Troubles installing XP.....again


Limp Gawd
Oct 2, 2002
Ok i was the one who had the problems with my computer shutting down during xp installs along with a number of blue screen errors during the coyp of files. I came to the conclusion it was my memory after running Mem Test 86 and another microsoft one.

I sent back memory, got a new one, and try installling again....

Everything goes great and i get pretty much further than i ever did befor in the install. About 25% way thru copying the files it says that some file is corrupt and it cannot be copied. My first thought was a scratched cd, so i copied it and tried again. Same thing. It almost seems random though at which file it says to be corrupted.

IS IT REALLY A PROBLEM WITH CD??? maybe cpu? hope not.

all i know is that its not hard drive or ram.
Try a different optical drive. I used to get those errors all the time when installing XP. I found a solid Lite-On DVD drive that reads everything without a hiccup. Now I never get them.
Try a different CD drive yet? Borrow a WinXP copy from someone else, verify it's not the disc?

Is this a new system you built? If not, was the CD drive working perfectly before? If so, can you try loading something else?

(insert underhanded Linux plug here)
never even thought of that... its not a new computer, and the drive worked before.

Ill try this out now...
Ok, tried on another drive, didnt work.

Ive been using like 3 cds too. They all stop at some point.

This time it stopped on ddraw.dll

If I try copying one of the discs, does it copy over a corruption?
Wait a minute, you said you copied windows xp cd? Is that even possible?

Originally posted by tcompton2
Ok i was the one who had the problems with my computer shutting down during xp installs along with a number of blue screen errors during the coyp of files. I came to the conclusion it was my memory after running Mem Test 86 and another microsoft one.

I sent back memory, got a new one, and try installling again....

Everything goes great and i get pretty much further than i ever did befor in the install. About 25% way thru copying the files it says that some file is corrupt and it cannot be copied. My first thought was a scratched cd, so i copied it and tried again. Same thing. It almost seems random though at which file it says to be corrupted.

IS IT REALLY A PROBLEM WITH CD??? maybe cpu? hope not.

all i know is that its not hard drive or ram.
yes its possible, but copies are notirious for going bad. Try ununsed media. I just replaced 3 of my copies that all went bad. Of course one was a copy of the one that failed, so I guess that really only counts as 2 bad discs...
Ok, but now we are off topic...

What should i do?
Is it definitly the cd, is there anyway a cpu problem could be causing this type of error?
ummm guys, any ideas yet?

Now i just got a bad pool cllaer error while copying files....
Now i gues this narrows it down to the source of the problem....

Is it cpu?

I already RMA'd my ram so thats not the issue.
Could be a heat issue...

go into the bios, find the hardware monitoring, and watch the heat for a bit.

the machine is not stable, and the three main things I would look at are:

1) Memory
2) Heat
3) Power supply

...this is going to be a guessing game. Keep swaping out parts until it works...

Good luck!

If your using a generic pws replace it , bad voltgage may have damaged your memroy first time. You on your way to doing again?

You are running alot of power hungry hardware.
I have an Antec 350 watt PS, could it be just a faulty one, or just not enough power?
Well, let's see. I plugged your specs (below) into the power supply calculator:

GA-7vaxp (~25 watts)
AMD Athlon xp 2000+ (~56 watts)
512MB Crucial DDR 2700 (~20 watts) (or ~10 if single stick)
2 Maxtor 120 gig 8mb cache (~50 watts)
Radeon 9700 Pro (~54 watts)
Sound Blaster 5.1 gamer (~7 watts)
Liteon DVD rom (~25 watts)
TDK cd burner (~20 watts)

Your Recommended Minimum Power Supply is 337 Watts!!


