Trine 2 50% off - ($7.49) Steam Weekend Deal

looks like they also have the first one for $2

must resist... i have a massive steam backlog already :p
Hmm...Tempting, looks like something the GF would enjoy also. Whats the multi player like on this?
Grabbed a copy for myself, and one for my inventory. This game(Trine 2) has never been on sale for Steam until now, it'll make for a good trading item
Loved Trine 2, didn't feel as such as a 'WOW' that I got from the original, but the game itself is absolutely beautiful.
Still no comments on the multiplayer?

I just installed it earlier and have not had a chance to play it yet other than seeing how it would run on the old pc my daughter will use (Athlon 64 3700+ @2.75, GTS250) Runs great maxed with high AA BTW!

My daughter and I played the first one thru with local coop and had a great time. The "multiplayer" in Trine 2 is you + up to two others playing thru the main game. Both local and online is supported this time. Which is why I bought one for my daughters Steam account also, now we won't have to share a screen.

There appears to be built in voice chat as well, not sure the quality though.

Should be a great game, gonna get into it over the weekend.
Multiplayer is great. Can do online, couch co-op, or a hybrid of the two. Playing with 2 friends, each using 2x Xbox 360 controls + 1 Keyboard/Mouse (or 3x controllers) is really really fun. Most in my group had a better time with the first, but also enjoyed the sequel.
I'll probably pick it up.

I am surprised the devs kept their word about holding out this long for sales. I understand their mentality. I think it's great games get a huge boost in revenue from big sales, but they have started doing it too fast. It sometimes just takes a few weeks for a new indie game, so it's hard to respect $10 or $15 price tags if they might be 75% off in 2 weeks. I liked Trine a lot, but I just didn't value the new one at $15 when I've got loads of games to play still.

That's exactly why it's not strange - we specifically did not want to release during the holiday sale, because the game would get buried pretty bad. So we compromised on the release dates (original plan was to have all versions out the same time, but of course console certification is what it is), and will now release the game in a reasonably good period, all things considered.

Trine 2 will not be on sale during the Steam holiday sale. We have some behind-the-scenes reasons for that related to consoles and fair pricing and such, and on top of that we don't really agree with this new mentality of going 75% off a few weeks after release, it's just a bit too much in my opinion (though we're certainly not against big sales in general). Trine 2 will probably follow a very different trend sale-wise than many other recent games, and we sort of hope that pays off in the long term. I guess we'll see.

And thanks everyone for the comments, glad to hear you are looking forward to the game. I hope it meets and exceeds your expectations.

- Joel, Frozenbyte team, developers of Trine 2

Thanks guys, much appreciated.

(Also to reiterate, "no sales at all for 6-12 months" is probably incorrect, I'm sure we'll try to make possible a small sale of 10-25% sometime in spring 2012, but in any case even that will take quite a while before it can happen.)
I just installed it earlier and have not had a chance to play it yet other than seeing how it would run on the old pc my daughter will use (Athlon 64 3700+ @2.75, GTS250) Runs great maxed with high AA BTW!

My daughter and I played the first one thru with local coop and had a great time. The "multiplayer" in Trine 2 is you + up to two others playing thru the main game. Both local and online is supported this time. Which is why I bought one for my daughters Steam account also, now we won't have to share a screen.

There appears to be built in voice chat as well, not sure the quality though.

Should be a great game, gonna get into it over the weekend.

Thank you! I snagged the collector's to support the devs and get the soundtrack of course. That's the comment I was hoping to hear. I appreciate it. :cool:
Absolutely beautiful game. I mean, stunning. I picked this up on the steam sale and I feel very guilty getting it for the price I did compared to the work the artists and programers must have poured into this project. It's a ***** 5 Star or 10 / 10 game all day long.

This game is worth $20 dollars easily and then some!

And all of you owners for new 120hz 3D displays. This game has a 3D mode that supports ATI and Nvidia 3D natively, I would give anything to see this in 3D. If it's breath taking in 2D, imagine what the game in 3D. Oh wow.

Now I want a 3D display.

I'm an oldskool gamer. I'm crusty and jaded as hell. When I come on here to give praise to something, please, take my word for it. It's worth the silly $7 dollars they are asking right now all day long. Support these guys and get one hell of a beautiful game.

TRUTH? I keep just stopping and looking at the damn screen, every inch of the game is nothing put pure art. It must have been an incredible amount of work to put that level of detail into all that they did. You just do not see 1/10th the level of detail and art any any game out there. I'm even talking hand drawn click to move adventure games. And these guys are doing it in mostly if not all 3D.

