Tormond hits 1 Million

Way to go Tormond ! We both started about the same month, but you have basically doubletimed me ! A million in about a year is no small feat :D Please stick with us !

excellent job.

i'm a quarter of the way there myself...

lol now if i could figure out a way to hold zim01 of my ass long enough to get to 2 million pts lol i would be proud of that

84gthatch said:
lol now if i could figure out a way to hold zim01 of my ass long enough to get to 2 million pts lol i would be proud of that

I just checked, and Zim01 is predicted to pass me in just 75 days. :eek:

Nice to have that power folding for the [H]orde.

28 days for overtaking Gotta love it and hate it at the same time.
One million points in one year is no mean feat. How many computers do you actually have folding for you? I'm going as far as building a couple folding boxes, and GPU folding could help me a lot, but I can't see myself getting anywhere near that number in just a year.
natermeister said:
One million points in one year is no mean feat.
<grammarnazi>Fixed. Mean in this case means average, so what you want to say is that this is no average accomplishment</grammarnazi>

Anyway, congrats, Tormond! (Every time I see your nick, I can't help but think of the Russian work tormoz, which in slang means "retard" :p)
Hehe thanks guys. actually the tormond comes from the fact that my name is Trey Ormond (although I think I am a retard sometimes). I have about 30-40 CPUs that fold pretty much 24x7 (and some random borgs that work whenever the owners decide to turn them on) At the moment I am sitting with an Opty 148, a Celly 2.8, a Pentium M 1.7 Notebook, a Pentium M 1.6 Notebook but that is just whats on my desk. I also have a pair of Dual 933 P3s that when I can take the noise I turn on. Have a X2 4400+ that is sitting on my desk that needs a MB and I just havent gotten around to ordering one for it. I am not going anywhere anytime soon. Hell I always wanted to be in the top 50 (one more spot to go) and then I can set my sights on top 10. While I have strayed fro teh forums a bit (I still tend to lurk here and now) I still borg where I can/when I can (added 2 more borgs this week). The real trick is to ask EVERYBODY. All they can do is say no and heck they might say yes :)
