[VIDEO] New Titanfall gameplay (PC/XB1/360)


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 23, 2003


I said Wow
Those textures... are not pretty. It feels like HL2 mixed with BF3. I am seeing unconfirmed Source engine?
This is the Source engine. Respawn licensed it to save money since this is their first title as a brand new studio (formed by the creators of Infinity Ward (COD fame)).
I'm definitely interested in this one! This was one of the few games, shown at E3, that I was really excited for.
Good for these guys to put out some quality work and get back on their feet. Game looks like something that I would definitely purchase. Plus Source Engine usually means 120Hz gaming. :)
I'm looking forward to this. It's been a long while since we've had a shooter that seems to be nice, tight and has fluid and very technical movement.
It bothers me how many bullets it takes to take down a person when using the Titan gun. And there should be more destruction with regards to the environments (like BF3).

I also wish the gun sounds weren't so typical.

I'll eventually get this for the PC but graphics wise it doesn't look like something I haven't seen before.
Graphics aren't spectacular, and the gameplay looks like it has potential. If there is any sort of resemblance of a storyline/plot I'll probably get it. Probably be another Steam sale pickup.
GFX really arent special at all. In fact, i'd say they are already dated. Gameplay looks intriguing, kind of like what Brink should have been?
Dont think its a day 1 by any means for me.
Looks great. But for this game I need to play it , I'm hoping its as great as its hyped up to be.
"Respawn" seems to have got a hell of a lot more out of the Source engine than Valve ever did...but yes, it still does look rather dated and definitely not "next-gen".

The gameplay does look rather interesting, and different from both the usual FPS and robot games. I'm optimistic about it.
this game looks amazing!

the graphics arent anything special but they seem just as good as most titles.

this game is multiplayer only but it looks like a single player mission at the beginning.
im just hoping its not like the same in game cut scene every time.
I think that a game like this is what proves that graphics don't always have to matter as much as we think. They certainly look good, I think we can all admit that.. its just with Frostbite 3 and UE4 and other new next gen engines coming out, a heavily modded Source engine clearly isn't going to stand toe to toe in that department.

But given the circumstances as to which Respawn was formed, the massive lawsuit with Activision and the pedigree of the development team, I think its safe to say they did an amazing job (so far) with a fresh start, funded out of 2 guys pockets (as far as I know). A rather large chuck of the Infinity Ward development team left after the lawsuit to join Respawn, with pay cuts to go work there.

Not that these people should be rewarded for their troubles, but I think what we see here in Titanfall is the hardwork and passion of a team of people who can make a molehill into a mountain.

Also, anyone else kind of getting a Quake 3, Unreal kind of vibe from the technical movements and tight gunplay in this trailer? It feels lightweight, and tactile.. perhaps thats just the COD'esque play style.
The fact that this is on source engine is fucking awesome. They have some of the best netcode of any FPS game and it just plays so fucking smooth.
The fact that this is on source engine is fucking awesome. They have some of the best netcode of any FPS game and it just plays so fucking smooth.

QFT. I am really excited over this game. It will be nice to pick this up after playing BF4 for about a year.
Looks like a better refined version of what Brink was trying to do (with respect to vertical combat)
Some guys at IGN gave their impressions of the demo (Click here for the video), and they all loved it. There's footage mixed in with their interview, but unfortunately it's just footage from the new trailer.
Game looks great but I am pretty pissed that this game will be online only with no singleplayer. I think this game would have a great singleplayer experience/story.
Game looks great but I am pretty pissed that this game will be online only with no singleplayer. I think this game would have a great singleplayer experience/story.

Kind of false, there is a campaign mode in the game but its not a traditional single player offline experience. The "Campaign" experiences (to my knowledge) are multi-player based, but center around controlled story driven experiences.

"Missions" is a better way to describe them I think.
At first I thought this was gonna be mehhhhhhh, but this trailer looks pretty good. I liked MW2, and these guys were responsible for the gameplay(Pretty sure Kotick was the faggot pushing no dedicated servers) so this should be good. Couldn't care less about not singleplayer, I have other games for that.
I know this might sound "crazy" but it seems like the point of this game is to have fun (rather than be a graphical powerhouse... frankly I don't care about how 'impressive' the graphics look, just make the game fun!)
The game looks fun. The gameplay is certainly different than most of what I've seen, but always known could be accomplished. It's kinda like the Shogo sequel I've been waiting for (albeit with not nearly as awesome of a soundtrack). It sort of has Tribes-esque jet packs with wall jumping and interesting looking mech combat.

The only real criticism I have is that certain aspects seemed too scripted. The Titan drop just happens at "the right time", the defeat of the enemies, and then the super quick convenient dropship, etc. In the case of a speedrun, the operator (or whatever you want to call her) probably would have overlapping radio calls to you... heck in this short gameplay video, she almost did. I personally like it a bit more if there is less radio chatter and a bit more time between objectives. I don't want to see "Achievement Unlocked" crap happening constantly.

*Do this and I'll talk to you more... now do this and I'll talk to you more... omg! This happened, do this and I'll talk to you more*
Source Engine in 2014, like 10 year old engine wtf? Hell Skyrim did it and it was popular! Why not? Cracks open crappy beer!! Says the I'll drink anything guy.

We haven't come that far, game-play looks enjoyable tho...so it will prob still be a hit with consolers imho. I want to try, sorta. Reminds me of a modded up quake 4/unreal TE with the building jumping and then added mechs (more interesting then tanks or planes imho...bf3 ahem).

