VB6: Full Mouse Control under DirectX

Jul 19, 2005

I recently posted in the software forum to hopefully find a program that'll allow me to move the mouse cursor from the primary monitor to the secondary monitor in full screen DirectX games (even if the game "locks" the mouse to the primary monitor).

Didn't have any luck, so the next step seems to be to create one...heh.

Using the SetCursorPos API, I was able to set the mouse coords over to the 2nd monitor, but the problem is that the DirectX window is locking the mouse to 1 monitor only, so this method does not work while in the game. According to a game admin I spoke with, this was a design feature (so people don't accidently run into the other monitor).

It seems doable (to unlock it), but I lack the DirectX knowledge to do so. I don't even know where to begin. I researched DirectInput a little, but DX programming is so much different than standard windows programming, it was too much for me.

Little help?