Torturing yourself with blank keycaps?


Fully [H]
Aug 16, 2004
So I picked up a Cherry MX board 3.0 for crazy cheap that somebody had swapped out the stock keycaps with blank keycaps.

So hard to get used to not glancing at the keyboard when typing.

Anybody else here put yourself through the paces with blank keycaps?
Haha... nope but I can imagine that it is tough.

I think side printed keycaps probably is the best of both world.
Kind of like this
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I'm not even remotely close to being a touch typist, so blank keys would be a form of slow torture for me, indeed.
I have all blank caps on my old 710+. It works for me.
Years ago I won a DasKeyboard Professional with black keycaps. I used it for a while at work before I spilled coffee on it and killed it. Honestly, I think it helped my typing skills.
Been there, done that. Love them. Side benefit: it keeps people at work from grabbing the keyboard off of my desk when they need to swap theirs out, and is an amusing conversation piece (“How do you use that?!”).
I took it to work the one day and used it. Showed it to a few people and the looks I got were hilarious.

One lady told me that in here typing class back in the day (still used typewriters), that for the test, the teacher covered all the typewriters and then before the test started, she uncovered them and most of the students were dumbfounded that she had covered all the keys with stickers. If I was a student, I would have hated that.. but as a teacher, would have absolutely done something like that. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

It did make me keep my fingers on the home row keys but I still messed up a lot. I'll have to work on getting used to it some more. I'm sure my typing skill will go way up once I use it for a while.
I did the blank keys a few years ago. If you can make the first week, you can make yourself a much better typist in about a month.
I have all blank caps on my old 710+. It works for me.
I love my G710+ and would do the same if I had the time and money to order all blank keycaps. I would also want the keycap backlighting to come through too.
I have an ersatz standing desk with a Corsair K65, but I haven't seen my KB for months, now. It really makes me a better typist, even if I occasionally stumble a bit.

EDIT: it's a bookshelf with the KB shelf only 5 inches below the monitor's shelf. I guess I can cheat a bit and hunch over to see the KB.
Typing class in high school was brutal as we were not allowed to see the keys AT ALL. I was one of 3 of us that were blazing away at 60wpm that we were given the opportunity to type on computers--PC XTs and ATs with the venerable model F and XT keyboards. What was fun about these is that you can switch the keycap between any other ones on the board and mess people up big time--like switching E and R just for giggles. The computing 1 class that used the computers I'm sure had some fun times due to our shenanigans.

But because of that course, as long as my hands find the home row and the key spacing or layout isn't funky (or too far from ansi), I never look at the keys. I actually picked up a das locally that has side printed keys as well as the stock blank ones. I like the side printed as I did get lost a bit on that board...
I did that when I was a teenager to try to force myself to touch type....made it more annoying that anything else!
So I picked up a Cherry MX board 3.0 for crazy cheap that somebody had swapped out the stock keycaps with blank keycaps.

So hard to get used to not glancing at the keyboard when typing.

Anybody else here put yourself through the paces with blank keycaps?
I have a Das Ultimate S that has blank keycaps.

