Using Comcast Cable Box to Watch TV?


Limp Gawd
Sep 22, 2007
Background story: asked if I needed a Receiver/IR Blaster. Got one and it works.

But the picture and sound quality is shit compared to the direct connection I used to have. I have this huge Motorola cable box. There are no more HD channels either. Is this to be expected from using a cable box? I'm tempted to cancel my cable because of this.

I should note that I have basic cable.
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Thanks... worried that may be the case. It sucks because I have a bluetooth keyboard.
WMC won't let me use it without an IR blaster (don't want to buy one). SageTV doesn't work without one either.

You can get an IR blaster for less than $20 (probably closer to $10). You need something to change the channel on the cable box.

Your best bet is a cable card tuner which would allow you to get all of your channels on your media PC, but they're hard to come by right now because of low supply and high demand. I was in your same shoes with comcast a few months ago and I scrapped my media PC and bought a Tivo. I'd rather use WMC, but I couldn't get a tuner and I refused to use a cable box from comcast.
Okay, I got the IR blaster and it all works...

But the picture and sound quality is shit compared to the direct connection I used to have. I have this huge Motorola cable box. There are no more HD channels either. Is this to be expected from using a cable box? I'm tempted to cancel my cable because of this.

I should note that I have basic cable.
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