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Dec 4, 2004
It looks like most threads in this forum get locked immediately, so I don't know if I should waste my time posting my thoughts here, but I will try.

We should all make a point to keep the ads up and support the people who sponsor this site so we will not need intellitext. I usually click a few ads here and there to support the site because I enjoy it. A blinking ad doesn't bother me, but not being able to read a thread because the box pops up and keeps me from reading a post is kind of inhibiting. I doubt I will make a difference with my ad support, but maybe if we all do something we can. I doubt that will happen so at least listen to all the people that are requesting something other than dark green as a text color.
Intellitext is not so much intrusive, or too hard to read on this site, but probably 75% of the links I see it generating are totally irrelavent to computing in general, the rest are linking something remotely related.

For example in this very thread I see the word "thread" highlited, and that links to Sun SOA, whatever that is, and then the second posters "ATI" in their sig is linking to a wallstreet prediction site. I don't see how this is going to generate much revenue when the links produced are not remotely relevent and probably won't produce many clicks.

If the links that are offered by Intellitext actually offered something usefull to us, then it wouldn't be so bad.
If Intellitxt is bothering you, use some other browser.

The downfall of web advertising is just something that's flowing in on the wake of IE's gradual slump. The less people use it, the less effective web advertising becomes. Instead of badgering users and coming up with different ways to fool the ad-blockers, the web as a whole needs to re-think its approach to generating income.
yup FF shows it
I wouldnt have noticed it myself but being color blind (red green yellow) i just noticed words missing in sentances then when i squinted i could see them lol
And I just tossed $15 for a lifetime subscription too...now I get these annoying intellitxt things all over, including MSI(well it did earlier..) in my sig.

Isn't there some other way?
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