TJ09/Gentle Typhoon Fan Quirk


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 20, 2004
I'm in the middle of redoing the guts of my TJ09 to replace a dead PC with new, working parts. As part of this, I'm replacing all the "generic" fans with some Gentle Typhoons and came across a small issue I thought I'd post up here to see if anyone else has run into.

The case has plastic brackets that let you just clip two fans into the top of the case, and normally they hold very well that way. The new Gentle Typhoons, however, don't clip in, as the outer frame is apparently smaller than what the clips will hold. The older fans clipped in fine and were secure for years.

There is no way to screw the fans in, so I'm planning on some tape and cardboard to widen the frame where the clips grab on, and it should suffice, but I was sort of shocked that they didn't fit by default. I love the GT fans both for airflow and noise, but the whole frame thing has me wondering if others have run into this issue somewhere before???