want 20"-24" LCD for PC/Xbox 360/HDTV use. NEC 20wmgx2? What's my best bet?

Apr 30, 2005
Im looking for a monitor in this size range. Specs I would like to see are:

8-bit panel
Low response time

I plan on connecting my computer (DVI), a HD DVR box from Comcast (component), and an xbox 360 (VGA) to it.

I havent purchased the 360 yet, but plan on buying it with the lcd. I wanted to have ONE monitor to do all of this successfully (my main issue is the monitor being able to display the xbox 360 with no stretching or scaling) AND being able to successfully watch HDTV on it as well.

Right now im leaning towards the NEC 20WMGX2....as its in my price range and i could, RIGHT NOW, get the LCD and the Xbox 360. My other options (unconfirmed) Benq FP241w, and (available) Westinghouse LVM 37w3 are a little more, and I would have to wait to save more.

Im willing to wait a LITTLE, as long as I can get some confirmation as to which setup would work the best for all three.

ANYONE out there with an NEC 20WMGX2 and can post pictures of them using an XBOX 360? How does it look?

not that i am advocating buying a dell (i have yet to use a widescreen ultrasharp :( ) but is there any particular reason you are not consideringg the dell?

it seems as though the multitude of inputs would at least be a consideration and the sheap price.

also do you want a 1920*1200 monitor or a 1680*1050 monitor?
id rather have a 1920x1200 monitor for the sheer size for use with desktop (that supported 1080 too)

but theres nothing out there now (yeah the westy for 1700.00ish w/ warranty) that is in the size i want 24" that has NO issues (dell's 2407's component quality is shit)

I wanted something with HDCP (2007 doesnt have it) and that has been confirmed to scale well with the xbox.

i thought about getting s lcds for my office, one a regular 1366x768 for tv and xbox and another for pc useage, but i dont have that much room. ... so i need somehting big, multipurpose and good functioning to serve 3 purposes.

thanks for the help!
thenixhex311 said:
Im looking for a monitor in this size range. Specs I would like to see are:

8-bit panel
Low response time

I plan on connecting my computer (DVI), a HD DVR box from Comcast (component), and an xbox 360 (VGA) to it.

I havent purchased the 360 yet, but plan on buying it with the lcd. I wanted to have ONE monitor to do all of this successfully (my main issue is the monitor being able to display the xbox 360 with no stretching or scaling) AND being able to successfully watch HDTV on it as well.

Right now im leaning towards the NEC 20WMGX2....as its in my price range and i could, RIGHT NOW, get the LCD and the Xbox 360. My other options (unconfirmed) Benq FP241w, and (available) Westinghouse LVM 37w3 are a little more, and I would have to wait to save more.

Im willing to wait a LITTLE, as long as I can get some confirmation as to which setup would work the best for all three.

ANYONE out there with an NEC 20WMGX2 and can post pictures of them using an XBOX 360? How does it look?


Well unless its a higher end LCD TV you wont be able to run native resolutions and your picture will thus be scaled. It will still look good but not full native good. Personally ..

I would wait for the new BenQ FP241W its good HDMI and HDCP not to mention its full 1080p ..so you would be future proofing your-self and if you ever get a PS3 you are totally set.
Godmachine said:
Well unless its a higher end LCD TV you wont be able to run native resolutions and your picture will thus be scaled. It will still look good but not full native good. Personally ..

I would wait for the new BenQ FP241W its good HDMI and HDCP not to mention its full 1080p ..so you would be future proofing your-self and if you ever get a PS3 you are totally set.

doh. i knew about the 'scaling' thing. I meant STRETCHING. So, how does SCALING look on these monitors?

would a scaled resolution look just as good, or would it be something that would just look 'OK' ?