TRIBALOVERKILL's Liquid Evolution, Reservoir_1

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Thanks guyz!!! This is the feedback ACRYAN wants. I can't patent it because its not mine. Belongs to ACRYAN. I am going to sell it soon. The reservoir as of now is 99% complete. I just have to weak it abit and clean it up. The lower shields are done and they look hot! I will have pics for you in the morning.
Very nice work dude!

You should do prop designs for Sci-Fi flics.
Lucas would hire you I'm sure! :)
Ok, an update. This reservoir is now 99% done. The last 1% iserely rebuffing and tweaking. Here are the pics,.... these are not final pics either.


Ok,... heres the begining of the lower shields. I taped off the areas that I need for the lower shields. Can not cut the tape. absolutely not.

Cut to sized and ready for the design to be tranfered to the pieces.

I cut a curve out of a piece of cardboard so I can mimic the same curve several times throughout both pieces.

Design traced.

Jig sawed the design out.

Done and polished. Ready for bending.


99% complete.
As outstanding as your jig work is...all that metal does rather block the marvelous interior of the reservoir. I'm kind of torn on whether it looks better with or without the shield.
You sir, are a winner!
Because of your awesome water reservoir mod, you win 1 free internet.
seriously dude, that is awesome, I love it, I would want one of those for my setup. You put so much effort into I can see. You are pretty talented, I give you kudos for this man.
It's DONE!!! xPO352r is complete. Not going to touch it anymore. I am 97% happy with it. Check it out.


I remade the stands of the brackets. The originals were sloppy to me. Here I just got done bending the new stands.

Going to replace the old sloppy ones,...

I cut the old ones off.

Nice isn't it?

Bolted in place.

All done.

See the two small aluminum strips the reservoir is bolted to,... well those two pieces would normally be the case. Right now they are holding the reservoir inside the shields. You guyz see how the brackets work now?

The reservoir being held inside the shields.

The underside.

So whats next? Blackout.

I have been really busy guyz. Sorry for the delay. I sprained both my arms and I am just starting to feel better now. I have been doing tons of Ot at the hospital too. I have plans to go back to school very soon. This september. I got word that Nick is very sick. I just want to wish him the best and I hope he gets better soon. Not the same without him being around. I am on vacation for 2 weeks so I plan on getting alot of blackout done. Stay tuned.
really beautiful i was just imagining how that thing would like on top of my lian li v2000a with a nice wc system :)
Would like it alot but this particular reservoir has to be mounted vertically. horizontally mounted tube reservoirs to come,....
M.D.K. said:
Hahaha you're logs are AWESOME to read. For some reason the voice of Carl from ATHF comes to mind, making it 1000x better. Seriously its pretty fun to read.

Nice work too. I would have never thought of using a circular sander to make a round cap... thats got to be a pain.

HAHA I thought exactly the same thing, I kept reading it with that voice in my head!!! LOL

Definately an awesome work log! I'm only through the first page but I'll be reading the rest as it looks like pure top-notch work.

I like the use of the circular sander, as long as things are marked well I think it would work great... definately gonna invest in one of those.

I saw your res and it inspired me to do something similar. I don't have all of your equipment (drill press) so I decided to go with something a little simpler.


It's built like Tribal's, but with 3/4" plexi on top and bottom of a 2" diameter plexi cylinder. The water inlets through the center of the bottom, up a plexi tube, and fountains out. It then trickles down through holes in a plexi plate and finally out through an off-centered hole in the bottom. There's an off-center hole in the top above the bottom one to fill.

Here's a pic with the barbs installed:

A pic of it installed in my old-school watercooled Celeron D (extra points if you can identify the watercooling gear). The fountaining water is a great visual flow indicator and does a pretty good job of getting bubbles out of the water.

Another action shot of it with some of the other members of the FenrisFarm (you are Folding aren't you?).

The pump I'm using isn't that strong, so I wasn't worried about too much flow. I could have probably used less than 12 holes in the plexi plate.
This actually wasn't that hard to build, but you do need a 1/4" NPT tap and it really helps to have a table saw to cut the 3/4" plexi and a belt/disc sander to sand things down. It does take about 1-2 hours to sand and polish the plexi afterward.
They do say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
Looks good though.

I must say though tribaloverkill, that is one kickass res! If it wasn't for my phobia of things attached to the outside of my case, and my dislike of windows, I would order three :D
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