w00t! i killed a 6600gt!

Jan 30, 2005
Yea, while putting watercooling on it, i overtightened the screws, and BOOM DEAD CORE! stupid me. now im out 175 bucks, and need to get a new replacement.


the damage has been done.
Likewise! I was sweating bullets when I stuck the Icestorm on my 6800...

I will have no more aftermarket cooling for awhile... 7800GTX is just too expensive to risk facking up! Plus I hear it's not noisy like the 6800s...
Jesus, did you use a freaking torque wrench on that shit?

Don't work on my car ever!

Did you test it anyway? I've seen some pretty nasty chipped CPU/GPUs that still work fine.
Man, I feel your pain. I remember killing a 9800pro the day after they were released. My neighbors thought I was going insane cause I screamed for like 2 hours :p

Try selling it here or on Ebay. I got $50 for my dead card, you should be able to get something for yours ;)
i used the metal fasteners. aftermarket air didnt hurt it, aftermarket water did. the icestorm was soo easy to put on, no core issues, it was soo easy. i tested it, it was DONE FOR. everything corrupted. im thinking of selling the card, cause i dont wanna see my failure. im hoping i could fethc like 40 bucks for it.
some collectors might actually wanna pick one of these up. i dunno how big of a dead graphics card colecting field there is.
RMA it, they probobly won't even notice if you do a good job putting the original HSF back on.
if i sell it, ill make it un-RMA'able. something along the lines of scratching the core with a razor blade, or razoring hte back or writing NO RMA on the back of the card. something to make it so they cant RMA it.

ive thought of RMA'ing it, and not telling anyone, but then really, ive done enough bad so far, i dont need to do anything else that will help kill my morals. sometimes you just gotta swallow your pride and take one for the team.
Torquemada XP said:
I feel like an idiot, because I don't see what's wrong with it.

Same here. I don't see a blemish on the entire thing.
Have you tried running it anyway to test it? I've seen some video cards (GF4 Tis and a 9700pro with crushed core that still works great) work fine with fu*ked up cores.
yea i tested it out plenty. it gave me a corrupted window and bios. so i switched out to my parents fx5200, and everything is fine. so the culprit is the 6600gt.
jsut rma it and tell them the truth. Maybe they'll hook u up. What'd you got to lose?

Personally, scratching it up to keep it from future RMAs is foolish.
Pkirk618 said:
jsut rma it and tell them the truth. Maybe they'll hook u up. What'd you got to lose?

Personally, scratching it up to keep it from future RMAs is foolish.

He said he'll do that if he sells the card to someone that would just want to have it...kind of like my dead 6800 Ultra that is sitting right next to me, doing nothing....and some people just do what they're supposed to when they mess up and not make someone else pay for it. Maybe more of you will understand once you get out on your own and start paying bills and actually working.

As far as my Ultra, I'll probably turn the core into a really expensive keychain one of these days.
[UTannouncer]M-M-M-M-MONSTER KILL[/announcer]

But seriously, that sucks :( I know my AXP core has a really tiny blemish on it, and it still works flawlessly. Hell, my motherboard has two capacitors bent for my Zalman HSF to fit and it is fine :D