My fav to play is the wizard! :)
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Absolutely beautiful game. I mean, stunning. I picked this up on the steam sale and I feel very guilty getting it for the price I did compared to the work the artists and programers must have poured into this project. It's a ***** 5 Star or 10 / 10 game all day long.

This game is worth $20 dollars easily and then some!

And all of you owners for new 120hz 3D displays. This game has a 3D mode that supports ATI and Nvidia 3D natively, I would give anything to see this in 3D. If it's breath taking in 2D, imagine what the game in 3D. Oh wow.

Now I want a 3D display.

I'm an oldskool gamer. I'm crusty and jaded as hell. When I come on here to give praise to something, please, take my word for it. It's worth the silly $7 dollars they are asking right now all day long. Support these guys and get one hell of a beautiful game.

TRUTH? I keep just stopping and looking at the damn screen, every inch of the game is nothing put pure art. It must have been an incredible amount of work to put that level of detail into all that they did. You just do not see 1/10th the level of detail and art any any game out there. I'm even talking hand drawn click to move adventure games. And these guys are doing it in mostly if not all 3D.

My fav to play is the wizard! :)

I agree without even having played yet. I know, that's unusual for me, and possibly unwise, but the original Trine was so interesting and beautifully done (rare praise from me, too) that I decided to get the $12.50 version for the reasons you've mentioned. I can't wait to play.

The one feature I would've liked to have seen in Trine 1 would have been co-op without needing to be on the same screen. They have answered my one request, and despite being a major request, they added it for us all and still put the game on a very competitive sale. I might not get to this game for a while, but I still feel much "warmer and fuzzier" on the inside after buying this than most EA games I've ever bought. These are the kinds of guys I like to support. They turn right around and support us back and give us the features the masses ask for, like networked co-op. Can't wait to try it!
holy smokes, does Trine 2 give your GPU a beating! gorgeous game though

2560x1600 and fully maxed...getting about 25-28fps...GTX 580
holy smokes, does Trine 2 give your GPU a beating! gorgeous game though

2560x1600 and fully maxed...getting about 25-28fps...GTX 580

Lower the AA setting, I'm basically pegged at 100 fps at all times on a GTX 260. Just use FXAA alone.
Bought. Time to go play Trine first though, since I owned it and hadn't played it yet... then onto this :).
Dammit... only a few hours left in the sale and I can't decide whether to pop on it.
What's the best gamepad to use with Trine 1? I have an old Saitek Rumble Force and it's not a very good match. The right analog stick "mouse pointer" function doesn't work. Right analog works fine on the gamepad but it's not working with Trine. Also, the onscreen graphic that shows which button to press for which action doesn't match my controller.
What's the best gamepad to use with Trine 1? I have an old Saitek Rumble Force and it's not a very good match. The right analog stick "mouse pointer" function doesn't work. Right analog works fine on the gamepad but it's not working with Trine. Also, the onscreen graphic that shows which button to press for which action doesn't match my controller.

As with most windows games, the xbox controller works well.
I bit on the collectors edition cause I didnt have the first Trine, and I love soundtracks ;)

Also bought another copy for a friend
Trine was an awesome game. I spent so many hours playing it. Just grabbed this from the deal. Can't wait to play it when I finish Mass Effect.
Wow that looks pretty. I wish they'd make more games like this. I'd love more Genesis era games but with DX11 graphics. Now I want to play Ecco The Dolphin.
Wow that looks pretty. I wish they'd make more games like this. I'd love more Genesis era games but with DX11 graphics. Now I want to play Ecco The Dolphin.

WHAT?? If they remade Ecco the Dolphin I would pay FULL PRICE. I can't believe someone else other than me remembers that game. Amazing music, and lots of fun. I don't even remember the point of the game. Just that I really really liked it a lot, and that it was awesome and the music was good even by today's game soundtrack standards.

Couldn't agree with you more, buddy.
remade as in full DX11 support and full 3d?

btw they have Ecco on Steam...not sure how it plays though
holy smokes, does Trine 2 give your GPU a beating! gorgeous game though

2560x1600 and fully maxed...getting about 25-28fps...GTX 580

No kidding! This game is giving my 7970 a beating! No other game stresses my videocard as much as Trine 2!

I can't get past the giant snail blocking the door. Nothing I do can get the plant to grow? Which is what I think I need to do. der