Voltmodding HD 3870


Jan 25, 2007
Im considering doing the pencil mod on my hd 3870. Its already overclocked to the max without extra voltage.

i know there are risks involved, but im willing to take them.

Does anyone have any experience with this ?

What kind of results should i expect ?
How are you only getting 1180 on the memory on your card? Mine goes to 1300+ with stock voltage.

If you plan on volt modding, you will defnitely want an aftermarket cooler on that card.

Not sure about the 3870.. but on my old 7900GS with a custom cooler setup i was able to get a 50% perfectly stable overclock.
I just haven't pushed the memory. And i have an aftermarket cooler (AC accellero s1 r2 with 2 120mm fans attached)
The only card I've ever know that you could volt mod and get some serios results was the 7900gt, which I owned. It's really not too hard and my advice to you is don't use a pencil, use a conductive ink pen. You can pick one up at radioshack for about 5$ and you can remove it with nail polish remover and it's just safer than a pencil. I had a vf900 on my
7900gt and it had great speeds, but after about a year and a half, it died on me and my screen had "snow". So beware, volt modding could very well result in giving your video card a very short life, but I'm okay since evga took my 7900gt rma and sent me a 7900gto in return:D