videos of games being beaten quickly?


Supreme [H]ardness
May 5, 2001
does anyone remember the site that hosts videos of games beaten in record times? one of my friends is looking for the place and i never bookmarked it. any help would be appreciated.
/337 said:
Pokemon in 2:40? BS :D

4's easily attainable. The thread on the forum had some discussion on strategy.

The most impressive movie by far is OoT in under 5 hours, though.
Cool. I like that list. Now it tells me which games last a while... Except for RPG's. Like Morrowind. You can do so much in that game.
i love the walkthought for morrowwind dude. its like

hit the lizard soceror 4 times with a magic hammer. Then sleep for 24 hours. get a magic book. Sping on your head 3 times. counter clock wise. Jump up on one foot and do the hokie pookie and stick your left foot in. Catch a jet on south west air to the last level. Have sex with the boss and give him aids. BAM 1 hour. Its just crazy how someone could even figure out the right things to do to beat that game so quick!
The Deus Ex one was impressive to watch, but my gripe with it is that so much was skipped because the player had all of the access codes and logins and passed over the parts of the game where you acquire these. Otherwise, very good... there are so many parts of the game that should take a long time to complete and they get blown through in 1-2 minutes. Must've taken a lot of playthroughs to get to that level.
Asian Dub Foundation said:
some of them are unbelievable

They compile the clips, the person isn't actually physically beating the game in the amount of time displayed over the course period of time the clip plays for (atleast for Mario anyways) They just splice together the quickest time runs from each level.