Vive VR and HoloLens Mixed AR/VR Reality


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
I have said since day one that VR will "change the world," and I am still onboard with that. If you think it is just "a fad" like 3DTV was, you are incorrect. Applications like the crossover AR/VR shown below are just beginning to scratch the surface. And VR gaming kicks much ass if you have the right hardware. Just be careful when it comes to what company is telling you what a "Premium VR Experience" is. Your "premium" very likely is a bit higher bar than others.
There's just so much potential and obvious applications with these technologies. I simply don't see anything else in the emerging space that's close to having the impact of VR/AR. There's going to be a TON of mindshare going into working on these technologies and it's one where the PC will have a big role to play because finally, we have something interesting that can use the power of the PC.
Listened to a Ted talk recently and a speaker hit on something that I think we all sort of know. The current level of standard content is still effectively us looking through a window. It is like being the sick kid in a house watching everyone else outside playing. It can be enjoyable..but it isn't being there. VR and AR have the ability to take us "through the window" in many ways to where it is actually happening.
I know even just using with my vive has made for some awesome experiences in games not even designed for them, alien Isolation + vive is sweet, even though its really just adding head tracking.
i know this weekend i have to finish putting together my new system i got..because my old one wasnt good enough for the rift i got 2 weeks ago..LOL
Eh, I'll wait until the headsets are pretty much the size of a pair of sunglasses. Also, it appears the refresh rate really needs increasing (unless it's just a playback issue). Any somewhat quick head motion didn't very smooth.
Motion sickness is a huge issue though, VR isn't too much fun until they figure out how to eliminate that downside.
That was some really nice work. If the AR glasses would be like $100 that would be great to have a pair in your house for guests.
What if the dude in the virtual reality space kicked the other dude in the nuts. Would the reality dude kicked in the nuts by the virtual dude feel the kick. Just wondering.
I look at this and think about what this would be like remotely for the two or more users.
Motion sickness is a huge issue though, VR isn't too much fun until they figure out how to eliminate that downside.
Keeping a true 90fps will do a lot to keep you feeling right in VR. Shitty hardware is your enemy!

Yep. The only dopes that still say that are the ones that haven't actually test-driven a Vive. I can't think of much that's been more compelling in tech in the last few decades.
I know of nobody that has used it for more than 5 minutes that thinks it is a fad either.