Video First look at Battlefront beta Performance (Only on a 290x)

They've been working on this for years.

I figured it would run efficiently since BF4 utilizes resources very well. Usually DICE doesn't have graphics at 100% for Beta but at least on my phone it looks like they may have held nothing back.

I am excited to try it.
At first I was like wow GTX 660 for minimum requirements? Then I saw the video and was blown away by how good it looks. As much as I hate supporting EA and the way the BF franchise has gone, I can't not support this.

Man I need to upgrade. :(
Hoth looks amazing.

Im not much of a shooter guy, but i may get this just to drool over the visuals.

Havent seen any Endor gameplay, but i have a feeling its going to bring even the fastest machine to its knees due to the vegetation complexity.
Hoth looks amazing.

Im not much of a shooter guy, but i may get this just to drool over the visuals.

Havent seen any Endor gameplay, but i have a feeling its going to bring even the fastest machine to its knees due to the vegetation complexity.

This trailer should give you an idea. I preordered months ago after seeing it.

Free beta.. October 8th.
Graphics look phenomenal. Can't wait to see the Endor forest map where they used photogrammetry (technique used on Vanishing of Ethan Carter). Come to think of it they probably used it on Hoth too, it looks good.
The closed beta(alpha?) ran great on my 780ti classifieds @ 120hz. Since then Ive upgraded both cards and screen. So im looking forward to this open beta.
The Alpha ran perfectly fine on my R9 290 + FX-9370 combo. Everyone is going to be in for a treat with this one. ;)
Why is their frametime graph always upside-down? You think at some point they would realize they are the only site doing that.
Graphics look phenomenal. Can't wait to see the Endor forest map where they used photogrammetry (technique used on Vanishing of Ethan Carter). Come to think of it they probably used it on Hoth too, it looks good.

Awesome, vanishing of Ethan carter might be the best looking pc game I've seen
Downloading now, cant wait to try it out on a R9 Fury and a 3440x1440 display :)
If anybody has any early access codes for xbone or pc i'd appreciate it. just pm me.
If you want to be entertained by someone which is questionable at Battlefront check AMD twitch channel he is streaming now it is funny.

He gets himself killed so often and for no good reason :) He talks on twitch stream but does not realize that the ingame sound is drowning out his voice :)

Go AMD :)
I think it's clear now that the only devs that make a good looking and well optimized engine are the dice guys.

gta 5 ran well too, but it did not look as good as what frostbite puts out.

Note, the engine that seems to run and look the best overall chose NOT to get on their knees and beg nvidia for gameworks table scraps. That is probably why it runs better. Their engine devs are likely forced to become far more competent at optimizing titles on different hardware rather than farming out that work to nvidia ambassadors who are more interested in a relative geforce win vs amd vs an absolute performance target. Day 1 benchmarks to influence market purchases vs trying to better the actual gameplay experience.

/steps off soap box
Meh, not realistic at all...the Stormtroopers are actually making shots.

j/k - this looks amazing and will likely be one of the few times I actually buy a game that EA has anything to do with.
Dice is one of the few of its devs EA doesnt mess with, BF is like their cash cow, they cant afford to screw it up.

Bioware being the other.
They're doing an AMA on Reddit and the responses are hilariously bad.

Not EA/Dice

"submitted an hour ago * by battlefront_tyler Galactic Empire
We want to answer your questions! Watching this game grow has been amazing as die-hard Star Wars fans. Ask us (almost) anything!
We are just fans and love the game :)"

"[–]K-putt -1 points 22 minutes ago
"We are just fans and love the game :)"
So.. this is a useless AMA then? You don't have anything to do with the game? At all?"

"[–]battlefront_tylerGalactic Empire -1 points 22 minutes ago
Never claimed to!
May the force be with you /u/K-putt!"

No idea why a fan would do a AMA lol, but they're just trolling at the moment because everyone is ignoring the whole "We are just fans and love the game" line in the first post.
So far its averaging 55 fps using the ultra preset most of the time at 3440x1440. The game will vary between 45-75 fps (im using amd's fps limiter set to 75). My system is a 3770k @ 4.5ghz, 8gb ram, R9 fury @ stock clocks. The game is very pretty :)
So far its averaging 55 fps using the ultra preset most of the time at 3440x1440. The game will vary between 45-75 fps (im using amd's fps limiter set to 75). My system is a 3770k @ 4.5ghz, 8gb ram, R9 fury @ stock clocks. The game is very pretty :)

Appreciate your impressions. Keep 'em coming if anything is particularly interesting to you.
So far its averaging 55 fps using the ultra preset most of the time at 3440x1440. The game will vary between 45-75 fps (im using amd's fps limiter set to 75). My system is a 3770k @ 4.5ghz, 8gb ram, R9 fury @ stock clocks. The game is very pretty :)

What's your vram usage?
What's your vram usage?

Pretty low, around 2.5gb. My system ram usage is high though, Ive seen it go over 6gb. The cpu usage is pretty high too. In between rounds the ui and audio will stutter because one of the cpu cores will spike to 100%.
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It's just Battlefield 4 with a new skin, nothing to see here.
They inflated the reqs to make it seem like they improved something over the last 2 years.

Those particle effects are bitchin, though.
It's just Battlefield 4 with a new skin, nothing to see here.
They inflated the reqs to make it seem like they improved something over the last 2 years.

Those particle effects are bitchin, though.

I'm pretty sure you can say that about ANY mass warfare game.

Take for instance, BF2142 was just a re-skinned BF2, but damn it was so much better balanced and MUCH more fun. I'm really looking forward to MAYBE playing this.
I take it you didn't play BF4 at release............

Yeah game launches still more or less form an industry wide problem. But I'm sure that DICE is one of the partners where EA really has to listen to there engine made so much money for EA without it the development costs would have risen badly.

I played BF4 and I was kinda disappointed with how well things were going under Mantle even tho I saw the game work very smooth it was very awesome to play once the bugs crawled in after a month or so it became rather choppy. The bug was caused by some file you could rename, which would have some side effects and after that it was playable but not that great. Since I really liked to see what could be done was happy with my purchase but could it be better , yes and it should have been.
Yeah game launches still more or less form an industry wide problem. But I'm sure that DICE is one of the partners where EA really has to listen to there engine made so much money for EA without it the development costs would have risen badly.

I played BF4 and I was kinda disappointed with how well things were going under Mantle even tho I saw the game work very smooth it was very awesome to play once the bugs crawled in after a month or so it became rather choppy. The bug was caused by some file you could rename, which would have some side effects and after that it was playable but not that great. Since I really liked to see what could be done was happy with my purchase but could it be better , yes and it should have been.

Then use DX11?

Also, you can preload Battlefront Beta. Just go to the Origin Store and go to the Battlefront Delux page, there's a preload the Beta button.