Very poor FEAR performance under XP x64.


Sep 21, 2004
No matter what settings Ive tried the FPS counters are in the 20-40 fps range even with minimum settings enabled for both the PC performance and Graphics perfromance. All sounds and any other extras turned off still give an average aound 35 fps. Tried it under 32-bit XP and scores are in the 70-150 fps range, note this 32-bit score is v1.0 of FEAR. 64-bit performance is with the 1.02 patch, next up is the 32-bit using v1.02.....

I was crewing around with the creative applications but Farcry runs like a B**CH I mean really fast with all the AA/AF goodies at 1600x1200 resolution.

X2 4400 @ 2.4GHz
512MB 7800GTX (Stock clocks)
2GB 3500LL (220MHz, 1T stock timings)

XP x64 SP1 all updates & latest drivers for ALL hardware.

with v1.02 under 32-bit XP I get slightly higher FPS scores.
tried all the settings, basicaly everything turned off and/or is set to minimum and still barely hitting 30-40 fps at 640x480. Under 32-bit XP 1600x1200 maximum everything with 0 AA softshadows off.