Twitter Says Trump, Other World Leaders Can Tweet What They Want

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Aug 20, 2006
Twitter has released a new statement declaring that they will not block world leaders or delete their messages even if they break the site’s rules. The reason is that these figures play a critical role and people should see what they have to say.

Jennifer Grygiel, a social media expert and professor at Syracuse University, said Friday's blog post was all about one person: Trump. Since joining Twitter in March 2009, Trump has posted more than 35,000 tweets. "There's been such outcry over his Twitter handle and whether he violates their rules," Grygiel said.
As much as I cringe every time he posts something, I agree with Twitter on this. But they should clarify who qualifies as a "world leader".
As much as I cringe every time he posts something, I agree with Twitter on this. But they should clarify who qualifies as a "world leader".

I would assume an elected President of the United States who leads the most powerful country on Earth would qualify. Typically though, its a leader of a large & powerful country whom has global political influence.
If you create a platform for people to say stuff, why would you block people from saying stuff? Some stuff is bad, some funny, some hateful, etc. Once upon a time people just ignored the rude and crass people, you can do that, you know. Twitter makes it even easier as you can not follow, or even block people. The biggest problem is who decides what is acceptable and what isn't? I am in favor of free speech for all. I will disagree with some things, argue over others, but in the end I think everyone should have their say without filter.
If you create a platform for people to say stuff, why would you block people from saying stuff? Some stuff is bad, some funny, some hateful, etc. Once upon a time people just ignored the rude and crass people, you can do that, you know. Twitter makes it even easier as you can not follow, or even block people. The biggest problem is who decides what is acceptable and what isn't? I am in favor of free speech for all. I will disagree with some things, argue over others, but in the end I think everyone should have their say without filter.

Free speech applies only to the government. The moral concept, freedom of expression, does not allow people to say what they want without consequences.
I have a problem with the "even if it violates our rules" part. It sets a precedent that "world leaders" are immune to the laws that you and I have to obey.

They already are. When they are in office and usually when they are out of office.
I see nothing wrong with the permanent and public record of the blatherings from world leaders. They make it very difficult for us to ask "why couldn't we see the insanity before?"
If you create a platform for people to say stuff, why would you block people from saying stuff?
Because one of the people using twitter could possibly start ww3 by saying something stupid.
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I have a problem with the "even if it violates our rules" part. It sets a precedent that "world leaders" are immune to the laws that you and I have to obey.

Fundamentally I agree with you but to be honest there's already double standards applied throughout social media that I find less acceptable than this.
Too bad the Democrats didn't win, they could be special too. Should have had a better candidate(s) or at least a spine to stand with.

I'd change the subject too if my party put Trump in office. I mean...LOOK OVER THERE!
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Twitter decided to do this because world leaders would destroy Twitter.
As much as I cringe every time he posts something, I agree with Twitter on this. But they should clarify who qualifies as a "world leader".

I don't like it, but I get where twitter's stance on this is coming from. In the twitter blog post they put an emphasis on "elected world leader", so I guess all those dictators and despots have less of a voice?
i believe you but what he was expecting? club med or something? a health spa? i imagine no electricity or food, hunger and despair, bombs falling out of the sky, corpes probably rotting everywhere, wtf yo :p

Same thing every other man of that generation was expecting when you go to war, a fight and possibly death. Why would you even ask that question? My post wasn't a sympathy card......yo.
Did he tweet about that $33B he plans on collecting from everyone identified by his Voter Fraud Commision as having voted for him in order to build that wall he promised you? $238.00 from each one of you since he couldn't close the deal with the Mexican government to pay for it. #MAGASuckers:ROFLMAO:
Did he tweet about that $33B he plans on collecting from everyone identified by his Voter Fraud Commision as having voted for him in order to build that wall he promised you? $238.00 from each one of you since he couldn't close the deal with the Mexican government to pay for it. #MAGASuckers:ROFLMAO:

I'll gladly pay 238 dollars in taxes to prevent people from coming in the country that don't. #Contribute.
I'll gladly pay 238 dollars in taxes to prevent people from coming in the country that don't. #Contribute.

It won't do a god damn thing to prevent people from crossing illegally. Who do you think companies will hire to build the retarded thing? Illegal and legal aliens that will know weaknesses in it after its built and use that to cross anyway. Only blind idiots believe it will help.
Who do you think companies will hire to build the retarded thing?

We could hire the Chinese! They did a pretty good job on our railroads! ;)

Also, if walls are retarded, then why do you have a front door on your home? Just take the retarded thing off and let everyone in that wants to come in!
We could hire the Chinese! They did a pretty good job on our railroads! ;)

Also, if walls are retarded, then why do you have a front door on your home? Just take the retarded thing off and let everyone in that wants to come in!

My home doesn't cover thousands of miles and wasn't built by people with a vested interest in creating holes or learning ways through. It simply is not fesable to secure our massive border. We'd need tens of thousands of border patrol agents and even that wouldn't stop people from crossing illegally. Trump's wall idea would do more to keep illegals in the US then it would to keep them out.
My home doesn't cover thousands of miles and wasn't built by people with a vested interest in creating holes or learning ways through. It simply is not fesable to secure our massive border. We'd need tens of thousands of border patrol agents and even that wouldn't stop people from crossing illegally. Trump's wall idea would do more to keep illegals in the US then it would to keep them out.

