W.Va. Internet among Nation's Slowest

Rich Tate

Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 9, 2005
If you live in the great state of West Virginia, you are probably waiting for those large files to download. Don’t worry though, we’ll wait for you. ;)

A new national study says Internet connection speed in the Mountain State is slower than everywhere else, except Alaska. The same file that takes 15 seconds to download in Rhode Island takes more than two minutes to download in West Virginia.
Lol at Kyle.

There is a checklist of stuff that guy has to go through first, not because he thinks you're stupid or lying, or even because it is necessary in your case, but because his monthly grading is also based on a checklist and his performance review (and thusly salary/bonuses) is dependent on their checklist saying he did his checklist.

At the lowest level of CS in my company, blindly making sure that each and every case hits each and every check on the "Things you must ask/say" list in the manual, no matter what, is worth an extra $100/m over the base salary. I suspect that many CS depts/Firms have similar procedures.
^ anyone who knows anything about support avenues should know what to expect at tier1. I'm quite sure kyle knows its not cause he's stupid or lying :rolleyes: it goes without saying. [H] does a good job calling tech supports in product eval's. but get a noob and look out! plus, most times its nothing to do with bonuses. just plain ol green!
Verizon DSL service here is weak at best.... it's been awhile since I've done a speedtest, but it was something like 350, where the advertised speed "up to" 768.... I'm lucky to see more than 80kB/s down on one file.... throw in another couple files and you'll be lucky to see 25kB/s....

Time Warner's Roadrunner was alot faster... damn near advertised speeds and very rarely a slowdown even with multiple files...

Yup, connection speeds in WV suck....
I hate comcrap. Not because they are slow but because they can't produce a correct bill. And they are incompetent.

I just moved to Dallas and got FiOS. FiOS is the bomb. 5 down 2 up. Talk about fast.

Can you get FiOS Kyle? Good stuff.
Stupid America. :p

@ 20m down I'm pretty happy with my internet.
Verizon DSL service here is weak at best.... it's been awhile since I've done a speedtest, but it was something like 350, where the advertised speed "up to" 768.... I'm lucky to see more than 80kB/s down on one file.... throw in another couple files and you'll be lucky to see 25kB/s....

Time Warner's Roadrunner was alot faster... damn near advertised speeds and very rarely a slowdown even with multiple files...

Yup, connection speeds in WV suck....

speeds here in charleston are 1.5 on verizon dsl and sudden link is @ 3meg

on my verizon 1.5 meg dsl i got 933k down and 381 up

BTW OSUguy98 when are they gonna take the road work signs down on the 79/68 junction? i have been through there plenty of times and no construction but its complete :confused:
:D I used to work for Adelphia, now TW, we absolutely had to run through a bunch of stuff before passing it on to Tier 2 guys. If not we would lose our bonuses if that call was listened to. Even when it got to Tier 2, they would have to pass it on for packet loss at a router or in an area, it wasn't good enough they spotted it, they had to verify. Even then they would sometimes say nope, no problem and make us send out a technician, until a bunch of people called in an area then they got their asses in gear.

My speeds on TW are great, don't know what they are off hand since I am at work. :D But we are still getting boned on prices compared to what Japan and other countries pay for 10 times the speed or more.
I used to have adelphia and once in a while it would go down but the customer service was very good. Now I've got Time Warner and although it is faster and rarely goes down the customer service is an embarrasment. The tech guy they sent was excellent but he was a subcontract guy. The actual staff at Time Warner is awful. Can't get billing straight, give their subcontract guys modems and cable boxes that don't work, screw up appointments, and are often rude on the phone regarding issues that are clearly their fault. It took me two weeks to get my internet service moved from one apartment to another across town and I missed two afternoons of work waiting for techs that never showed up because they had not gotten the calls from the time warner people. I pray nothing goes wrong because I despise dealing with their customer service here in Buffalo.
BTW OSUguy98 when are they gonna take the road work signs down on the 79/68 junction? i have been through there plenty of times and no construction but its complete :confused:

Good question.... it's been a few months wince I've been north of exit 137... There's not bridge project up that way (at least on the interstates)... I asked a coworker of mine who lives in Mo-town if the signs were still up and he can't remember... The only thing we could come up with was that they might still be replacing the guardrail/etc... I know between Clarksburg and Charleston they're replacing the median with cables to cut down on the rising number of head-on accidents... So they may be doing that on 68 also? In other words, I'm just a lowly bridge designer who is at the bottom of the food chain, so I dunno! lol

Ontopic though.... I'll have to check speeds again at my parent's house.... I haven't checked since the whole Time Warner/Adelphia/Comcast BS happened.... They have and have always had Road Runner, but I don't know if speeds went up or down recently... it's been almost a year since I tested there....
:( I can't even get DSL faster than 1.5Mbps/384Kbps where I live due to short sighted PacBell (others in my neighborhood can get 6Mbps DSL). I could pay 3x higher cost for faster 5Mbps/384Kbps cable, but I won't. :mad:
As a fromer Verizon DSL customer in southern WV, DSL service sucks here. I switched over to Suddenlink yesterday for 3meg, tech told me during install will be 6meg upgrade at the end of July, and 15meg by years end. for no price increase.
Shit...I live in Alaska. Just another reason I hate this god forsaken state. We should drill all the oil and natural gas out of this state and sell it back to the French...or whoever the hell we bought it from.
The Mountain State? You have got to be kidding me. They have hills. It alwasy amazes me waht folks in the east consider "mountains."