The graphics r forgettable tho, it is a launch title. Then again if it's popular the sequel will be on source engine, and I don't see Gabe releasing a new engine anytime soon. So it will continue to look lazy on the graphics. Unless Gabe wasn't talking out of his rear end and there will be a Source Engine 2, like I care though. That guy says more crap than me.

Like someone else said it has good net code, and modded game-play from old fps PC games :) So that's not a bad thing, except it will be 2014 P: strange.
looks kinda meh to me.
Looks completely meh to me with gimmicky features ripped from other games. I don't understand the hype for it, nothing unique or original about it at all. Looks cheap as hell, but I guess the source engine is a step up from the quake 3 engine for these guys. :\
Blah, you guys are super jaded. If you're going to argue 'originality' there hasn't been an original concept in gaming in over a decade... maybe ever. I probably could argue that every thing is ripped from movies and weapons from real life and RPG's stats from D&D.

If Triple Titans aren't getting 5FPS when an engine is maxed out you're not satisfied with graphics either...

To complete the post and my point it doesn't take originality or graphics to have fun. People have been playing CoD, BF, and CS for a long time. No originality, just well put together, and fun (although I'm personally not a fan of BF or CoD...).
Source Engine in 2014, like 10 year old engine wtf? Hell Skyrim did it and it was popular! Why not? Cracks open crappy beer!! Says the I'll drink anything guy.

We haven't come that far, game-play looks enjoyable tho...so it will prob still be a hit with consolers imho. I want to try, sorta. Reminds me of a modded up quake 4/unreal TE with the building jumping and then added mechs (more interesting then tanks or planes imho...bf3 ahem).

The graphics r forgettable tho, it is a launch title. Then again if it's popular the sequel will be on source engine, and I don't see Gabe releasing a new engine anytime soon. So it will continue to look lazy on the graphics. Unless Gabe wasn't talking out of his rear end and there will be a Source Engine 2, like I care though. That guy says more crap than me.

Like someone else said it has good net code, and modded game-play from old fps PC games :) So that's not a bad thing, except it will be 2014 P: strange.

1. The entire game was originally funded by 2 guys, the founders of Infinity Ward who left that company during a massive law suit with Activision.
2. They hired (out of their own pocket) a large chunk of the Inifity Ward dev team to work for them.
3. They started working on a 'secret' project (Titanfall)
4. They licensed Source, because it was affordable for a start up company with no publisher (yet) and because they did not have an in house engine, duh.
5. EA picked them up sometime later and further helped to fund the project properly. By then the game was far into development on Source, and clearly looking at the footage their team did a fantastic job upgrading that engine by leaps and bounds.

Respawn was never a studio with a bankroll to develop their own engine, or license more expensive engines. Their goal with Titanfall was never to set out to out graphic Crysis 3 or Battlefield 4. Their goal clearly was to make a great game, fun, fast paced and something that runs on architecture that is proven and will very likely sell well for you know ..

Their very first game as a studio. Source engine in 2014 is just fine, rewatch the video. Also, Titanfall is going to outsell most all other 'games' you may think are far superior, and that alone proves that the Source engine is still very much relavent.
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It's incredible to me that people can get in such a huff about something so fucking stupid, like the fact that this game uses the Source Engine, but then complain when there are no good games to play. And you wonder why there aren't? Because people can't appreciate a good/fun game if the graphics look any less amazing then (BF4, Metro: LL, Crysis 3, etc. etc.).

That is bullshit. I think the Indie scene has again tried to revive the fact that there are really fun games left to be played that don't need to look photo-realistic. I also think the next-gen console makers realize this too... PS3 and Xbox 360 were all about pushing graphics. the jump from PS2 to PS3 was amazing. But we won't see SUCH a huge jump on in graphics anymore like in previous generations, and because of that I really applaud Sony and now Microsoft opening up to the Indie community (although I don't agree how Microsoft is doing it) to be able to release games on consoles, and also Sony really impressed me at E3 for the amount of new IPs they are developing. The point now is to make fun games. Period. Fun games, with great and unique controls, and at the same time have some decent graphics. But this next generation of consoles will heavily have to rely on new and exciting games rather than just boasting about numbers and graphics.
]It's incredible to me that people can get in such a huff about something so fucking stupid, like the fact that this game uses the Source Engine, but then complain when there are no good games to play. And you wonder why there aren't? Because people can't appreciate a good/fun game if the graphics look any less amazing then[/B] (BF4, Metro: LL, Crysis 3, etc. etc.).

That is bullshit. I think the Indie scene has again tried to revive the fact that there are really fun games left to be played that don't need to look photo-realistic. I also think the next-gen console makers realize this too... PS3 and Xbox 360 were all about pushing graphics. the jump from PS2 to PS3 was amazing. But we won't see SUCH a huge jump on in graphics anymore like in previous generations, and because of that I really applaud Sony and now Microsoft opening up to the Indie community (although I don't agree how Microsoft is doing it) to be able to release games on consoles, and also Sony really impressed me at E3 for the amount of new IPs they are developing. The point now is to make fun games. Period. Fun games, with great and unique controls, and at the same time have some decent graphics. But this next generation of consoles will heavily have to rely on new and exciting games rather than just boasting about numbers and graphics.

This. Neckbeards will always find something to fucking bitch about.
