Trouble Fitting Koolance AR797 to XFX 7970

Wrecked Em

Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 14, 2004

I'm trying to come up with a solution for a fitment problem with a VID-AR797 water block. My card is a XFX #FX797ATDFC, which I was led to believe followed the reference layout. Unfortunately, a row of board components (choke coils maybe?) is making contact with the water block and holding up the back side of it.

Anyone have any suggestions for how I might make this work? I'm certain I've torn into my video card far enough that it can no longer be returned, and I've already started applying pads to the waterblock, so I'm not sure if the reseller will take it back either. At this point I'm not opposed to getting creative, but I wanted to check and see if anyone had ideas for a simple solution.





So, I talked to an EE at work, and he told me it would be pretty simple to de-solder the inductors and remount them to the bottom of the board. I'm an f'ing pussy, so talked him into buying it off me, rather than modding it.

I went at lunch and bought an MSI card. I ripped it apart in the parking lot, and it looks like it's going to work great, so all is well (minus the $90 extra I ended up spending).
Don't touch XFX cards unless they are a day1 reference release. Never trust their SKU or part numbers, they are famous for silent part revisions.