And, FiOS FTW.
Post traceroutes n whatnot on dslreports forums, they got people that watch those forums. Every time I have posted there, things get fixed quickly (time warner/adelphia user).
Shit...I live in Alaska. Just another reason I hate this god forsaken state. We should drill all the oil and natural gas out of this state and sell it back to the French...or whoever the hell we bought it from.

Russia (pre-commie)
In response to Kyle's comments--I've been having problems with my RoadRunner connection in San Antonio for many, many weeks. Here's a quick screenshot of where my problem is located:

A few weeks ago, the last few hops were continuously load-balancing and changing IPs very frequently, but that seems to have stopped on the last few hops. Now my only load-balancing problem is located on the first atdn.net hop...the issue still remains that my first hop out to Dallas (gig2-1-0.dllatxl3-rtr1.texas.rr.com) has been problematic for the past many weeks (maybe even months of 2007?).

It's so frustrating that it's operated by TimeWarner, but you can't find any person at TW that will say "yes it's our problem"...everybody says "well that's not our network, we're only San Antonio hops". I got on the phone with tech support for SBC a few years ago and eventually got bumped up to a network admin who said something like "oh wow, I'm seeing that the settings on this router are all wrong--I don't know who did that", then he fixed it and said "your connection issues should now be fixed, as well as many other customers' problems that haven't been reported yet". I'd like to chat with an admin that can do the same for TW.
Comcast near Detroit and Chicago have the same problem with routers dropping traffic. It isn't all the time, but it seems to have in 2 hour increments around 9am-11am EST and at night around 12am - 2am (sometimes it happens in between as well). I've also had the modem dropping connection in 30 minute cycles if there is no traffic on my end (IRC left on all night, I notice disconnect/reconnect every 30 minutes but only after I've gone to bed). Comcast tells me it's the modem, they came out and boosted signals but I still have the same problem. They've done this to my friend in Chicago who has the exact same symptoms and to a neighbor. My traffic is now forced to Washington DC Level3 instead of Chicago AT&T (resulting in increased ping times of 15-30ms to everywhere in the U.S.) and also has dropped my line capacity by a half.

For $33/month I'm not happy, I may be dumping it to go back to AT&T's junk DSL.
Lol at Kyle.

There is a checklist of stuff that guy has to go through first, not because he thinks you're stupid or lying, or even because it is necessary in your case, but because his monthly grading is also based on a checklist and his performance review (and thusly salary/bonuses) is dependent on their checklist saying he did his checklist.

At the lowest level of CS in my company, blindly making sure that each and every case hits each and every check on the "Things you must ask/say" list in the manual, no matter what, is worth an extra $100/m over the base salary. I suspect that many CS depts/Firms have similar procedures.

That might be true but I have to say I agree with Kyle about Comcast. Up here in PA and NJ it's ridiculous. As my sister said, it's not the customer service representative's fault; however that doesn't excuse the company from having such a horrid support structure. Three people in three different locations have all been upgraded to tier3 experts within Comcast and we still have the same symptoms reappearing every few months (without getting technical, the connection within boxes outside on the poles degrades; whether it be water leakage into the box, cheap/badly done connections, the bottom line is that the connection randomly drops (as does HD content, which is also provided on the edge of the copper wiring - the part most susceptible to connection/interference issues)), and sometimes it goes down for days at a time.

Now this is part of the frustration; we have to call Comcast again and go through the same process all over again. God forbid they give you a case or service tag number so that you can immediately be upgraded to the next tier! Oh and don't get me started on how many times I've heard the classic: "well, we'll have to schedule a tech to go out." I can tell you some really funny stories about Comcast that will just make you cry - like the time when the tech came out and forgot to attach the grounding clip outside after re-wiring a client's house. We were not about to be held liable and called Comcast to fix the problem. Three times, three different reps, each time we clearly explained that the grounding clip had not been secured OUTSIDE of the house and each time we were met with, "well are you getting reception?"

Long story short; it took five calls, two contracted techs (each time the client wasn't home and each time the tech would leave a note with Comcast, telling them the connection from the pole was fine... LOL) and finally the lead tech for Comcast fixed the problem in five minutes. If anyone has any doubts that Comcast sucks, please feel free to ask and I'll give you real letters of complaint and stories from many clients that will confirm this fact. =P Sorry to go on a rant, but after the connection dropped yesterday for a full four hours before "magically" going back to normal (again, signal degradation within the POS box outside that they refuse to replace), I just have to say: Kyle, I empathize 100%!

- James
I pay a large sum of money to Comcast each month for TV and internet access.

I've had continuing problems with On-Demand, channel quality and their menu systems.

I lost internet access on 6/18 and the earliest (already exchanged cable router) they could schedule a tech was 7/3!!!

Maybe if there was REAL competition in the marketplace, they would strive for better than 2 weeks to make a basic repair.

We all know that our Pay-To-Play political system is at the heart of this lack of competition.

The FCC is OWNED by the businesses it purports to regulate.