upgrade time?


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2005
hey all, have been out of the scene for a while....once i got my pc workin from last summer and finished upgrading it, i was quite happy with the results...but i think i'm ready for an upgrade now...i have dual xfx 6600 gt's in sli, running overclocked at 550/1100, but i feel like i could get better graphics out of my pc with a better card. so i was wondering if you all feel that an upgrade to a 7600gt would be worth the money? i'm not really into benchmarks and all that anymore, i just want somethin that'll run WoW and another games at a crisper, more detailed res than what i get now with my 6600gt's. so any feedback would be really appreciated, and also suggestions for an upgrade too...a 7600gt is about the highest upgrade i can do at this point, as i just got a new car and have some other things to pay off, so about 200 is my breakin point in price. right now i'm looking at either:




the xfx seems to be clocked a lil higher, but i like the step up program that evga has..any ideas?
as i said, have been out of the loop...wasn't aware..but what's the price range look like anyway?

plus i don't upgrade that often, so i think a 7600 would last me another year probably, as the 6600gt's did...