those bits of junk. How have you even bought so slow cards in the first place? :D
nVidia has had plenty of time to wait and see what AMD came out with and plan accordingly. It won't take nVidia a year to at least match if not jump over AMD's best. People should know that by now unless they just got into pc gaming. To the OP. I'd wait. I'm betting it won't be long.
If you want the new card now I'd sell fast to get most money possible before the value decreases. Right now I'm sure some people are looking for fair price on gtx780 for SLI.
3x780s on a single screen set up


overkill for a long time to come.

It'll beast BF4 to DEATH, spank it's arse. If you decide to add another pair of 29" on top, then maybe you'll have to think about something but I doubt it.
lol 3 gtx780s at just 2560x1080? OP worry about mantle if and only if it has any real world advantage. until then enjoy your batshit crazy overkill setup. or you could just sell that 3rd 780 as its likely never been the least bit utilized.
This is all speculation. Sell sell sell. Perceived value is a bitch when these cards plummets in the next few months.
lol 3 gtx780s at just 2560x1080? OP worry about mantle if and only if it has any real world advantage. until then enjoy your batshit crazy overkill setup. or you could just sell that 3rd 780 as its likely never been the least bit utilized.

IN NO WAY OVERKILL!!! Crysis 3 with all the bells and whistles need it for sure to achieve well over 60 FPS all the time, Tomb Raider runs well over 100FPS with everything maxxed, Witcher 2 with Uber runs around 60FPS and up. I ran 3 moniters in the past but it was just to tedious, This ultrawide in nice but i wish it was more like 1200P not 1080P.

BF3 runs great, Although on 64 player Maps with everything at max 2560X1080P i get anywhere from 80 ( Yes it may dip down here maybe my cpu ) but goes to 200FPS. My average on big open maps ( 64 players ) is usually 120 and up all the time.
Need one of these :rolleyes:

If you do feel like parting one of those 780's though, feel free to send it my way, I will treat it real good. :D
IN NO WAY OVERKILL!!! Crysis 3 with all the bells and whistles need it for sure to achieve well over 60 FPS all the time, Tomb Raider runs well over 100FPS with everything maxxed, Witcher 2 with Uber runs around 60FPS and up. I ran 3 moniters in the past but it was just to tedious, This ultrawide in nice but i wish it was more like 1200P not 1080P.

BF3 runs great, Although on 64 player Maps with everything at max 2560X1080P i get anywhere from 80 ( Yes it may dip down here maybe my cpu ) but goes to 200FPS. My average on big open maps ( 64 players ) is usually 120 and up all the time.
well MOST people use common sense though and use a notch down on AA or just SMAA. if it makes you feel better to spend 2000 bucks to bump one or two setting in like 2 or 3 games total then so be it. its your money so do what works for you.

and yeah it would be nice to one day have a higher res 21:9 screen res such as 3840x1620.

btw there are just WAY too many games that dont properly support 21:9 now or I would go with it.
well MOST people use common sense though and use a notch down on AA or just SMAA. if it makes you feel better to spend 2000 bucks to bump one or two setting in like 2 or 3 games total then so be it. its your money so do what works for you.

and yeah it would be nice to one day have a higher res 21:9 screen res such as 3840x1620.

btw there are just WAY too many games that dont properly support 21:9 now or I would go with it.

Well i hate to tell you almost everygame supports it natively and only a few with a simple program Called Flawless Widescenn which enable it for you. Here is a List of games that i own that support 2560X1080 res Natively
Battlefield 3
Crysis 3
Crysis 2
World of Tanks and Planes
Farcry 3
Sleeping Dogs
Metro 2033 / Last Light
Tomb Raider
Trine 2
Borderlands 1 / 2
Guild Wars 2
Dota 2
F1 2011/2012
Dirt 2 / 3
Need for Speed the Run
Need for Speed Most Wanted
Alan Wake
Batman Arkham City
Call of Duty 2
Call of Duty Black Ops
Civ V
Grid 2
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
Duke Nuke Em
Strike Suit Infinity
Titan Quest

These games require you to run the Game fix on Flawless widescreen, Basically 2 left mouse button clicks :)

