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Limp Gawd
Apr 3, 2005
Didnt happen here, Sorry cant post it - Cold Dark Shadow

Let me tell you a story.....

My computer recently broke, and instead of staying in the past, I decided to venture into the future. I went onto and found a sweet deal for a 7800GT and a 600w PSU for $300! I founf this to be a great deal, so i placed my order and got 3 day shipping. I also ordered a mobo from newegg that same night and one again got 3 day shipping. My mobo got there 3 days later, but my package from tigerdirect was nowhere to be found. 4 days later, a small box from tiger direct arrived at my house and i was excited. I opened the box and saw 1gig of ram in it. I was pissed that I was waiting on my new computer stuff and what arrived was of no use to me. I immediately got on the phone with their customer support and talked to a manager who told me that if I ship it back that same friday, he would overnight my video card and psu the next monday. I really didn't have another choice so i agreed and held up my end of the bargain. On wednesday of the next week, my package was still not at my house. We called the manager again and he said, "My bad, I didn't ship it yet" This was horrible customer service. We spoke to his manager 10 minutes later and he assured me that it would be overnighted the very next day. The very next day, I called to make sure that the shipment was coming and this new representative told me, "Oh, yeah we'll send your PSU today but your video card tomorrow, so you won't have that until next monday." That was the straw that broke the camels back. The only problem is, I have no leverage in this argument, nothing i can say or do will have any impact on their company. So honestly, what can I do? Just wait, i suppose.

I hope this makes all of you say to yourselves, "Damn, that TigerDirect website sucks hardcore and I will never order anything from them"
Not a troll...just bad service. They are doing right by the mistake, just not in a timely matter and when they said it would be done.

Im a newegger all the way anyways! Never order from Tigerdirect.
I used to get their catalog, oh back in the day where Athlon XPs were kicking ass (basically, right before the 850E + 2.53B came and ruled). Always crappy prices, never really gave the impression of a good retailer.
TigerDirect trades/sales on the [H]ardForums?
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