WAPO Free for 6 Months to Prime Members


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
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well at least its free (for 6 months) propaganda.. an no Im not a blind partisan but all news has gotten measurably more slanted on both sides. Sad thing is I grew up with that paper in the DC area and it has gone downhill.

Don't think it has gone downhill in my opinion, but definitely seem less bipartisan due to our current administration. Still more credible than any other news source though.
No, thank you! Don't need more propaganda up my a$$!

WP is a pretty good paper. Editiorals and opinion pieces are left-leaning (which I generally agree with, for the record) but the news coverage is accurate. I actually started paying for it this past year. Quality of journalism is notably better than the average newspaper online.

WP is a pretty good paper. Editiorals and opinion pieces are left-leaning (which I generally agree with, for the record) but the news coverage is accurate. I actually started paying for it this past year. Quality of journalism is notably better than the average newspaper online.

Sure, I agree with you! The problem is, my eyes are open and I see the bullshit everywhere! Frankly, I just do not want to listen to anyone's comments these days regarding "NEWS".
The OP is trying to post a deal here. If you have anything against WP (or want to defend it) take it to the soap box. It's there for a reason so use it.

Enough of the political stuff is leaking into other areas of the forum already.
Cool, I guess. I get most of my US news from CNN, BBC, DW, Sky, etc.
The news reporting is still mostly accurate (often times using buzzwords and slight misrepresentations to paint a certain picture for those that don't read carefully); but the opinion/editorials are utter garbage. And the latter is increasingly becoming the highlight of the paper (and every other paper). WaPo should be treated like RT or Al Jezeera at this point. You can trust some of its news that doesn't relate to their own personal interests, and for that which does (washington / russian / middle eastern politics, respectively) assume that they are pushing an angle try to figure out what that angle is as you read.
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Who checks the checkers though?

RT and Al Jazeera are government sponsored papers, def not the same as WP regardless of your political leaning.

Yeah and?

Amazon (Owned by Bezos, who also owns WaPo) has secured a 600 million dollar contract with the CIA, which poses a potential conflict. Kate Martin, director of the Center for National Security Studies, said, "It's a serious potential conflict of interest for a major newspaper like The Washington Post to have a contractual relationship with the government and the most secret part of the government

Or really everything from the wiki on WaPo's "controversies". Our billionaires are russia's Oligarchs are Qatari's Royalty are Saudi's princes are mexico's cartels.
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I've found that the best American "news" is non-American news sources. They put a lot less "spin" and just stick to the facts of what happened. The WP does report the news, but definitely puts a liberal spin on their interpretation of the events.

For example, in their headline story today about the Florida shooting, they make it all of 4 paragraphs before they mention gun control. BBC News' headline article about the same event never mentions gun control once in the entire article.
Yeah remember when we used to say that government is spying on every US citizen? What dumb delusion fucks we are.

There is a difference between actually spying, and having the ability to do so...

Heck, with modern technology, even Joe the plumber down the block can probably do the same.
Seems like this is a trap. OP is trolling us. :p

Seriously though, not a bad deal if you're into echo-chamber news reporting. Everyone does it though so there is that too. Auto-renews so don't forget to cancel unless you want to sub.
maybe there will be a good deal on dank pepe memes and retweets from russian bots for the folks who dislike this particular deal
Technically, this should be in Free Stuff, shouldn't it? Anyway, I bit but I hate the automatic charge in 6 months. I hope I remember to cancel in August.
The news reporting is still mostly accurate (often times using buzzwords and slight misrepresentations to paint a certain picture for those that don't read carefully); but the opinion/editorials are utter garbage. And the latter is increasingly becoming the highlight of the paper (and every other paper). WaPo should be treated like RT or Al Jezeera at this point. You can trust some of its news that doesn't relate to their own personal interests, and for that which does (washington / russian / middle eastern politics, respectively) assume that they are pushing an angle try to figure out what that angle is as you read.

Oh come on. It's no different than the WSJ, which has a mostly right wing opinion page, but the news reporting is generally spot on. Same goes for WaPo. The opinion sections are not the highlights of those papers, unless that's what you choose to read.

For WSJ, I like to read Noonan's column. Not because I necessarily agree with her (I often do not), but because she's a great writer and I enjoy reading it.
Furthermore, the opinion page of the WaPo isn't exclusively liberal. George Will and Krauthammer have been on the Washington Post's Oped pages for years and agree or disagree with them they're not not liberal and they're not garbage and EJ Dionne or Eugene Robinson (from the left) aren't garbage either. And quite honestly, I rarely see articles by these opinion writers pushed out on news apps. Now if you got to Real Clear Politics, you'll see them (and many others), but that's because most (all?) of their highlighted articles are editorials/opinion columns.
Guess we will just have to disagree on that. I wouldn't even use it to line a bird cage.
IOW Wapo has stuff Nutzo doesn't agree with therefore it's garbage. Sheesh, I even check out the federalist and I disagree with them more times than not. And even they have complimented the WaPo in the past. The one that stands out is their reporting on Moore, which the Federalist considered solid reporting.
IOW Wapo has stuff Nutzo doesn't agree with therefore it's garbage. Sheesh, I even check out the federalist and I disagree with them more times than not. And even they have complimented the WaPo in the past. The one that stands out is their reporting on Moore, which the Federalist considered solid reporting.

Maybe he just doesn't like newspapers that have won too many pulitzers. 48 is a big number, perhaps even unfathomably large to some.