Strong passwords on CLIs are a bitch. You gotta be good.
the only thing i ever ran into issues with using blank keys is if i happened to be looking at the keyboard right as i was starting to type in a password or something. as long as i didn't look at the keyboard before doing it i was completely fine. i enjoyed torturing people though that would try to use my computer.. they'd sit down and look at the keyboard then get up and walk away. if only they had figured out that the wireless keyboard that was sitting right next to my daily keyboard which had visable keys on it was also connected to that computer yet no one ever figured it out.
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the only thing i ever ran into issues with using blank keys is if i happened to be looking at the keyboard right as i was starting to type in a password or something. as long as i didn't look at the keyboard before doing it i was completely fine. i enjoyed torturing people though that would try to use my computer.. they'd sit down and look at the keyboard then get up and walk away. if only that had known that the wireless keyboard that was sitting right next to my daily keyboard which had visable keys on it was also connected to that computer yet no one ever figured it out.
LOL! Well, played sir, well played. (y)
Why would anyone buy a keyboard with no keytop lettering?
Why would anyone manufacture such a keyboard?
I would never do this, would give me flashbacks to typing class where they made me put a box over the keyboard to type. :LOL:
Das4 Ultimate which I used for about 6 months before getting my Feenix Autore. It was fun. My dad came over one time and asked to use my computer. 10 seconds later, "What the hell is this!!!???". Hahaha. I still use the keyboard at the cabin but very rarely.
To this day I still have flashbacks of my typing class in high school. That was one class that got less credit than it deserved. Nowadays, I rarely even look down at the keyboard, save for some special characters.
I use black, blank PBT caps on my TKL board and would never go back to caps with legends. It just seems...pointless? Not sure what to call it, but typing is a skill that I've been honing for nearly 20 years, so I feel that it would be a damn shame if I had somehow relegated something to muscle memory from such long-term use without having actually learned where everything was. The only thing I had to spend a bit of extra time to memorize was the location of the various Fn-modified keys for media & backlight controls.
The scary or maybe awesome thing is.. when I pull out my blank keycap keyboard at home, my 5 and 7 year old will go ahead and start pointing to keys and telling me what letters they are.
I have been using a Das Keyboard Ultimate for over 10 years at work. It has blank key caps. It is a conversation piece for sure, it also stops people from wanting to use your computer, haha. I've been a Touch typist for years and years, so it's really a non-issue for me.
First thing I did after I got my current board (Ducky Shine 3 with blacks IIRC) was get blank key caps. I've typed for so long that I don't need to look at the keys. I can type accurately in pretty much any position, including laying on my side in bed. Also blanks keep people from using my keyboard which was another big factor in getting them. Pic for reference:
I used to have blank caps on my HHKB, but whenever my girlfriend used my pc she would complain, as it only exacerbated the difficulty of adapting to the alternative layout. Overall, I really don't notice a difference with or without them.
I did this with my first board too. It was great to have in college though because people would try to do stuff on your computer and give up since it was blank.
Blank user here too:


Since I touchtype legends are unnecessary and I like the clean aesthetic of blank keycaps. Incidentally, it keeps the noobs off my keyboards.
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You will all laugh, but late one night I cleaned out my keyboard (ducky 1087) and was just too lazy to put the keys back on the right place. I'm a long, long time touch typist so this hasn't bothered me in the slightest in the month since then.
So I picked up a Cherry MX board 3.0 for crazy cheap that somebody had swapped out the stock keycaps with blank keycaps.

So hard to get used to not glancing at the keyboard when typing.

Anybody else here put yourself through the paces with blank keycaps?

I use a Das Ultimate S (blank caps and Cherry Blues) at work. Passwords on Linux, and the shift-number symbols like ! and # are a pain for a while, but it's otherwise not so bad. it made me a better typist, IMHO, since I basically never look down anymore.

It's funny when I have to have users come to my office and type a password into an application we're testing. They'll look down at the keyboard and get this panicked look on their face.
The scary or maybe awesome thing is.. when I pull out my blank keycap keyboard at home, my 5 and 7 year old will go ahead and start pointing to keys and telling me what letters they are.
Awesome, definitely awesome. (y)
You will all laugh, but late one night I cleaned out my keyboard (ducky 1087) and was just too lazy to put the keys back on the right place. I'm a long, long time touch typist so this hasn't bothered me in the slightest in the month since then.
HAHAHA! What's worse--blank or misleading legends? :LOL:
I use a Das Ultimate S (blank caps and Cherry Blues) at work. Passwords on Linux, and the shift-number symbols like ! and # are a pain for a while, but it's otherwise not so bad. it made me a better typist, IMHO, since I basically never look down anymore.

It's funny when I have to have users come to my office and type a password into an application we're testing. They'll look down at the keyboard and get this panicked look on their face.