TV repair question


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 22, 2001
Soooo I just got a old used zenith year 96 tv. about 24 inches or so... I'll take some pics soon .but yah it doesn't turn on at all. i got it for free. So is it possible to repair tvs. Like i want to take the back off and check it out. But i'm afraid to get zapped. computers its no problem to rip apart. But i'm afraid of a tv cuse they hold such a charge. anyone have any experence with tv repair. or should i just toss this thing....
Definitely possible to repair a tv, but it is often not worth it. I doubt you'll get very far if you don't know anything about electronics and you don't have a schematic for the tv. I would just use it as target practice. :p
mmmm. Like. Whats the chance that when i take it apart and get shocked? Ahhh. god i wish it was easier to trouble shot the problem...

LIke in my head. I'm just hoping that its just a lose power switch. but i dout its that simple
Ron1jed said:
mmmm. Like. Whats the chance that when i take it apart and get shocked?
if you're not careful, the chances are good that you will be killed.

seriously, televisions are very dangerous. they contain large capacitors, and if you discharge one across yourself, you're toast. if it hasnt been plugged in for a while, i'd say you are safe, but unless you know what you are doing (unless you know what NOT to touch while testing it), i would skip it.
As a retired Electronics Tech, I have to say do not mess with it.

20,000+ volts inside, if you get my drift.

Call around, some shop may give you a free estimate.
word. yah i called around . 125 if its a easy fix...i dunno. think i'll just buy a new one
that TV doesn't worth $40. Is Zenith even around anymore? The reason you got it for free is the disposal cost and headache to try to get rid of that thing. Get a plasma or LCD TV.
You won't get nailed by 20KV if you leave that heavy ass wire leading from the biggest component on the circuit board to the rear of the picture tube the hell alone.

Worst you'll get is hit by about 300V. It'll scare the shit out of you and make you dance like a tard for about thirty seconds and say things that make hardass ricers blush, but unless the charge goes across your heart, you don't have shit to worry about.

Work with one hand behind your back initially. If you do get a discharge, it means you won't get hit by the same circuit again unless you're a dumbass and forgot to unplug the TV.

You can get a worse zap from the backlight circuit of an LCD than you can get from the voltages racing around in a TV. Even the HV anode tends to skin-effect. It's just the business end of a Tesla Coil.
If you don't have experience repairing tvs then I would say don't fuck with it. The only advise I would give you is take off the back and look at the fuses right by where the power comes in. Maybe one of them it blown. If it is more then that I wouldn't worry about it.

welllll i want to take it someone who knows what they are doing and then watch them. but i'm sure that won't happen
I also agree you shouldn't mess with it. Is a zenith really worth risking frying yourself over or any other crt for that matter?
Since it does not turn on, it is possible to be a blown fuse problem. Good advice given to check the fuses first. Do you have any audio at all?
If a fuse is blown then there's a good chance something else is fubared. Fuses usually don't blow for no reason. Sometimes, but usually not.
jpmkm said:
If a fuse is blown then there's a good chance something else is fubared. Fuses usually don't blow for no reason. Sometimes, but usually not.

Depends. Yes many times the tv will have more issues. That is why I said try the fuses and give up if they don't fix it. Even going to radio shak your'll only looking at a few bucks to try it if the fuses are blown. If the thing got hit by a small surge or something then there is a good chance it is just a fuse.
MisterDNA said:
You can get a worse zap from the backlight circuit of an LCD than you can get from the voltages racing around in a TV. Even the HV anode tends to skin-effect. It's just the business end of a Tesla Coil.
No joke

I once forgot to unplug a disassembled lcd monitor and my pinky touched the wrong spot and i thought my eyeballs were going to pop out of my head :eek:. My pinky looked like it got bit by a camelback spider, had a small strange looking scab for awhile, but basically no lasting harm was done to myself or the lcd...but i do have a battle-hardened pinky now :cool:

Yea OP, either go about any repairs super-carefully, or just dispose of the thing...
yah i'm gonnna try to take it the tv repair place and beg to watch them take it apart. I wanna learn more about it.