Witcher 2
Diablo 3
Mortal Kombat
Mass Effect 3

These are all the games i own and they all work great at 2560X1080P
So i find your comment of lack of game support confusing.
sorry but many of those game dont PROPERLY support it and thats a fact. some Unreal Engine 3 game I have tried will keep the same exact width as 16:9 and just cut off top and bottom of the screen a little. heck Unreal Engine 3 never even got 16:9 right in the first place. Metro games and Far Cry 3 and some others will simply stretch the image but most people dont even notice it. plenty of others are a bit wonky giving an odd fov too but its obvious that you just did not notice it. I spent hours testing 16:9 compared to 21:9 and 21:9 is a little bit of a mess right now.
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Actually, in general isn't the 3 cards overkill for what you are running? I assume you are targeting the new 290 card, which is looking like Titan level performance for less than a GTX 780? Even if you sold the 3 cards and went with 2 of the new Radeon cards, I think you should be good for BF4 at that res. Hopefully the difference should cover most of the new Haswell combo costs.
BF3 runs great, Although on 64 player Maps with everything at max 2560X1080P i get anywhere from 80 ( Yes it may dip down here maybe my cpu ) but goes to 200FPS. My average on big open maps ( 64 players ) is usually 120 and up all the time.

Are you sure it's the CPU? As in the perf overlay shows this?

On a 4930k and two 780's, I STILL have drops to 80-90 in scenes, but it's gpu bottlenecked.

I'm more 80% bf3/bf4. If I have this issue in bf4, I'm going mantle, even if it means 7990's
I sure did. I am using my ancient 480 gtx right now. I figured this.

If the AMD cards arent that all....Well I assume the 780's will go down in price (even Titans).

So if you sell now....wait....then when the time comes you can either choose the 290X, or cheaper 780's

But thats all speculation at this point, but if you are seriously thinking about it. NOW is the time to sell before the 780's drop in value.
I don't get you Marcdaddy. You are always making posts bragging about your triple GPU setups but now you want to sell them off for a single AMD next gen so you can save for a Haswell K CPU? I am baffled.
I don't get you Marcdaddy. You are always making posts bragging about your triple GPU setups but now you want to sell them off for a single AMD next gen so you can save for a Haswell K CPU? I am baffled.

Why not? Can get 3x AMD Hawaii cards = win until Nvidia answer
Why not? Can get 3x AMD Hawaii cards = win until Nvidia answer

Yes but he says he wants to go with 1 card... no way a single 290x + Haswell is going to compare with his current setup for gaming.
Yes but he says he wants to go with 1 card... no way a single 290x + Haswell is going to compare with his current setup for gaming.

Very true, but it MIGHT be better then Titan, It also depends on the game. If its BF4, and Mantle gives him that much more performance, he might not have too.

Of course its all speculation because no one knows performance or specs or clock speeds or overclocking potential.

October 15th can't come soon enough.

P.S. Bridgeless Crossfire is a win in my book!
Abandon ship! The skies falling! Burn every video card you have! Panic in the streets! Throw your computers out the window! Everything is obsolete! Sell your cars! Sell your house!
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Abandon ship! The skies falling! Burn every video card you have! Panic in the streets! Throw your computers out the window! Everything is obsolete! Sell your cars! Sell your house! Sell your children!

I wouldn't sell your children Brent. Don't want the NSA comin knockin on your door.

Hell they probably already read your post.
i don't have children :p

Seriously though, Op, question cannot be answered till the new stuff is evaluated, I personally wouldn't make a decision till the new stuff is evaluated, and out, so you know the pricing and what might be needed for your requirements. 3x GTX 780's is a very powerful setup, there is no 1 card that could match the performance of all 3 of those. With your overclock you are over 3x TITAN performance. The only thing that would equal what you have, is what you have, heh.
Basically you should refrain make these things into what Brent said. Technology usually takes some time to take a foothold before it being clear if it is a winner or not but if your only goal in life is playing Battlefield 4 then it is something you can consider once the benchmarks are out.

However the TrueAudio part of the new card seems interesting because the audio dsp gets data from the videocard and all of it is handled on the videocard itself instead of cpu->gpu->cpu->sound device.

Your upgrade plan to make some money is something which is good, but you are not going to get the same performance. But you already knew that ;)
I don't see 780/Titan prices dropping that much. Nvidia does not slash prices like AMD does. I think at most they may cut the 780 down $50. As for the Titan I'm not sure what they'll do with it. It has held $1k price along side the GTX690 that is technically faster then it. The 7990 dropping in price hasn't caused any NV price drops either, and it is faster then 690/780/Titan.
AMD kicks ass when it comes to value. I'll probably pick up a R9 series card for my wifes pc, just so I can play around with them to see how good they are. But I plan on sticking with my 780s for the foreseeable future.
Yes, time to dump them OP. Get in contact with me ASAP and I will gladly take them off your hands. :p

On a serious note, i'm not sure why anyone would even consider this when we don't have full data on AMD's new cards yet.
We should start a group buy on his 780's and split them up between us guys that have crappy GPU's...