Vista SP1 Install size


Limp Gawd
Sep 20, 2007
Does any one know how much space vista SP 1 takes on the Hard Drive up after it has been installed.

Not including the installer its self. I got the 64Bit standalone version, before install I had 18.9GB free on my C: drive but after I only got 14.9GB free.
This is after running the disk cleanup and clearing all temp files.

As far as I can tell nothing setting wise has change like page file, I also cleaned up my restore and shadow files.

I'm down about 2 gigs from yesterday before I installed it. I've been doing some downloaded and file transferring so I can't say how much SP1 used. But it's less than the 4GB you seem to be missing.
Has anyone else lost 4GB of hard drive space with vista business after the SP1 install and making sure that you ran drive cleaner and cleaned out your shadow files and system restore?

At least with the stand alone 64bit version?
must not be very much, i had 27Gb free on C: and after SP1 installation i had the same 27Gb free (it must not be any bigger than 1Gb at least)..