But you do use that front door for security? No? Your home is your castle, some people still believe their country is their kingdom. Every other modern first world society has strict border & immigration policies, why don't we? People say were a country of immigrants, half true, whole truth is we shed blood and took this land just like every other country did. Its a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.

Which brings us back to the Chinese, do you think the Chinese built the Great Wall for decoration? No it was to keep people out, specifically the Mongolians, and it worked. I'm not saying we need a great wall, just one that doesn't have holes in it like you said. Tens of thousands of border patrol agents would be nice, good job security & it will put people to work to feed their families.
I have a problem with the "even if it violates our rules" part. It sets a precedent that "world leaders" are immune to the laws that you and I have to obey.

that would be reality

What the hell is wrong with people who cannot understand history as it is and yes, 6 million or more Jews were killed, yes, there was a holocaust. History does not change because someone cannot accept it.

there's a whole bunch of people that can't accept a certain someone is president. Also, history is written by the victors. It isn't always the truth. And never is it objective. We don't discuss that no nations wanted to take the jews to be expelled from germany, before the concentration camps, because at the time they were widely seen negatively across the globe. We don't discuss the plots devised in response to the holocaust, planning to poison entire german cities' water supplies. Or the extremely messy series of events that led up to someone like hitler taking power (which is only taught in a very specific, one sided way). Nazis are bad and we have to be reminded of it several times a year. But communists...they get romanticized. For whatever reason.
But you do use that front door for security? No? Your home is your castle, some people still believe their country is their kingdom. Every other modern first world society has strict border & immigration policies, why don't we? People say were a country of immigrants, half true, whole truth is we shed blood and took this land just like every other country did. Its a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.

Which brings us back to the Chinese, do you think the Chinese built the Great Wall for decoration? No it was to keep people out, specifically the Mongolians, and it worked. I'm not saying we need a great wall, just one that doesn't have holes in it like you said. Tens of thousands of border patrol agents would be nice, good job security & it will put people to work to feed their families.

The EU has open boarders (for better or worse). China, to my knowledge, doesn't have giant walls around their entire country. Hell, I don't think even Russia does.

The Great Wall didn't work. It was breached several times throughout its history. The Great Wall is considered a failure. There has NEVER been a giant wall that has worked throughout all of history. They all failed.

The cost for those agents would be far more than our country could support, especially with all the spending we do in other areas. You'd have to pay them very damn well to prevent bribes.
eu has open borders between member states only for freedom of movement by eu citizens, its not open to economic migrants from outside the eu.

anyway let trump rant on twitter there wont be war with NK unless most of the government wants it, he's not a one man band.
The EU has open boarders (for better or worse). China, to my knowledge, doesn't have giant walls around their entire country. Hell, I don't think even Russia does.

The Great Wall didn't work. It was breached several times throughout its history. The Great Wall is considered a failure. There has NEVER been a giant wall that has worked throughout all of history. They all failed.

The cost for those agents would be far more than our country could support, especially with all the spending we do in other areas. You'd have to pay them very damn well to prevent bribes.

Sounds to me like you nothing but a defeatist, at least in this. Hey, we cannot prevent anyone from coming in so we should not even try, just let them all in. After all.......... Yes, walls do work and are not racist, despite what some around the internet thinks. However, you also have to enforce the laws as well. After all, what good would it do it if your doors, windows and walls keep people out but, someone breaks in, does whatever they want and the law does nothing about it?
So when trump's presidency ends, he gets instabanned from twitter, right?

Hopefully, the incompetent, insane and pathological lying orange ass clown will be in jail by the end of this year. Perhaps then the idiot can get banned from twitter.
Hopefully, the incompetent, insane and pathological lying orange ass clown will be in jail by the end of this year. Perhaps then the idiot can get banned from twitter.

You do understand that freedom of speech is the only reason you are allowed to say what you just said, without repercussions, right? I would not worry about it though, nothing you just said is true anyways and things are getting and will only get better. :)
You do understand that freedom of speech is the only reason you are allowed to say what you just said, without repercussions, right? I would not worry about it though, nothing you just said is true anyways and things are getting and will only get better. :)

Oh. I agree that DT twitter account shouldn't be deleted/restricted. His ignorant, deranged and delusional psycho babbling rants are great fodder for venues such as this. Evidently, as far as DT is concerned, freedom of speech extends to the mentally matter how embarrassing or humiliating he appears.
You do understand that freedom of speech is the only reason you are allowed to say what you just said, without repercussions, right? I would not worry about it though, nothing you just said is true anyways and things are getting and will only get better. :)

Freedom of speech doesn't have criminal punishment but do have social consequences. On any job, saying something offensive can get you suspended or fired.
Trump is placed above that by those who enable him, because they see themselves as him. It's the blind loyalty he demands from his staff and voter base.
I have a problem with the "even if it violates our rules" part. It sets a precedent that "world leaders" are immune to the laws that you and I have to obey.

So pretty much like everything else? I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen politicians get away with things that would land an average joe in jail. One set of rules for us, one for them. Nothing new here. That’s the problem when lawmakers are allowed to make their own rules that they must follow for themselves.
Twitter: Us piss off the president of the USA? <looks at Jeff Bezos and Amazon's shipping rates>
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