Timeshift release date?


Aug 28, 2006
I'm getting different date here does anyone REALLY know?

best buy: 10/31
amazon: 11/27 :eek:
IGN 10/30 (today)
gamesdaily 10/30
buy.com 10/31

most other places say today. i go to the bestbuy website and its still a preorder WTH?:confused:
umm why do you guys care? I just played the demo and it's a very shitty game. A class D game why would you have interest in it. I had better games on my n64 then that.
umm why do you guys care? I just played the demo and it's a very shitty game. A class D game why would you have interest in it. I had better games on my n64 then that.

I feel the same way, but a lot of people enjoyed the demo and are excited for this. It boggles the mind, but different strokes for different folks I guess.
umm why do you guys care? I just played the demo and it's a very shitty game. A class D game why would you have interest in it. I had better games on my n64 then that.

That's your opinion,maybe there are people who are interested in it.Too many fricken game snobs around the net lately.
looks pretty col so far:cool:

its not crysis or anything but it is a major release.

I JUST saw the commercial on TV and it said its out RIGHT NOW on all platforms. I called best buy ( thats the nearest place to me that would have it) and they said its not out till teh 13th of nov while their own website says the 31st of oct while every other place on the net says today.


freakin weirdos
its not great, but it'll fill the time in the spring lull... at least for a day or two :)
I will definately be picking up a used copy of this in the near future.

I love the fact that you can control time at any point of the game and do pretty much whatever you want. That for me is the selling point.

Combat wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either. Felt a little like Half-Life 2.
I haven't played the demo, but the commercial looked neat.;) I guess I'll wait for some review before even thinking about picking this one up.
I'm downloading the demo now. Downloaded the Hellgate: London demo last night and changed my mine about picking up my pre-order. May put the money on Timeshift if I like it. Gonna play Crysis demo a 4th time now, this time on Delta.