User titles

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Sep 4, 2005
How come some people have weird user titles even when they have less than 16384 posts?
They got poofed by Kyle. It happens sometimes.
A side benefit of being a GenMay have a chance at the title rape lotto ;)
I think one of the criteria is that you have to be funny (or give Kyle money). Since most people (read: me) lack both of those things, only a select few managed to aquire one (or something like that).
MatDef said:
I think one of the criteria is that you have to be funny (or give Kyle money). Since most people (read: me) lack both of those things, only a select few managed to aquire one (or something like that).

It's possible with less than those two things. :p
1.) Join Genmay, and do either of these three things:
- be a total lamer and beg for one - you will either be completely ignored or you will get something you will really not like. One of the most recent ones had his title removed (he's just a blank name).

- Do something very bad and nearly banworthy, and you might wake up in the morning with something horrible next to your name. DapperDan (the Horse pr0n Man) did this and got his title raped (and he's also still b7 for another 2 weeks or so).

- Actually be interesting enough to warrant a title.
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