Time to start busting the Flog-o-whatsit!!

Do you have an explanation for the abbreviations they use on the flog-o-meter? I think they're the following, but I'm really not sure

D - last 24 hours
W - last 7 days
T - total
G - gap
M - monthly work units?
A - active CPUs

What's the "week" column with the numbers 1-7?

Don't forget we also have this page on hardfolding.com.
thats why we call it the whatsit..

we dont know wtf it is or how you are supposed to know anything

cept we want all the bars on the left hand side :D

With a little msg on the bottom..

We must try [H]arder this time. My spies tell me they have installed an anti-ocp version. Latest code uses the [H]arden core v.
Those appear to be correct abbreviations.

This is kind of a traditional thing when we start turning the tide. It's always fun to watch their flogger get broken. :D

KodiakStar said:
thats why we call it the whatsit..

we dont know wtf it is or how you are supposed to know anything

cept we want all the bars on the left hand side :D

With a little msg on the bottom..

I hate that POS.
marty9876 said:
We must try [H]arder this time.
Must I quote an 800-year-old green hairy guy with pointed ears? "Try not. Do or do not. There is no try." We all have to borg more. There are not enough borgs until Stanford can't create WUs fast enough to supply them!
Red means good :D at least in the bar chart at the bottom... and at least from our standpoint

as for the top... I've tried figuring it out, and I just say "screw it, we're still getting beat" or "screw it, we're still beating them" depending............

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Glad I'm not the only one that has no idea what is going on with that thing...

Here's to more red then! :D
Fold On!

So who will be the sacrificial lamb who will infiltrate the ocau forums and find out how this whatsit works?
Most of us are already registered there... I don't think even they can explain it
KodiakStar said:
Most of us are already registered there... I don't think even they can explain it

Yeah, like K* said, alot of us are registered there, but sometimes that leads to not nice things. :p

Thank god you guys can at least kind of interpret it.

Lets smash us some roos!

I was going to, but go ahead Moose. I'll be sure to get in on the converation. Me=shrimp4sure

Now this is funny....


I guess that's just the difference, the [H] are up all night! :D

I just joined in on the fun. I forgot my password or I would have been there 10 minutes ago.
Well anyhow, that must just be another difference between us and them, we'll open 24 hours for talking smack and answering questions. :p

p[H]ant0m said:
Well anyhow, that must just be another difference between us and them, we'll open 24 hours for talking smack and answering questions. :p

We don't need sleep, we have mojo!

AtomicMoose said:
I am stirring the shit pot again...

Just remember the last time this happened, all those b7's. :(

It's all in good fun, now where did I put that anti-roo badge....


p[H]ant0m said:
Just remember the last time this happened, all those b7's. :(

It's all in good fun, now where did I put that anti-roo badge....


please...I am the Moose. :p
psychosonik said:
Must be having a vegemite shortage. Good thing they know nothing of Starbucks :D

Ugg. I have a small bottle of vegemite. You can't possibly have taste buds and like that stuff.