Trying to find out what game this is


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2006
It's a point and click game. I have no idea when it came out but it must have been a while ago. I believe you start out in the middle of a forest, and you find a road that has a sign saying something like "To The End of the World". If you take the road it leads to a house, I cant remember much about it but in the garage there is a dead woman up on this loft. I played this game waaay back when, I must have been around ten years old, I'm almost 16 now. Right after I played this game, I mean the exact same night, I fell asleep watching TV on the couch with my mom and soon after just got right up and ran up the stairs, screaming and crying for no apparent reason, yelling and pointing at the cat. "It's him!" was all I remember saying before my parents managed to calm me down. I have no recollection of the nightmare, and now I have forgotten the name of the game, perhaps repressed it. If anyone knows, I would love to as well.