ut2004 keyboard/mouse lockups


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 6, 2002
in my copy of ut2004, my keyboard/mouse will periodically stop responding. the game keps operating, however. it just ignores input for a little while, and has me moving in the same direction. then, it just jumps to where i would have been had it not done anything wrong. at least, that is what i think is happening.

both my keyboard and mouse are connected on usb. i have a rev1 a7n8x deluxe with a 35W 2400+ mobile. (this happens no matter what the chip is at, and also happened on a 2100+ palomino at stock) the motherboard had a little water spilled on it, but seems fine, albiet a little more tempermental than it used to be. could the usb controller be going? or is it a software problem? it isn't the engine (as far as i can tell) because ut2003 works fine, and without glitch, even with my '"lightsaber" mod turned on (it works best with instagib mode... i used a custom config mod that allows you to change weapon characteristics, then set the firing rate on the shock rifle insanely high. fun stuff:D) but anyway. any ideas?

yeah, i get the same problem in cs sometimes. i think it's because of processor power? prob not ram because im running a gig right now, but my cpu is only a p4 1.7ghz
well, it still does it with my cpu at 2.2ghz (~ equivalent to a 3200+) so i don't think that's it. tho i only have 512MB of memory... but my brother's p4 (2.4C @ 3.0) with 512MB doesn't ever do it. so i don't know what the deal is. it could be a overall bandwidth problem. i'll have to try lowering detail to the minimum values, and see if that helps.
I had this problem in BFV. Now it is sitting on the shelf. :) Never had a problem with any other games. Driver issues maybe. Look for third party drivers.
online or offline play? if online it could just be a server latency issue :rolleyes:
maxxo: it does it on offline play (can't do online play... no dsl/direct 56k connection to my machine) and i *think* it does it on lan play as well (haven't tested that one with this chip yet)

GlobalFear: 3rd party drivers for what? keyboard/mouse? (they're logitech, using the included winXP drivers) usb? (a7n8x deluxe motherboard) video card? (ati)

i'll have to check whether it does it on lan play or not. we'll see. this problem really sucks (and it has gotten me killed, or at least cost me a frag, at least a few times)
You guys are Lucky, Everyone once and a while in FPS games my keyboard and mouse diconnects but instead of just reconnecting a couple of seconds later the game freezes and my computer restarts..
well, i just confirmed it either (a) isn't the usb or (b) there is something wrong with my IO controller. i put kb/mouse on ps/2 and it is still messed up. any ideas what's causing this? could it be time for a reinstall?