VL Systems Zephyrus?

Darth Bagel

Limp Gawd
Feb 1, 2005
I'm looking for something that can control fan speed in software, and I came across this little card, the VL Systems Zephyrus. Does anyone have any experience with it? I'm curious how much power each of the fan channels can support, and whether the fan speed adjustment is continuous or discrete. Also, I'm worried it won't be able to get up to a full 12V (although if it's using PWM as I suspect I don't see why it wouldn't be able to).

Are there any comparable products that I should be looking into?
You might want to check this review out first before you buy it. It's too bad as I was thinking of getting it until I read this. And on top of that, the manufacturer's website given in the review is dead....
That review really seems more like they're whining about being too stupid to figure out the software. I'm a little concerned by the hardware failure. I wish they'd actually tried to exchange it for one that worked. And if VL Systems' sales guy would respond to me, I'd feel a lot better about this.

Still, though, I'm really just looking for software control of speed. I may go ahead and try it if I can figure out how much power per channel it supports.
I was more concerned with the website being gone- no website, no software updates. I'm hoping the company didn't go under... :(

But if you do get it please give us a review- or if you hear back from the rep - I'd certainly be interested!
Well the VL Systems website is here. It looks to be up to date, although I don't know where the hell .co.kr means it's registered.
Well, you could use a program like Speedfan to monitor your temps. and control your fan speeds accordingly (if your motherboard is supported), instead of getting the Zephyrus thing. Best of all, it's free, so I would give it a try before buying anything.