VR head mounted displays?


Limp Gawd
Apr 30, 2006
More than a decade ago I got to have a play of Doom1 and Magic Carpet on a proper virtual reality helmet. Even with Doom 1 resolution, it was absolutely mindblowing, like going from a slow Ford Escort to a Lamborghini. But it cost something like $2,000 NZD to buy one.

I've been re-reading Tad William's "Otherland" series, and had a scratch around on the net, but my google-fu is fail.

What are some good VR headsets on the market? I don't mean these 120Hz display things where you're looking at a screen set in a real world, I mean where the reality the computer displays is the ONLY reality. I've always been disappointed at how VR didn't take off like it deserved.