I don't know how reliable of a source it is, but it looks decent to me.
For some reason random installations hang and give error reports because of the RAM....not because it is bad, just too much of it. Try dropping down to one stick in the primary slot be it 0 or 1 on your board. I had a gig and would hang, dropped to 768, to 512 and it finally installed at 256mbs RAM. I don't discount anything when working on comps......
Well all i have is 1 stick of 512, besides that seems a bit far fetched IMHO, but u might be right.
Farfetched possibly if it had never been done, but when XP first came out, many members here on the board were having trouble just like you and the reduction of memory for some reason got the installation completed. If not, you have eliminated one more possibliity...:)
I tried again, didnt switch out anything, but i got this error saying STOP 0x00000050.

According to mircosoft support page it involves the Udfs.sys file.

Does this have to do with cd rom?

k....that didnt work...

Maybe ill jus take it to a local shop, cuz ive tried eveything.
try installing 98 on it then upgrading to XP. Worked for me when i had a similar problem. Also it might just be some bad sectors on ur HDD.
Your error is listed Here and basically says that your error is linked to reading information CDs from a DVD drive.

Give This a final shot before going to the comp store.
Clean everything, clean the disk. your cables, the mobo. everything. its worth a try. im sure i had the same problem as you and it was the cd/ide cable connecter that was the problem. if your pc was running fine before then i dont see how voltages are going to be a problem.
by cleaning themmmm...u mean jus spray em down wit some compressed air?

could it be a bad ide connector on mobo?

But first ill try installing WinME and upgrading to xp.
Clean CD's with dishsoap and water.

Dry it off with a soft cotton towel (and be sure it is dry before putting it in your drive!).

Good luck!

Lite-ON dvdroms are picky sometimes, try connecting the dvdrom as master on ide channel 2 and use ata33 cable for it (the 40 wires one).

Good Luck

Ok, i cleaned the cd to perfection, tried other discs, including Win Me, did not work.

I tried different drives, different ide cables/connections configurations.

I keep getting blue screen errors liek the bad pool caller.

What hardware is causing this????

Its either cpu, or that likely??????
Originally posted by MajorDomo
Your error is listed Here and basically says that your error is linked to reading information CDs from a DVD drive.

Give This a final shot before going to the comp store.

How does the utility you listed solve the problem mentioned above? I am having similiar problems. After reading that link you listed I am thinking that it might be because I am trying to install from a dvd-rom drive.
It allows you to see how much power is being used, so if there is a component not getting enough power, such as hard drive or cpu, thats could be the problem but i dont think it is.

My computer need like 320, and i have a 350 watt PSU.
No, the utility above is used to allow cd installations off of non bootable cd drives. I was wondering how that would solve anything seeing that the drive's bootability isn't the issue, it's the readability.
Ive done that before, the problem does not occur during the setup of files be fore the install (which is what all the floppys do)....

its whe the files are actually being copied.

It stops around the C's or D's (files are copied in alphebetical order).

All i know is that it is not the Cd, and i doubt its th dvd drive, because ive used my cd burner-cd drive to do it, and the same thing happens. BTW I have installed xp on the same exact drive befor without problems...before my computer died, needing to start fresh again.

All i wanna know is if its a cpu issue or mobo, i dunnnoooooooo
Originally posted by angrybusdriver


I don't know how reliable of a source it is, but it looks decent to me.
my recommended minimum is 381, running fine on an Antec 350.
And it's overclocked with a few case fans, which that site doesn't take into account.

/edit: nm, didn't see the other side:rolleyes:
The 6 disk set sets up all of the drivers to insure all of the needed files are preloaded and sets up a RAM drive for installation. If all of the hardware is installed and working correctly and the OS still will not install, this is the utility to use. Look at it this way, it sure as hell can't hurt anything ;)

Originally posted by logo29a
How does the utility you listed solve the problem mentioned above? I am having similiar problems. After reading that link you listed I am thinking that it might be because I am trying to install from a dvd-rom drive.
uhh no, if i were to do anything i would test another cd drive in my computer then see if it installs...

Im jus gonna tke it to the shop.